Name Shobba
Meaning Brilliance, Beauty, Elegance
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 2
Length 2.5
Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Shobba Meaning

Shobba The name is considered very beautiful. Not only this, its meaning is also very good. Let us tell you that the meaning of the name Shobba is Brilliance, Beauty, Elegance. The name Shobba has special significance because its meaning is considered very good. Shobba Before naming a name, it is important to know its meaning. The name Shobba means Brilliance, Beauty, Elegance and the effect of this meaning is also visible like the person named Shobba. After knowing the meaning of the name Shobba, you can easily name your child Shobba. According to some social concepts, the meaning of the name Shobba is related to the personality of the person, that is, if the meaning of the name Shobba is then it will be reflected in your personality also. Further, the zodiac sign and lucky number of the name Shobba or the Brilliance, Beauty, Elegance of the name Shobba are explained in detail.

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Shobba's Lucky Number

The lord of the name Shobba is Saturn and your lucky number is 8. Girls whose name is Shobba and lucky number is 8, they have no shortage of money. Girls named Shobba live on their terms. They make their own rules. Girls named Shobba associated with the lucky number 8 are very interested in music. Girls named Shobba become successful with hard work and dedication. It does not depend on luck. If your number is 8 then you are kind. Girls named Shobba get success late.

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Shobba Personality

The zodiac sign of the name Shobba is Aquarius. Girls named Shobba are talented, self-controlled, and soft-hearted. Girls with the name Shobba are very intelligent and they feel proud of their intelligence. Understanding women named Shobba is not within everyone's reach. Although women named Shobba are social, they take caution while choosing friends. Girls named Shobba help everyone. They are kind by nature.

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Shobba's zodiac Aquarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Shankaran Sinkam Hindu
Shankari Goddess Parvati, Consort of Shankar Hindu
Shankarshan Brother of Lord Krishna Hindu
Shankarshini Hindu
Shankdhar Lord Krishna, The one who bears a conch Hindu
Shankesh Hindu
Shankh A shell, Conch, Auspicious, A number equivalent to 10 billion crores Hindu
Shankha A shell, Conch, Auspicious, A number equivalent to 10 billion crores Hindu
Shankhamala A fairy-tale princess Hindu
Shankhapani Lord Vishnu, The one who bears the Shankh in his hand Hindu
Shankhi Ocean Hindu
Shankhin Lord Vishnu, The one who bears the Shankh Hindu
Shankir Lord Shiva, One who causes happiness Hindu
Shanldia Flute Hindu
Shanmathi Good sense Hindu
Shanmith Hindu
Shanmitha Consort of yavati Hindu
Shanmugam Six faces Hindu
Shanmughan Lord Subramanyan Hindu
Shanmuk God Hindu
Shanmuka Shanmuka means Lord of Subramaniam son of Lord Shiva, Lord kartikeyalord Murugan Hindu
Shanmukh Lord Kartikeya, Having six faces, Epithet of kaarttikeya, Desitiny (first son of Lord Shiva) Hindu
Shanmukha Shanmuka means Lord of Subramaniam son of Lord Shiva, Lord kartikeyalord Murugan (First son of Lord Shiva) Hindu
Shanmukhan Shanmuka means Lord of Subramaniam son of Lord Shiva, Lord kartikeyalord Murugan Hindu
Shanmukhi Six faces Goddess, Name of naga Devatha Hindu
Shanmuki Hindu
Shannin Old, Wise, River, Auspicious, Fortunate, Happy Hindu
Shannu Hindu
Shansa Praise Hindu
Shansita Praise, Desired, Celebrated Hindu
Shant Saintly person, Tranquil, Calm, Saint Hindu
Shanta Peaceful, Calm Hindu
Shantah Peaceful Lord Hindu
Shantala Goddess Parvati, Calm cool Hindu
Shantam Quite Hindu
Shantan King, Whole Hindu
Shantanav Bhishma pitamaha Hindu
Shantanu Wholesome, A king from the epic Mahabharata (Great grandfather of the Pandavas and Kauravas; Father of Bhishma, Chitranga and Vichitravirya; Married to Ganga and Satyavati.) Hindu
Shantappa Peace Hindu
Shantaram Hindu
Shantashil Gentle Hindu
Shantha Peaceful Hindu
Shanthala Goddess Parvati, Calm cool Hindu
Shanthamma Mother of peace Hindu
Shanthan King, Whole Hindu
Shanthi Peace Hindu
Shanthini The meaning of the name is peace, Calm, And quiet Hindu
Shanti Peace Hindu
Shantidev Lord of peace Hindu
Shantidoot Shanti ka doot Hindu