Name Sathyapriya
Meaning Devoted to truth, Love to truth
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 8
Length 5
Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Sathyapriya Meaning

Sathyapriya The name is considered very beautiful. Not only this, its meaning is also very good. Let us tell you that the meaning of the name Sathyapriya is Devoted to truth, Love to truth. Having Devoted to truth, Love to truth is considered very good and this is also reflected in the people named Sathyapriya. Sathyapriya Before naming a name, it is important to know its meaning. The name Sathyapriya means Devoted to truth, Love to truth and the effect of this meaning is also visible like the person named Sathyapriya. After knowing the meaning of the name Sathyapriya, you can easily name your child Sathyapriya. You can see the effect of the meaning of the name Sathyapriya in their nature. Further, the zodiac sign and lucky number of the name Sathyapriya or the Devoted to truth, Love to truth of the name Sathyapriya are explained in detail.

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Sathyapriya's Lucky Number

Sathyapriya The ruling planet of the name is Saturn and the lucky number is 8. Girls whose name is Sathyapriya and lucky number is 8, they have no shortage of money. Girls named Sathyapriya live on their terms. They make their own rules. People whose name is Sathyapriya like music very much. Girls named Sathyapriya related to number 8 do not depend on luck or help but achieve success based on their hard work and efforts. If your number is 8 then you are kind. Girls named Sathyapriya get success late.

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Sathyapriya Personality

The zodiac sign of the name Sathyapriya is Aquarius. Girls named Sathyapriya are talented, self-controlled, and soft-hearted. Girls named Sathyapriya associated with Aquarius are very proud of themselves because they have no lack of intelligence. Understanding women named Sathyapriya is not within everyone's reach. Although girls named Sathyapriya talk well with everyone, they make friends very carefully. Girls named Sathyapriya help everyone. They are kind by nature.

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Sathyapriya's zodiac Aquarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Gandiva The bow of Arjuna Hindu
Gandivdhanav Another name of Arjun Hindu
Ganendra Lord of a troop Hindu
Ganesa Lord Ganesh, Lord of the army Hindu
Ganesan Lord Ganesh, Lord of the army Hindu
Ganesh Lord Ganesh, Lord of the army (Son of Lord Shiva & Parvati) Hindu
Ganesha Lord Ganesh, Lord of the army (Son of Lord Shiva & Parvati) Hindu
Ganga River Ganga (Married to Shantanu; Mother of Bhishma; Goddess of the sacred river, Ganga.) Hindu
Gangadatt Gift of the ganges Hindu
Gangadhar Holding the Ganga, Lord Shiva Hindu
Gangadhara Lord of river Ganga, Lord Shiva Hindu
Gangadutt Gift of the ganges Hindu
Gangah Fast, Free flowing, The holy and purifying river ganges Hindu
Gangaj Son of Ganga Hindu
Gangamaindan Lord Murugan, Son of Ganga Hindu
Gangasiruvan Lord Murugan, Gangas boy siruvan - boy Hindu
Gangavar Goddess Gangas boon Hindu
Gangavathi Subramaniam Hindu
Gangesh Lord Shiva, Lord of Ganga Hindu
Gangesha Lord Shiva, Lord of Ganga Hindu
Gangeya Of the Ganga Hindu
Gangeyan Lord Murugan, Son of Ganga, Bheeshm, Also a metronymic of Skand, Nutgrass Hindu
Gangi Sacred, Pure, Comparable to the Ganges, Another name for Goddess Durga Hindu
Gangika Sacred, Pure, Another name for Goddess Durga, River Ganga Hindu
Gangol A precious Hindu
Gangothry Starting place of the river Ganga Hindu
Gangotri Sacred river of india Hindu
Ganika Jasmine flower, Conscious, Flower Hindu
Ganishkha Goddess Parvati Hindu
Ganit Garden, Troop, Numerate, Honoured, Mathematics Hindu
Ganitha Regarded Hindu
Ganjan Surpassing, Excelling, Winning, Vanquishing, First Hindu
Gannath An epithet of Lord Shiva Hindu
Gannika Valuable, Cherished, The Jasmine blossom Hindu
Gannon The God of silence Hindu
Ganpat Lord Ganesh, Lord of a group of close devotees, Who have reached the climax of devotion Hindu
Ganpati Lord of all ganas group of souls, Lord Ganesh Hindu
Gaoushik Lord Buddha, A patronymic of Vishvamitra, An epithet of Shiva, Love, Passion, An epithet of Indra Hindu
Gaousik Lord Buddha, A patronymic of Vishvamitra, An epithet of Shiva, Love, Passion, An epithet of Indra Hindu
Garati Virtuous woman Hindu
Garg Name of a saint, Bull, A sage Hindu
Gargee The person who inspires to think, An ancient scholar Hindu
Gargi The person who inspires to think, An ancient scholar Hindu
Garima Warmth Hindu
Gariman Heaviness, Weighty, Profound Hindu
Garin Grace, Holiness, Dignity, Power, One of the eight siddhis of the science of Yoga Hindu
Garishit Heaviest Hindu
Garisht Heaviest Hindu
Garjan Thunder Hindu
Garud The king of birds, Falcon Hindu