Name Maanyata
Meaning Principles, Assumption
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 22
Length 3.5
Zodiac Sign Leo

Maanyata Meaning

Maanyata The name is considered very beautiful. Not only this, its meaning is also very good. Let us tell you that the meaning of the name Maanyata is Principles, Assumption. By naming your child Maanyata, you can give a new direction to his/her life. For this reason also, before naming the child, its meaning should be known. As we told you Maanyata means Principles, Assumption and you can also see the effect of this meaning in the behavior of the person named Maanyata. It is believed that if your name is Maanyata and its meaning is Principles, Assumption, then it also has a deep impact on the personality of the person. Further, the zodiac sign of the name Maanyata, the lucky number of Maanyata, and the Principles, Assumption of this name are briefly explained.

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Maanyata's zodiac Leo Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Mantra Hymns, Holy chants, Vedic hymn, Prayer, Another name for Vishnu and Shiva Hindu
Mantram Holy name, Lord Vishnu Hindu
Mantrana Advice, Thought Hindu
Mantraraj Hymns, Holy chants Hindu
Mantrin The knower of hymns, Wise, Articulate, Adviser, With knowledge of the sacred texts Hindu
Manu Wise, Attractive, Ruler of the earth, Founder father of human beings, An Apsara or celestial nymph, Intelligent, Humankind, Paradise, Thought Hindu
Manuj Human, Born of Manu, Man (Son of Manu) Hindu
Manuja Human, Born of Manu, Woman Hindu
Manuni Respectable Hindu
Manuprairna Inspiration of original Man Hindu
Manurai Founder father of human beings Hindu
Manuraj Kuber Hindu
Manus Hindu
Manushi Woman, Goddess Laxmi, Kind Hindu
Manushree Laxmi Devi, Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Manushri Goddess Lakshmi, Consort of Manu (Vishnu), Shri - Lakshmi Hindu
Manusmitha Hindu
Manusri Goddess Lakshmi, Consort of Manu (Vishnu), Shri - Lakshmi Hindu
Manva Mind identifier Hindu
Manveer Brave heart Hindu
Manveet Human Hindu
Manveeta Most respectable Hindu
Manvendra King among men Hindu
Manvi Girl with humanity, One who poses all best qualities Hindu
Manvik One who is consious, Intellegent, Kind hearted Hindu
Manvir Brave heart Hindu
Manvit Human Hindu
Manvita Most respectable Hindu
Manvith Human Hindu
Manvitha Most respectable Hindu
Manwendra King among men Hindu
Manya The quiet one, Worthy of honor, Respected, Honourable Hindu
Manyashree Worthy of honor Hindu
Manyasri Hindu
Manyata Principles, Assumption Hindu
Manyu Mind Hindu
Manzil Destination Hindu
Maragatham Emerald, It is very precious natural stone in the world Hindu
Marakatham Hindu
Maral Swan, Deer, Soft, Gentle Hindu
Marala Swan Hindu
Maralika Small swan Hindu
Maran Sea Hindu
Mardav Softness Hindu
Mareech Another name of the Sun (Who assumed form of suvarna mriga (golden deer) and help abduct Sita) Hindu
Mareechi Ray of light, Name of a star Hindu
Mareesha Traveler Hindu
Mareeswari Hindu
Maresh God Hindu
Margi Traveler Hindu