Name Marich
Meaning Another name of the Sun
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 7
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Leo

Marich Meaning

Most parents want to name their child Marich but before that, they do not try to know its meaning. Marich The meaning of the name is Another name of the Sun. Having Another name of the Sun is considered very good and this is also reflected in the people named Marich. Marich Before naming a name, it is important to know its meaning. The name Marich means Another name of the Sun and the effect of this meaning is also visible like the person named Marich. By keeping the name Marich, your child also acquires the qualities that are included in its meaning. It is believed that if your name is Marich and its meaning is Another name of the Sun, then it also has a deep impact on the personality of the person. Further, the zodiac sign and lucky number of the name Marich or the Another name of the Sun of the name Marich are explained in detail.

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Marich's zodiac Leo Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Mateah Honored, Desired, Liked Hindu
Math Bear, Jewel, Magnet Hindu
Mathan Cupid, God of Love Hindu
Matheysh Lord Shiva Hindu
Mathi The Moon, Thought, Prayer, Mind, Decision, Respect, Will decision, Intelligence, Memory Hindu
Mathisha Bitter Hindu
Mathrudev One who worships his mother, For one whom mother is the deity Hindu
Mathura An ancient religious city Hindu
Mati The Moon, Thought, Prayer, Mind, Decision, Respect, Will decision, Intelligence, Memory Hindu
Matil Intelligent Hindu
Matisha Bitter Hindu
Matra Mother, Name of Goddess Hindu
Matre Hindu
Matrika Mother, Name of Goddess Hindu
Matru Native, Motherly Hindu
Matsendra King of the fishes Hindu
Matsyendra Lord of the fish Hindu
Maukshi Spirited, Energy, Nerve Hindu
Mauktik Pearl Hindu
Maulashree Hindu
Maulesh Chndra mauleshawar (Lord Shiva) Hindu
Mauli Name of Lord Shiva, Crown of hair Hindu
Maulik Precious, Valuable, Dear, Ultimate, Original, Essential ultimate Hindu
Maulika The original, Love Hindu
Maulisha Hindu
Maurima Dark skinned, Moor Hindu
Maury Hindu
Maurya King, Leader Hindu
Mausam Season Hindu
Mausami Seasonal Hindu
Maushmi Beauty, Monsoon wind Hindu
Mausluni Monsoon wind Hindu
Mausum Season Hindu
Mausumi Beauty, Monsoon wind Hindu
Mavee Hindu
Mavji Lord Krishna Hindu
Mawlik The precious Hindu
Maya Goddess Lakshmi, Wealth, Unreality, Compassion, Sympathy, An unreal or illusory image, Name of mother of Buddha, Prakriti, Affection, An epithet of Lakshmi, Art, Wisdom, One of the nine shaktis of Vishnu Hindu
Mayamanushyacharitra Incarnation of the human form to establish Dharma Hindu
Mayamareechahantre Slayer of demon tatakas son mariachi Hindu
Mayan Water source, Indifferent to wealth Hindu
Mayandi The name of a supreme God who is well caring and loving Hindu
Mayank The Moon, Distinguished Hindu
Mayanka The Moon Hindu
Mayanshi Related o Goddess Laxmi Hindu
Mayas Refreshment, Pleasure, Joy, -lodern baby names Hindu
Mayawati Hindu
Mayil Full of grace, Like a peacock Hindu
Mayon The black God Hindu
Mayoor Peacock Hindu