Name Barun
Meaning Lord of the waters, Neptune, All enveloping Sky, A vedic God regarded as the supreme deity, He is seen as upholding heaven and earth and guarding immortality
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 2
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Taurus

Barun Meaning

Most parents want to name their child Barun but before that, they do not try to know its meaning. Barun The meaning of the name is Lord of the waters, Neptune, All enveloping Sky, A vedic God regarded as the supreme deity, He is seen as upholding heaven and earth and guarding immortality. By keeping the name Barun, your child also starts behaving like the meaning of this name. If you name your child Barun then it will be associated with the meaning of this name for the rest of her life. After knowing the meaning of the name Barun, you can easily name your child Barun. You can see the effect of the meaning of the name Barun in their nature. Read further to know the zodiac sign of the name Barun, what is its lucky number, and Lord of the waters, Neptune, All enveloping Sky, A vedic God regarded as the supreme deity, He is seen as upholding heaven and earth and guarding immortality of the name Barun in detail.

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Barun's Lucky Number

People named Barun come under the planet Venus. Their lucky number is 6. People whose lucky number is 6 are attractive. People named Barun love cleanliness and are artistic. People whose lucky number is 6, like to travel. These people are patient. You may get a chance to go on a foreign trip in your life. They love their parents very much and get a lot of love in return.

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Barun Personality

Those whose name is Barun, their zodiac sign is Taurus. People with name Barun are very attached to the people around them, friends, jobs, work, and other things, and are honest towards them. People with the name Barun like to live a life without any ups and downs. People with the name Barun associated with the Taurus sign are stubborn because they do not like change. Despite being stubborn, people named Barun are cheerful, tolerant, and trustworthy. People whose name starts with Barun can be easily trusted.

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Barun's zodiac Taurus Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Utkars Prosperity or awakening or high quality, Advancement - to rise Hindu
Utkarsh Prosperity or awakening or high quality, Advancement - to rise Hindu
Utkarsha Advancement, Supreme, Beautiful, Wealth, Eminence, To shine forth to come forth Hindu
Utkarshraj Utkarshraj means the ruler whose time is marked by prosperity and advancement Hindu
Utkashana Commanding Hindu
Utkrishta Best Hindu
Utpal Water Lily, Fleshless, Lotus blossom, Blossoming Hindu
Utpala Lotus, A river Hindu
Utpalabha Lotus like Hindu
Utpalaksh Lord Vishnu, Utpal - open wide, Aksh - eyes Hindu
Utpalakshi Goddess Laxmi, She who has lotus-like eyes (Utpal - lotus, Akshi - eye Hindu
Utpalini Lotus pond Hindu
Utpar Cheerful, Infinite Hindu
Utpatti Creation Hindu
Utsa Spring Hindu
Utsah Anxiely, Goddess Laxmi, Happiness, Excitement, Energy, Courage, Determination Hindu
Utsang Embrace Hindu
Utsaran Hindu
Utsarg Dedicating, Emission, Giving, Gift, Donation, Sacrifice Hindu
Utsav Celebration, Festival, Occasion, Desire Hindu
Utsavi Festivities Hindu
Utsuka Exited Hindu
Uttal Strong, Formidable, Powerful, Quick, Best, Mighty, Tall, Loud mighty Hindu
Uttam Best Hindu
Uttamesh Lord Shiva, Supreme God Hindu
Uttank Cloud, Disciple Hindu
Uttar North, Answer, Better, Another name for Shiva (Son of king Virata) Hindu
Uttara Higher, North the direction, Name of a start, Better, Outcome (Princess of Virata, pupil of Arjuna as Brihhannala (his disguised identity as the eunuch dance teacher during the Pandavas final year of exile).) Hindu
Uttarak Lord Shiva, Dweller, Name for Shiva Hindu
Uttiya A name in buddhist literature Hindu
Vaagdevi Goddess of learning, Goddess Saraswati Hindu
Vaagiswari Goddess Saraswathi Hindu
Vaahila Name of air Hindu
Vaalaky One of the kauravas Hindu
Vaani Speech Hindu
Vaanya Hindu female deity of forests, Van ki Devi, Gods gift, God is gracious Hindu
Vaarahi One who rides on varaah, Is one of the matrikas, A group of seven or eight mother Goddess in the Hindu religion Hindu
vaarida Cloud Hindu
Vaaridhar Cloud Hindu
Vaarini The one who prevents Hindu
Vaaruni The Goddess who is the power of Varuna, A Goddess Hindu
Vaasaki Hindu
Vaasanthi Of Spring, Name of a musical Raagini Hindu
Vaasava Lord Indra, The chief of the vasus Hindu
Vaasavadatta A name in Sanskrit classics Hindu
Vaasu Wealth Hindu
Vaathavega One of the kauravas Hindu
Vaatika Garden Hindu
Vaayu Breeze, Wind, Divine Hindu
Vaayun God, Lively, Moving, Active, Alive, Clear Hindu