Name Pyaremohan
Meaning Lord Krishna, Very much loved and attractive
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 8
Length 5.5
Zodiac Sign Virgo

Pyaremohan Meaning

Pyaremohan The name is considered very beautiful. Not only this, its meaning is also very good. Let us tell you that the meaning of the name Pyaremohan is Lord Krishna, Very much loved and attractive. Having Lord Krishna, Very much loved and attractive is considered very good and this is also reflected in the people named Pyaremohan. Let us tell you that by naming your baby Pyaremohan, you can increase the positive possibilities in her life. By keeping the name Pyaremohan, your child also acquires the qualities that are included in its meaning. You can see the effect of the meaning of the name Pyaremohan in their nature. Below, the zodiac sign, lucky number, nature, and Lord Krishna, Very much loved and attractive of the name Pyaremohan are explained in detail.

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Pyaremohan's Lucky Number

Pyaremohan's zodiac planet is Mercury and the lucky number is 5. They lack discipline, but they do not need to make any plans to achieve success. People with the number 5 make their own goals and work according to their wishes. People named Pyaremohan are interesting. Their mental strength is stronger than others. People named Pyaremohan are at the forefront of gaining knowledge. They do not hesitate in doing or thinking anything new and whatever they have to do, they do it with full enthusiasm.

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Pyaremohan Personality

People named Pyaremohan are of Virgo zodiac sign. People named Pyaremohan do not like disorganized things, they like to keep all the things in the right place. People with this name have a dual personality and sometimes they behave in different ways. In matters of career, people named Pyaremohan prefer the fields of writing, music, media communication, etc. Whatever people named Pyaremohan desire, they get it gradually. People of the Virgo zodiac sign like to wear brightly colored clothes. Besides, they like new clothes very much.

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Pyaremohan's zodiac Virgo Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Poorvesh Earth Hindu
Poorvi A classical melody, From the east Hindu
Poorvijha Hindu
Poorvika Orient, Formerly Hindu
Poorvith Hindu
Pooshitha Nourished, Defended, Loved Hindu
Poovendan Leader Hindu
Poovithana Hindu
Pornima Full Moon day Hindu
Poroma Hindu
Porush Powerful Hindu
Posh Month in Hindu calendar Hindu
Poshit Nourished, Defended, Loved Hindu
Poshita Nourished, Defended, Loved Hindu
Poshitha Nourished, Defended, Loved Hindu
Pothraj Brave guy Hindu
Poulomi Goddess Saraswati, Lord indras second wife Hindu
Pourab Hindu
Pournami Day of the full Moon Hindu
Pournima Full Moon night Hindu
Poushali Of the month poush Hindu
Praachi East, Orient Hindu
Praachik Long-legged, Driving Hindu
Praachika Driving, Falcon, Long-legged, Spider Hindu
Praadha Supreme, Prominent Hindu
Praagya Lord Vishnu, Prowess, Intellect Hindu
Praakrit Nature, Handsome, Natural Hindu
Praakriti Original, Nature, The personification of brahman or the supreme spirit Hindu
Praan Breath of life, Life, Spirit, Energy, Might, Another name for Brahma and Vishnu Hindu
Praana Soul, Spirit Hindu
Praanad Anthor name for Lord Vishnu and Brahma, Life giving Hindu
Praanak Living, Life giving Hindu
Praanjal Honest or soft, Dignified, Simple, Self-respecting, Sincere Hindu
Praanjali Self-respecting, Respectful, Honest & soft, Simple Hindu
Praanshu High, Tall, Mighty Hindu
Praanvi Forgiveness, Goddess of life, Maa Parvati Hindu
Praapti Achievement, Discovery, Gain, Determination Hindu
Praasha Desire, A mark of Love Hindu
Praatar Glorious, Shineing, The dawn, Bright Hindu
Praatika Image, Beautiful, Symbol, Symbolic Hindu
Prabaharan Hindu
Prabakaran Hindu
Prabal Coral, Strong, Powerful Hindu
Prabanjan Hindu
Prabavathi Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Parvati, Goddess of wealth and courage, Also name came from the Sun, A Raagini (Wife of Sun) Hindu
Prabha Light, Glow, Shine, Brilliance, An Apsara or celestial nymph Hindu
Prabhaav Effect, Popular Lord, Lord Hanuman, Origin, Majesty, Power, Excellent, Eminent, Brilliance Hindu
Prabhada Lady Hindu
Prabhakar The Sun, The Moon, Creating light Hindu
Prabhakaran Hindu