Name Dussalan
Meaning One of the kauravas
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 1
Length 4.5
Zodiac Sign Pisces

Dussalan Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Dussalan, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Dussalan means One of the kauravas. The name Dussalan has special significance because its meaning is considered very good. The name Dussalan is considered very good in the scriptures and its meaning is also liked by the people. After knowing the meaning of the name Dussalan, you can easily name your child Dussalan. According to some social concepts, the meaning of the name Dussalan is related to the personality of the person, that is, if the meaning of the name Dussalan is then it will be reflected in your personality also. Read further to know the zodiac sign of the name Dussalan, what is its lucky number, and One of the kauravas of the name Dussalan in detail.

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Dussalan's Lucky Number

The zodiac lord of the name Dussalan is the planet Jupiter. Their lucky number is 3. People with this number are attractive and gain a lot of popularity. People whose name is Dussalan know how to fulfill their responsibilities well. People named Dussalan live their lives by following rules, principles, and discipline. People named Dussalan have a stubborn and obstinate nature and their enemies are more than their friends. People named Dussalan generally have good health, but they may be at risk of diabetes.

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Dussalan Personality

The zodiac sign of people named Dussalan is Pisces. Most of the people with this name are interested in spirituality. People named Dussalan keep trying to provide themselves with peace. People with the name Dussalan have a calm mind. They do not like any kind of disturbance. People named Dussalan stay away from fights. They feel that other people should respect their ideas.

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Dussalan's zodiac Pisces Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Chayank The Moon Hindu
Chayla Fairy Hindu
Chedi Which cut and break, Leader, Charming, Wise, King and founder of the Chedi dynasty Hindu
Cheena Pure white marble Hindu
Chelan Deep water, Consciousness Hindu
Cheliyan Rich, Resourceful, Prosperous Hindu
Chellam Pampered Hindu
Chellamani Precious gem Hindu
Chellamma Pampered girl Hindu
Chellamuthu Precious Pearl Hindu
Chellapan Precious Hindu
Chelsea Landing place or port, Seaport. place name Hindu
Cheluva Looking handsome Hindu
Chemmal Premier, Best Hindu
Chenna Lord Vishnu Hindu
Cheranraj Life Hindu
Cheranya Hindu
Cherasya Hindu
Cherika The Moon Hindu
Cherith Beloved Hindu
Cherry Fruit Hindu
Chervik Validation Hindu
Cheshta To try, Desire Hindu
Cheshtaa To try, Desire Hindu
Chetak Rana prataps horse, Thoughtful, Pensive Hindu
Chetaki Conscious Hindu
Chetal Having life, Vitality Hindu
Chetan Intelligence, Perceiption, Sprit of life, Vigour, Life Hindu
Chetana Perceptive or consciousness or life or excellent intelligence, Power of intellect or alert, Vigour, Perception Hindu
Chetanaanand Supreme Joy Hindu
Chetananand Supreme Joy Hindu
Chetandeep Hindu
Chetansai Hindu
Chetas Mind, Perception, Intelligence, Brilliance Hindu
Chethan Intelligence, Perceiption, Sprit of life, Vigour, Life Hindu
Chethana Perceptive or consciousness or life or excellent intelligence, Power of intellect or alert Hindu
Chethanya Hindu
Chethasaa By consciousness Hindu
Chethna Perceptive or consciousness or life or excellent intelligence, Power of intellect or alert, Vigour, Perception Hindu
Chetna Perceptive or consciousness or life or excellent intelligence, Power of intellect or alert, Vigour, Perception Hindu
Chetsi Hindu
Chetty Mind Hindu
Chetu Hindu
Chevatkodiyon Lord Murugan, One with a rooster in his battle flag Hindu
Chezian Graceful Hindu
Chidaakaash Absolute, Brahma Hindu
Chidaatma Supreme spirit, Big soul Hindu
Chidakash Absolute, Brahma Hindu
Chidambar Generous, One whose heart is as big as the Sky Hindu
Chidambaram Home of Lord Shiva Hindu