Name Dhruba
Meaning The polar star, Firm, Unshakable
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 9
Length 2.5
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius

Dhruba Meaning

Dhruba The meaning of the name is The polar star, Firm, Unshakable. If you know the meaning of Dhruba before naming your baby, it can make your baby's life better. Having The polar star, Firm, Unshakable is considered very good and this is also reflected in the people named Dhruba. The name Dhruba is considered very good in the scriptures and its meaning is also liked by the people. Because of the meaning of the name, people named Dhruba are very much liked in society. It is believed that if your name is Dhruba and its meaning is The polar star, Firm, Unshakable, then it also has a deep impact on the personality of the person. Further, the zodiac sign of the name Dhruba, the lucky number of Dhruba, and the The polar star, Firm, Unshakable of this name are briefly explained.

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Dhruba's zodiac Sagittarius Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Bhaagya Fate, Happiness, Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Bhaakosh Treasure of light, Another name for the Sun Hindu
Bhaam Light, Brilliance Hindu
Bhaama Charming, Famous, Passionate woman, Brilliance, Beautiful Hindu
Bhaamini Brilliant, Beautiful, Passionate, Woman Hindu
Bhaanavi Descendent of the Sun, Brilliant, Sacred Hindu
Bhaanish Visionary, Having the faculty of seeing Hindu
Bhaanu The Sun, Brilliant, Virtuous, Beautiful, Ruler, Eminence Hindu
Bhaanuj Born of the Sun Hindu
Bhaanuja River Yamuna, Born of the Sun Hindu
Bhaarati Indian, Well-groomed, Descended from Bharat, Eloquent Hindu
Bhaarav Bowstring Hindu
Bhaarava Pleasant, The Tulsi plant, Adaptable Hindu
Bhaargav Lord Shiva, Attaining radiance, Coming from Bhrigu, An epithet of Shiva, The planet venus, A good archer Hindu
Bhaargavi Goddess Durga, Laxmi, Goddess Parvati, Beautiful Hindu
Bhaasin The Sun, Brilliant Hindu
Bhaaskar Brilliant, Illuminated, Creater, The Sun, Fire, Gold Hindu
Bhaasu The Sun Hindu
Bhaasur Splendid, A hero, Bright, Shining, Crystal, Brilliant, The shining God, Holy Hindu
Bhaasvan Lustrous, Full of brightness, Brilliant, Another name for the Sun God Surya Hindu
Bhaasvar Resplendent, Luminious, Bright, Brillent, Shining Hindu
Bhaavan Creator, Solicitous, Charming, Brilliant, Another name for Lord Krishna, Palace Hindu
Bhaavana Good feelings, Emotions Hindu
Bhaaviki Natural, Emotional Hindu
Bhaavini Emotional, The beautiful woman eminent, Emotional, Caring, Noble, Beautiful Hindu
Bhaavitha Name of Goddess Durga Hindu
Bhaavya Grand, Splendid, Virtuous, Composed, Another name for Goddess Paarvati, Beautiful, Brilliant Hindu
Bhadra Good, Auspicious, Galaxy, Fair complexioned, Attractive, Worthy, Wealthy, Successful, Happy Hindu
Bhadraa Good, Auspicious, Galaxy, Fair complexioned, Attractive, Worthy, Wealthy, Successful, Happy Hindu
Bhadrak Handsome, Brave, Worthy Hindu
Bhadrakaali Fierce form of Kali, Goddess Durga Hindu
Bhadrakali Fierce form of Kali, Goddess Durga Hindu
Bhadrakapil Lord Shiva, Auspicious, Benevolent and tawny colored, An epithet of Shiva Hindu
Bhadraksh One with beautiful eyes Hindu
Bhadran Auspicious, Fortunate Man Hindu
Bhadrang Beautiful body Hindu
Bhadranidhi Treasure of goodness Hindu
Bhadrapriya Goddess Durga, She who is interested in doing good to her devotees Hindu
Bhadrashree Sandalwood tree Hindu
Bhadresh Lord Shiva, Lord of nobles, Prosperity and happiness, An epithet of Shiva Hindu
Bhadrik Noble, Lord Shiva Hindu
Bhadrika Noble, Beautiful, Worthy, Propitious Hindu
Bhadrinath Lord of mount Badri Hindu
Bhadrisha Hindu
Bhadrusha The ganges Hindu
Bhagaditya The Sun which bestows wealth Hindu
Bhagan Happy Hindu
Bhagat Devotee, Disciple Hindu
Bhagath Devotee, Disciple Hindu
Bhagavan The Lord Hindu