Name Amahira
Meaning Only one expert in every field
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 6
Length 4
Zodiac Sign Aries

Amahira Meaning

If you are thinking of naming your child Amahira, then it is important to know its meaning first. Let us tell you that Amahira means Only one expert in every field. Due to Only one expert in every field the name Amahira becomes very beautiful. The name Amahira is considered very good in the scriptures and its meaning is also liked by the people. After knowing the meaning of the name Amahira, you can easily name your child Amahira. People with the name Amahira are exactly like the meaning of their name. The zodiac sign of the name Amahira, the lucky number of the name Amahira, and the personality of the people with the name Amahira or the meaning of this name, etc. are explained further.

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Amahira's Lucky Number

The ruling planet of the name Amahira is Mars and its lucky number is 9. Girls with number 9 are mentally very strong and have a unique spirit to fight every difficulty. There may be many obstacles before starting any work, but women named Amahira achieve success with their passion. Girls named Amahira with the number 9 do not have any kind of fear in their minds, which sometimes becomes the cause of their problems. Girls named Amahira have leadership qualities. Girls named Amahira do not lag in maintaining friendship and enmity.

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Amahira Personality

Girls whose name is Amahira, and their zodiac sign is Aries, are courageous and have confidence in themselves. They are self-confident and always want to know something. Being courageous, girls named Amahira do not shy away from taking risks. Girls named Amahira are always ready for new work. Amahira's girls don't like challenges. She is always full of energy. Girls named Amahira have a lot of ego and stubbornness. Amahira Name Women do not like to compromise with their careers. She doesn't trust anyone even in matters of money.

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Amahira's zodiac Aries Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Loveyansh Part of lady & Man, Love Hindu
Lovish Famous battle Hindu
Lovyam The Sun Hindu
Loxi Hindu
Lucia The light of india Hindu
Lucky Shubh Hindu
Luckyraj From lucania, Fortunate Hindu
Luhan Hindu
Luhit Name of a river Hindu
Lukesh King of the empire Hindu
Lukesha King of the empire Hindu
Lukeshwar Hindu
Lukeshwari King of the empire Hindu
Lumbika A musical instrument Hindu
Lumbini The grove where Buddha was born Hindu
Lunasha Beauty of flower Hindu
Luni Salty Hindu
Lupesh Hindu
Luv First of Lord ramas twin son (Son of Lord Rama) Hindu
Luvkush Hindu
Luvleen Absorbed in Love Hindu
Luvya Lovable Hindu
Lyna A devoted one, Tender, Woman of magdala, To be present in latent, United, Noble Hindu
Akalin Pure Hindu
Akalka Free from impurity, Moonlight Hindu
Akalmash Stainless Hindu
Akalpa Ornament Hindu
Akancha Desire Hindu
Akand Calm Hindu
Akane Someone you cannot stop loving Hindu
Akangsha Desire, Wish, Ambition, Hope Hindu
Akanksha Desire, Wish Hindu
Akansh Desire, Wish Hindu
Akansha Wish, Desire Hindu
Akanshit One who is desired Hindu
Akanya One who is outstanding example of peace & humility Hindu
Akarsh Attractive Hindu
Akarsha Above everybody Hindu
Akarshana Attraction Hindu
Akash The Sky, Open mindedness Hindu
Akasha Flew in the Sky Hindu
Akashdeep Illuminated heavenly realm, Star in the Sky Hindu
Akashini Women with beautiful hair Hindu
Akashleena Star Hindu
Akendra Name of a God Hindu
Akhalesh Name of Shankar jee Hindu
Akhand Unbroken Hindu
Akharsh Attract Hindu
Akhil Complete Hindu
Akhila Complete Hindu