Name Maanini
Meaning Lady, Nobel, Women, Self respected
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 7
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Leo

Maanini Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Maanini, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Maanini means Lady, Nobel, Women, Self respected. Having Lady, Nobel, Women, Self respected is considered very good and this is also reflected in the people named Maanini. For this reason also, before naming the child, its meaning should be known. After knowing the meaning of the name Maanini, you can easily name your child Maanini. It is believed that a person with the name Maanini can have a glimpse of Lady, Nobel, Women, Self respected in his nature. Further, the zodiac sign of the name Maanini, the lucky number of Maanini, and the Lady, Nobel, Women, Self respected of this name are briefly explained.

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Maanini's zodiac Leo Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Manya The quiet one, Worthy of honor, Respected, Honourable Hindu
Manyashree Worthy of honor Hindu
Manyasri Hindu
Manyata Principles, Assumption Hindu
Manyu Mind Hindu
Manzil Destination Hindu
Maragatham Emerald, It is very precious natural stone in the world Hindu
Marakatham Hindu
Maral Swan, Deer, Soft, Gentle Hindu
Marala Swan Hindu
Maralika Small swan Hindu
Maran Sea Hindu
Mardav Softness Hindu
Mareech Another name of the Sun (Who assumed form of suvarna mriga (golden deer) and help abduct Sita) Hindu
Mareechi Ray of light, Name of a star Hindu
Mareesha Traveler Hindu
Mareeswari Hindu
Maresh God Hindu
Margi Traveler Hindu
Margshi Hindu
Margu Name of a Goddess Hindu
Mariappan Tamil Goddess name mariamman Hindu
Marich Another name of the Sun Hindu
Marichi Ray of light, Name of a star Hindu
Marichika Mirage, Ray Hindu
Mariichi Ray of light, Name of a star Hindu
Marine Manu the great Hindu
Mariraj A world king Hindu
Marisa Of the sea, Bitterness Hindu
Marjana Precious stone Hindu
Markanday A devotee to Lord Shiva, A sage who wrote Devi mahatmyam Hindu
Markandeya A devotee to Lord Shiva, A sage who wrote Devi mahatmyam Hindu
Markhandeyan Devotee of Lord Shiva Hindu
Marmik Intelligent, Influential, Insightful, Perceptive Hindu
Marsh Steward, Patience, Deliberation Hindu
Marsha Respectable Hindu
Marshan Defence or of the sea, Patient Hindu
Martand The Sun, Sun God Hindu
Martanda The Sun, Sun God Hindu
Marthand The Sun, Sun God Hindu
Marthika Hindu
Marudeva Lord of the desert Hindu
Marudha Place of farms Hindu
Marudham From the lush green fields Hindu
Marushika Born with blessings of Lord Shiva Hindu
Marut Air, God of the wind, Another name for Lord Vishnu, Brilliant, Breeze, The storm God, Belonging to the wind Hindu
Marutatmaj Most beloved like gems Hindu
Marutatmaja Adored like gems Hindu
Maruth Air, God of the wind, Another name for Lord Vishnu, Brilliant, Breeze, The storm God, Belonging to the wind Hindu
Maruthi Lord Hanuman, Son of the wind, An epithet of Hanuman Hindu