Name Shamik
Meaning Ancient sage, Peaceful, Restrained
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 7
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Shamik Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Shamik, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Shamik means Ancient sage, Peaceful, Restrained. Due to Ancient sage, Peaceful, Restrained the name Shamik becomes very beautiful. The name Shamik is considered very good in the scriptures and its meaning is also liked by the people. As we told you Shamik means Ancient sage, Peaceful, Restrained and you can also see the effect of this meaning in the behavior of the person named Shamik. According to some social concepts, the meaning of the name Shamik is related to the personality of the person, that is, if the meaning of the name Shamik is then it will be reflected in your personality also. Further, the zodiac sign of the name Shamik, the lucky number of Shamik, and the Ancient sage, Peaceful, Restrained of this name are briefly explained.

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Shamik's Lucky Number

Shamik The ruling planet of the name is Saturn and the lucky number is 8. People with name Shamik are adept at saving money, hence they always have money. People with the name Shamik live on their terms. They make their own rules. They like music very much. People named Shamik do not depend on others' help or luck. They reach the heights of success through their efforts. People named Shamik are kind by nature. They get success late.

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Shamik Personality

People named Shamik belong to the Aquarius zodiac sign. People named Shamik are self-controlled and talented. People with this name are intelligent as well as proud of their wisdom. It is a little difficult to understand the nature of people with this zodiac sign. Despite being social, people named Shamik are careful while choosing friends. People named Shamik are very sympathetic towards others and like to help people.

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Shamik's zodiac Aquarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Shrila Beautiful, Bestowed by Lakshmi, Happy, Fortunate, Wealthy, Eminent fortunate Hindu
Shrilata Lustrous creeper Hindu
Shrilaxmi Goddess Laxmi, Divine Lakshmi Hindu
Shrilekha Lustrous essay Hindu
Shrilesh Hindu
Shriman A respectable person, Beautiful Man Hindu
Shrimant Pleasant, Charming, Royal, Wealthy Hindu
Shrimat Auspicious, Lord Vishnu, Revered Hindu
Shrimate Revered, Lord Hanuman Hindu
Shrimath Auspicious, Lord Vishnu, Revered Hindu
Shrimati Goddess Lakshmi, Fortunate Hindu
Shrimayi Fortunate Hindu
Shrimohan Lord Krishna, Attractive Hindu
Shrina Goddess Lakshmi, Foremost, Best, First, Night Hindu
Shrinand Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna Hindu
Shrinath Lord shrinathji, Lord Vishnu consort of Goddess Lakshmi) Hindu
Shrinay Hindu
Shrinchana Hindu
Shrineel Lord Vishnu, Blue-complexioned God Hindu
Shrinesh Hindu
Shringaravelan Lord Murugan, Beautiful Velan, The one who dresses up Hindu
Shringesh Lord of pearls Hindu
Shrinidhi Treasure, Wealth, Prosperity Hindu
Shrinika Lotus in the heart of Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi, Night Hindu
Shriniketan Lord Vishnu, Abode of beauty, Lotus flower, Abode of Lakshmi, Epithet of Vishnu Hindu
Shrinish Hindu
Shrinitha Goddess Lakshmi, Sri - prosperity, Happiness, Good fortune, Success, High rank, Dignity, Sacredness, Glory, Fame, The insignia superhuman power - Nita - led, Guided, Righteous, Well behaved Hindu
Shrinivas Lord Venkateshwara, Residence of Goddess of wealth, Abode of wealth Hindu
Shrinkhala Born in the month of Shravan, Series Hindu
Shrinkhla Series Hindu
Shripad Lord Vishnu, Divine feet Hindu
Shripadma Lord Krishna, Lotus-hued Hindu
Shripal Lord Krishna, Lord Vishnu Hindu
Shripati Lord Vishnu, Consort of Shri (Shri - Lakshmi) Hindu
Shrirajat Hindu
Shriram Lord Rama, Pleasing, Rejoicing, Charming and beautiful Hindu
Shrirang Lord Vishnu, Holy color, Name of Vishnu, Name of Shiva, Name of a king who founded the city of seringapatam, Name of a vaishnava temple near trichinopoly Hindu
Shriranga Lord Vishnu, Holy color, Name of Vishnu, Name of Shiva, Name of a king who founded the city of seringapatam, Name of a vaishnava temple near trichinopoly Hindu
Shriranjan Lord Vishnu, Amusing Lakshmi, Epithet of Vishnu Hindu
Shrish Lord of wealth, Lord Vishnu Hindu
Shrisha Goddess of wealth, Lord Vishnu, Lord of fortune Hindu
Shrishail Lord Shiva, Lord of the mountains Hindu
Shrishakthi Hindu
Shrishti Universe, Nature, World Hindu
Shristhi Best of all, Creation, Remembrance, Universe or entire world Hindu
Shristi Best of all, Creation, Remembrance, Universe or entire world Hindu
Shrita Goddess Lakshmi, Dressed, Prepared, Mixed Hindu
Shritama This name means like the Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Shrithik Lord Shiva Hindu
Shrivali Goddess Lakshmi, A kind of plant Hindu