Name Rashmin
Meaning Sunlight
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 1
Length 3.5
Zodiac Sign Libra

Rashmin Meaning

Most parents want to name their child Rashmin but before that, they do not try to know its meaning. Rashmin The meaning of the name is Sunlight. By naming your child Rashmin, you can give a new direction to his/her life. The name Rashmin is considered very good in the scriptures and its meaning is also liked by the people. It is also said in the Vedas that before giving Rashmin to the child, the parents should get complete information about it. It is believed that if your name is Rashmin and its meaning is Sunlight, then it also has a deep impact on the personality of the person. Further, the zodiac sign and lucky number of the name Rashmin or the Sunlight of the name Rashmin are explained in detail.

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Rashmin's Lucky Number

If your name is Rashmin, then your zodiac planet is Venus and your lucky number is 6. People with the number 6 are more beautiful. People with the number 6 like cleanliness. If given a chance in the field of art, they can perform well. People named Rashmin have a lot of patience and are especially fond of traveling. The life of people with number 6 is full of prosperity and people with name Rashmin never have any shortage of money. People named Rashmin get a lot of love and they also get full support from their family.

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Rashmin Personality

The zodiac sign of the name Rashmin is Libra. People of the Libra zodiac sign often think about their benefits, hence they remain unbalanced. People of this zodiac sign often change their minds according to circumstances. They can think far ahead and are also excellent at giving arguments. People named Rashmin run away from responsibility. Because of this, they are never able to make any decision. However, they are soft by nature, which is their specialty. It is a habit of people named Rashmin to compare themselves with others.

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Rashmin's zodiac Libra Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Rochit Glorious, Delighting, Wonderous Hindu
Roddur Sunshine Hindu
Rogini Hindu
Rohaan A river in paradise, Ascending, A blossom, Another name for Vishnu, Finest Indian steel, Rising Hindu
Rohak Rising, Ascending Hindu
Rohan A river in paradise, Ascending, A blossom, Another name for Vishnu, Finest Indian steel, Rising Hindu
Rohana Sandalwood Hindu
Rohanlal Lord Krishna, Rohan - name of a mountain, Adams peak in ceylon, Ascending, Climbing, Name of Vishnu, Lal - derived from laalana, Red, Son, Beloved, Favorite, It is often used as suffix Hindu
Rohant Ascending Hindu
Rohanth Ascending Hindu
Rohati To grow Hindu
Rohi A music tune, Soul, A flower, Who touches the heart Hindu
Rohidas Servant of The Sun Hindu
Rohil Armored battle maiden Hindu
Rohin Iron, Rising Hindu
Rohini A star, A cow, Ascending, Tall, Indian steel Hindu
Rohiniraman The enchanted Lord Hindu
Rohinish The Moon Hindu
Rohinth The Sun Hindu
Rohit Red, The Sun, Jewellery, A rainbow, Blood Hindu
Rohita Daughter of Lord Brahma, Shining, Red Hindu
Rohitaksh Eyes of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Rohitasva (Son of king Harish Chandra) Hindu
Rohith Red, The Sun, Jewellery, A rainbow, Blood Hindu
Rohitha Daughter of Lord Brahma, Shining, Red Hindu
Rohni Hindu
Rohnish The Moon Hindu
Rohtak The Sun Hindu
Rohtash Hindu
Roith Hindu
Rojita Hindu
Rojitha Hindu
Rolee Sindoor, The red powder used in Tika during a holy ceremony, Famous land Hindu
Roli Sindoor, The red powder used in Tika during a holy ceremony, Famous land Hindu
Roly Sindoor, The red powder used in Tika during a holy ceremony, Famous land Hindu
Romana Romantic Hindu
Romasha Consort of king bhavayavya Hindu
Romeet Enjoying Hindu
Romeo One who has made a pilgrimage to rome Hindu
Romesh God of Lord Rama, Lord Vishnu Hindu
Romica Hindu
Romik Magnet, Salt Hindu
Romil Hindu
Romila Heartfelt Hindu
Romini Beautiful girl, Beautiful woman, Pretty, Affectionate, Pleasant, Happy Hindu
Romir Interesting, Pleasant Hindu
Romit Enjoying Hindu
Rommo Funny, Comedy Hindu
Romola Hairy, Charming, The female form of romulus Hindu
Ronav One who embodies grace and charm, Aka. handsome Hindu