Name Yoganand
Meaning Delighted with meditation
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 9
Length 4
Zodiac Sign Scorpio

Yoganand Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Yoganand, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Yoganand means Delighted with meditation. The name Yoganand has special significance because its meaning is considered very good. If you name your child Yoganand then it will be associated with the meaning of this name for the rest of her life. After knowing the meaning of the name Yoganand, you can easily name your child Yoganand. You can see the effect of the meaning of the name Yoganand in their nature. Below, the zodiac sign, lucky number, nature, and Delighted with meditation of the name Yoganand are explained in detail.

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Yoganand's Lucky Number

Those whose name is Yoganand are under the influence of the planet Mars and their lucky number is 9. Under the influence of Mars, people with the number 9 never give up in their lives. They dare to face every difficulty boldly. There are ups and downs in their life but they overcome every crisis with their hard work and strong will. People with this number are courageous. Becoming a leader or soldier is a great career option for them. People with the name Yoganand are angry by nature. They don't listen to anyone. They like to work on their terms. People named Yoganand do everything as per their wish.

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Yoganand Personality

The zodiac sign of people named Yoganand is Scorpio. Scorpio people often think about themselves. Their nature is quite combative and they keep everyone under their pressure. People named Yoganand are supportive when needed, people of this zodiac sign know how to maintain love relationships very well. People of this zodiac sign to maintain a relationship with a person whom they trust sincerely, otherwise, they leave them. People named Yoganand get work done by others through their angry nature instead of love. They are not selfish, but some people think that they are only concerned with themselves.

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Yoganand's zodiac Scorpio Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Niksha Kiss Hindu
Nikshiptha Victory Hindu
Nikshit Sharpness Hindu
Nikshith Sharpness Hindu
Nikul Pandavas royal Prince Hindu
Nikumbh Lord Shiva, A kind of croton plant, Pot like, Name of An attendant of Shiva, Name of one of skands attendant, A form of Ganapati Hindu
Nikunj A bower Hindu
Nikunja Grove of trees Hindu
Nil Champion, Cloud, Passionate, Crow, Talktive person, Blue, Indigo, Sapphire, Treasure, A mountain Hindu
Nila Blue, Enchanting Moon, The indigo plant Hindu
Nilabh Object in the Sky cloud, Moon Hindu
Niladdri Hindu
Niladri The nilgiris, Blue mountain Hindu
Nilain Dark blue, Sapphire Hindu
Nilakantha The one with a blue throat Hindu
Nilakshi Blue eyed Hindu
Nilam Sapphire, Blue stone, Precious stone Hindu
Nilambari Blue Sky, Clothed in blue Hindu
Nilamber Blue Sky, God of Sky Hindu
Nilani The Moon Hindu
Nilanjan Blue, With blue eyes Hindu
Nilanjana Blue, One with blue eyes Hindu
Nilaruna The first light of the dawn Hindu
Nilash Blue Hindu
Nilasha Blueness Hindu
Nilashri Blue beauty Hindu
Nilavoli Ray of light from the Moon Hindu
Nilax Another name of Lord Shiva Hindu
Nilay A house, A habitation, A place to Stay, Refuge, House Hindu
Nilaya Home Hindu
Nilayan Blue eyes boy Hindu
Nile From the Nile Hindu
Nileema A beauty by its blue reflection Hindu
Nileen Surrendered Hindu
Nilesh Lord Krishna, Moon Hindu
Nilima A beauty by its blue reflection, Blue complexioned Hindu
Nilini Perpetuator of the Kuru race Hindu
Nill Battle maiden Hindu
Nilormy Blue wave of sea Hindu
Nilotpal Blue lotus Hindu
Niloufer A celestial Hindu
Niloy Hindu
Nilsa Hindu
Nilshikha Top of the blue mountain Hindu
Nilutha Providing water Hindu
Nima Born to wealthy parents, The mother of Kabir, To adjust, To measure, Younger, Smaller Hindu
Nimal Pure, Blameless, Brilliant Hindu
Nimalan Lord Murugan name Hindu
Nimeelitha Closed Hindu
Nimesh Inside viewer, Spilt second, Transient, Another name for Vishnu Hindu