Name Satyabhama
Meaning Consort of Lord Krishna (Wife of Lord Krishna)
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 1
Length 4.5
Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Satyabhama Meaning

Satyabhama The meaning of the name is Consort of Lord Krishna (Wife of Lord Krishna). If you know the meaning of Satyabhama before naming your baby, it can make your baby's life better. Having Consort of Lord Krishna (Wife of Lord Krishna) is considered very good and this is also reflected in the people named Satyabhama. Satyabhama Before naming a name, it is important to know its meaning. The name Satyabhama means Consort of Lord Krishna (Wife of Lord Krishna) and the effect of this meaning is also visible like the person named Satyabhama. After knowing the meaning of the name Satyabhama, you can easily name your child Satyabhama. It is believed that a person with the name Satyabhama can have a glimpse of Consort of Lord Krishna (Wife of Lord Krishna) in his nature. Read further to know the zodiac sign of the name Satyabhama, what is its lucky number, and Consort of Lord Krishna (Wife of Lord Krishna) of the name Satyabhama in detail.

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Satyabhama's Lucky Number

The zodiac sign of the name Satyabhama is Saturn and the lucky number is 8. Girls whose name is Satyabhama and lucky number is 8, they have no shortage of money. The most special thing about the girls named Satyabhama of this number is that they make their own rules. Girls named Satyabhama have a lot of interest in music. Girls named Satyabhama become successful with hard work and dedication. It does not depend on luck. Women named Satyabhama achieve success in their lives but later they are kind.

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Satyabhama Personality

Aquarius is the zodiac sign of a girl named Satyabhama. Girls named Satyabhama have self-control and are very soft-hearted. There is no dearth of qualities in them. Girls named Satyabhama do not lack intelligence and are very proud of their knowledge. Aquarius women whose name is Satyabhama are not easily understood by anyone. Despite being social, the women of Satyabhama are careful when choosing friends. Girls named Satyabhama help everyone. They are kind by nature.

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Satyabhama's zodiac Aquarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Skandha God of war, Also known as Kartikeya, Lord Murugan Hindu
Skimitha Goddess name Hindu
Sloka Verse, Hindu Mantra or verse of praise Hindu
Slokh Hymns of Lord, Verse, Hindu Mantra or verse of praise Hindu
Smahi Progress Hindu
Smarajit Winner of the battle, Victorious in war or Lord Vishnu, One who has conquered lust Hindu
Smaran Remembrance Hindu
Smarathi To remember, Recollect Hindu
Smaya Smile Hindu
Smayan Smile Hindu
Smeeral To remember, Precious, Lovable person Hindu
Smeet Devine smile Hindu
Smeetha Smiles Hindu
Smera Smiling Hindu
Smiral To remember, Precious, Lovable person Hindu
Smiren Smiling Hindu
Smiritha Remembered Hindu
Smirti Recollection Hindu
Smit Devine smile Hindu
Smita Smile, Smiling Hindu
Smitakshi The girl who possess calmness in her eyes...and has the capacity to express her feelings through her eyes Hindu
Smital It means always smiling Hindu
Smitavaktra One with a smiling face Hindu
Smitesh Hindu
Smith Devine smile Hindu
Smitha Smile, Smiling Hindu
Smithika Hindu
Smiti Happiness Hindu
Smitraj Smile Hindu
Smridhi Hindu
Smrita Provided with nectar, Wealthy, Remembered Hindu
Smrithi Meeting, Remembrance, Memory, Wisdom Hindu
Smriti Meeting, Remembrance, Memory, Wisdom Hindu
Smritiman Unforgettable Hindu
Smruthasarvardhanashana Destroyer of devotees sins through their meditation and concentration Hindu
Smruthi Memory Hindu
Smruti Memory Hindu
Smyan Smile Hindu
Sneagen Friend Hindu
Sneh Love Hindu
Sneha Affection Hindu
Snehadra Hindu
Snehakant Lord of Love Hindu
Snehal Friendly Hindu
Snehalata Creeper of Love, Vine of Love Hindu
Snehali Full of Love Hindu
Snehan Affectionate Hindu
Snehanshn Affectionate Hindu
Snehant Hindu
Snehardh A true friend Hindu