Name Shailendra
Meaning King of mountains, Himalaya
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 1
Length 4
Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Shailendra Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Shailendra, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Shailendra means King of mountains, Himalaya. Having King of mountains, Himalaya is considered very good and this is also reflected in the people named Shailendra. For this reason also, before naming the child, its meaning should be known. By keeping the name Shailendra, your child also acquires the qualities that are included in its meaning. It is believed that if your name is Shailendra and its meaning is King of mountains, Himalaya, then it also has a deep impact on the personality of the person. Below, the zodiac sign, lucky number, nature, and King of mountains, Himalaya of the name Shailendra are explained in detail.

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Shailendra's Lucky Number

Shailendra The ruling planet of the name is Saturn and the lucky number is 8. People with the number 8 never face a shortage of money, because they know how to save money well. People named Shailendra do not like to follow the rules made by anyone, they make their own rules. They like music very much. People named Shailendra do not depend on others' help or luck. They reach the heights of success through their efforts. They are kind but they get success in their life a little late.

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Shailendra Personality

The zodiac sign of the name Shailendra is Aquarius. They are self-controlled and very soft-hearted people, they have no dearth of qualities. People with this name are intelligent as well as proud of their wisdom. It is not easy to understand people named Shailendra. Despite being social, people named Shailendra are careful while choosing friends. People named Shailendra are very sympathetic towards others and like to help people.

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Shailendra's zodiac Aquarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Gandhar Fragrance Hindu
Gandhara Fragrance Hindu
Gandharaj King of fragrance Hindu
Gandhari From Gandhara (Wife of Dhritarastra, she blindfold herself after the marriage.) Hindu
Gandharika Preparing perfume Hindu
Gandharin Fragrant, Sweet smelling Hindu
Gandharv Celestial musician, Singer, Divine musician, Another name for Surya Hindu
Gandharva Celestial musician, Singer, Divine musician, Another name for Surya Hindu
Gandharvavidya Tatvangna exponent in the art of celestials Hindu
Gandhi An Indian family name Hindu
Gandhik Fragrance, Perfume seller, Aroma Hindu
Gandhini Fragrant Hindu
Gandira Hero Hindu
Gandiva The bow of Arjuna Hindu
Gandivdhanav Another name of Arjun Hindu
Ganendra Lord of a troop Hindu
Ganesa Lord Ganesh, Lord of the army Hindu
Ganesan Lord Ganesh, Lord of the army Hindu
Ganesh Lord Ganesh, Lord of the army (Son of Lord Shiva & Parvati) Hindu
Ganesha Lord Ganesh, Lord of the army (Son of Lord Shiva & Parvati) Hindu
Ganga River Ganga (Married to Shantanu; Mother of Bhishma; Goddess of the sacred river, Ganga.) Hindu
Gangadatt Gift of the ganges Hindu
Gangadhar Holding the Ganga, Lord Shiva Hindu
Gangadhara Lord of river Ganga, Lord Shiva Hindu
Gangadutt Gift of the ganges Hindu
Gangah Fast, Free flowing, The holy and purifying river ganges Hindu
Gangaj Son of Ganga Hindu
Gangamaindan Lord Murugan, Son of Ganga Hindu
Gangasiruvan Lord Murugan, Gangas boy siruvan - boy Hindu
Gangavar Goddess Gangas boon Hindu
Gangavathi Subramaniam Hindu
Gangesh Lord Shiva, Lord of Ganga Hindu
Gangesha Lord Shiva, Lord of Ganga Hindu
Gangeya Of the Ganga Hindu
Gangeyan Lord Murugan, Son of Ganga, Bheeshm, Also a metronymic of Skand, Nutgrass Hindu
Gangi Sacred, Pure, Comparable to the Ganges, Another name for Goddess Durga Hindu
Gangika Sacred, Pure, Another name for Goddess Durga, River Ganga Hindu
Gangol A precious Hindu
Gangothry Starting place of the river Ganga Hindu
Gangotri Sacred river of india Hindu
Ganika Jasmine flower, Conscious, Flower Hindu
Ganishkha Goddess Parvati Hindu
Ganit Garden, Troop, Numerate, Honoured, Mathematics Hindu
Ganitha Regarded Hindu
Ganjan Surpassing, Excelling, Winning, Vanquishing, First Hindu
Gannath An epithet of Lord Shiva Hindu
Gannika Valuable, Cherished, The Jasmine blossom Hindu
Gannon The God of silence Hindu
Ganpat Lord Ganesh, Lord of a group of close devotees, Who have reached the climax of devotion Hindu
Ganpati Lord of all ganas group of souls, Lord Ganesh Hindu