Name Kaman
Meaning Desired
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 4
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Gemini

Kaman Meaning

Most parents want to name their child Kaman but before that, they do not try to know its meaning. Kaman The meaning of the name is Desired. The name Kaman has special significance because its meaning is considered very good. If you name your child Kaman then it will be associated with the meaning of this name for the rest of her life. By keeping the name Kaman, your child also acquires the qualities that are included in its meaning. According to some social concepts, the meaning of the name Kaman is related to the personality of the person, that is, if the meaning of the name Kaman is then it will be reflected in your personality also. Read further to know the zodiac sign of the name Kaman, what is its lucky number, and Desired of the name Kaman in detail.

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Kaman's Lucky Number

Those whose name is Kaman are under the planet Mercury and their lucky number is 5. People named Kaman are lucky, intelligent, and quick-witted. People with number 5 love freedom in their life. People with the name Kaman do not like making promises at all. They are so hardworking that they can do every difficult task easily and they also have the qualities to become businessmen. Number 5 is a symbol of luck and adventure, hence these qualities are also seen in people related to this number. People with the name Kaman associated with the number 5 lack patience and sometimes make decisions in haste.

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Kaman Personality

Those whose name is Kaman, their zodiac sign is Gemini. People with Gemini zodiac signs like to meet people. They always choose work that keeps them busy and gives them a chance to meet new people. People named Kaman like to do work that involves facing new challenges every day. People named Kaman like to do new things every day. These people start feeling burdened with only one work. Those whose zodiac sign is Gemini can become teachers, actors, writers, or salesmen. People whose zodiac sign is Gemini are often considered untrustworthy.

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Kaman's zodiac Gemini Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Kanchanabha Golden hued body Hindu
Kanchi Brilliant, A pilgrimage centre in south india, A waistband Hindu
Kandan Cloud, God Hindu
Kandarp God of Love Hindu
Kandarpa Cupid Hindu
Kandhal Attractive Hindu
Kandhan Cloud, God Hindu
Kandhara Lute Hindu
Kaneen Young Hindu
Kaneera Grain Hindu
Kaneshka Small Hindu
Kangana Bracelet Hindu
Kangna Bracelet Hindu
Kangsha Desire, Want Hindu
Kanha Young, Lord Krishna Hindu
Kanhaiya Lord Krishna, Adolescent Hindu
Kanhaiyalal Lord Krishna, The beloved adolescent Hindu
Kanhu One of the childhood name of Lord Krishna Hindu
Kani Girl Hindu
Kanija Metals Hindu
Kanik Atom, Small, A grain, An atom Hindu
Kanika An atom, Small, Girl Hindu
Kanil Power, Indestructible Lord Vishnu like Hindu
Kanimoli Speaks with a gentle tone Hindu
Kanimozhi Lovable Hindu
kaninika Eyeball Hindu
Kanira Grain Hindu
Kanisa Beautiful Hindu
Kanish Caring Hindu
Kanisha Beautiful Hindu
Kanishk An ancient king, Small, A king who followed buddhism Hindu
Kanishka An ancient king, Small, A king who followed buddhism Hindu
Kanishkaa An ancient king, Small, A king who followed buddhism Hindu
Kanishkan Lord Brahma, Gold thing Hindu
Kanishkar Hindu
Kanishta Youngest Hindu
Kanita Iris of the eye Hindu
Kanitha Iris of the eye Hindu
Kanj Lord Brahma, Born in water Hindu
Kanjak Water and earth born Hindu
Kanjalochana Lotus eyed God Hindu
Kanjam Lotus, Nectar Hindu
Kanjan Produced from water, Born of water, Another name for the Love God Kaama Hindu
Kanjari A bird Hindu
Kanji Another name of Lord Krishna Hindu
Kanjira Tambourine Hindu
Kanjri Bird Hindu
Kank Scent of the lotus, Heron, Fragrance of the lotus Hindu
Kanka Fragrance of the lotus Hindu
Kankalini One with necklace of bones Hindu