Name Raagini
Meaning A melody, Music, Love, An Apsara or celestial nymph, A form of Indian classical musical, Another name for Lakshmi
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 5
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Libra

Raagini Meaning

Raagini The meaning of the name is A melody, Music, Love, An Apsara or celestial nymph, A form of Indian classical musical, Another name for Lakshmi. If you know the meaning of Raagini before naming your baby, it can make your baby's life better. Having A melody, Music, Love, An Apsara or celestial nymph, A form of Indian classical musical, Another name for Lakshmi is considered very good and this is also reflected in the people named Raagini. The name Raagini is considered very good in the scriptures and its meaning is also liked by the people. Because of the meaning of the name, people named Raagini are very much liked in society. It is believed that a person with the name Raagini can have a glimpse of A melody, Music, Love, An Apsara or celestial nymph, A form of Indian classical musical, Another name for Lakshmi in his nature. Further, the zodiac sign of the name Raagini, the lucky number of Raagini, and the A melody, Music, Love, An Apsara or celestial nymph, A form of Indian classical musical, Another name for Lakshmi of this name are briefly explained.

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Raagini's Lucky Number

Raagini The lord of the name is Venus and the lucky number is 6. Girls named Raagini are the center of attraction. They are also very beautiful. Girls with number 6 like cleanliness. If given a chance in the field of art, they can perform well. Girls named Raagini have a lot of patience and are especially fond of traveling. Girls with the number 6 attract others very quickly. Girls named Raagini get full support from their families and are also very beloved.

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Raagini Personality

The zodiac sign of women with the name Raagini is Libra. Girls of Raagini associated with the Libra zodiac sign often think about their benefits, hence they remain unbalanced. Girls named Raagini change according to their needs. Girls named Raagini associated with the Libra zodiac sign are logical. They think far ahead. Girls named Raagini do not like to take responsibility and, hence never make decisions on their own. Their nature is also soft. These people always keep comparing people and things with each other.

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Raagini's zodiac Libra Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Tarpana Offering made to divine entities Hindu
Tarpani Satisfying, Offering oblations Hindu
Tarpini Offering oblations, Satisfying Hindu
Tarsh Wish, Thirst, Desire, Shapely, Profit, Boat, Ocean, Sun boat Hindu
Tarshit Thirsty, Desirous Hindu
Tarshita Thirsty, Desirous Hindu
Taru Tree Hindu
Tarulata A creeper Hindu
Tarulatha Creeper Hindu
Tarun Connection, Young, Youth, Ageless, Gentle Hindu
Taruna Young girl, Youmg Hindu
Tarundeep Hindu
Tarunesh Young, Youth Hindu
Taruni Young girl, Young woman Hindu
Tarunii Young girl Hindu
Tarunika Young girl Hindu
Tarunima Youth Hindu
Taruntapan Morning Sun Hindu
Tarusa Conqueror Hindu
Tarush Conqueror, Small plant, Victor Hindu
Tarushi Courges, Victory Hindu
Tarushree Goddess Hindu
Tasha Birth Hindu
Tashi Prosperity Hindu
Tashu Horse Hindu
Tashvi Composed, Charming Hindu
Tasmay Hindu
Tasmee Love Hindu
Tasya Hindu
Tataka (Demoness (rakshasi) killed by Rama; mother of Mareecha) Hindu
Tathagat The Buddha, Title of the Buddha Hindu
Tathagata The Buddha, Title of the Buddha Hindu
Tatharaj Lord Buddha Hindu
Tathvik Hindu
Tathya Fact, Truth, Lord Shiva Hindu
Tatini River Hindu
Tatsam Co-coordinator Hindu
Tatva Element Hindu
Tatvagyanaprad Granter of wisdom Hindu
Tatvagyanaprada Granter of wisdom Hindu
Tatya Fact, Truth, Lord Shiva Hindu
Taulik Painter Hindu
Taurus Hindu
Taushini Goddess Durga, Satisfying, Appeasing, Pleasing, Name of Durga Hindu
Tautik Pearl Hindu
Tavalin One with God in maditation, Religious, Meditative Hindu
Tavanesh Another name of Lord Shiva Hindu
Tavasya Strength Hindu
Taveshi The name of Goddess Durga, Courage, Divine, Strength, Bravery, Virgin, River Hindu
Tavish Heaven, Strong, Brave, Vigorous, Ocean, Gold ocean Hindu