The zodiac sign plays an important role in the life of every individual, regardless of their gender. It helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses unique to each person based on their zodiac sign. The zodiac sign provides insights into various aspects of a person's life, including their love life, career, social concerns, likes, and dislikes. Each zodiac sign has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, like the Virgo zodiac sign, as mentioned in astrology. Therefore, by understanding your zodiac sign, you can gain insights into your future, your personality traits as related to your zodiac sign, your compatibility with a partner, and your beliefs. How successful a girl will be in her life, which field she will excel in, and when she may face failures can all be determined by her zodiac sign. If your zodiac sign is Virgo, you can discover many intriguing aspects of your nature through it. Every person aspires to pursue a career of their choice. However, at times, despite putting in considerable effort, it can be challenging to realize those dreams. This challenge may be related to your Virgo zodiac sign. In such situations, your zodiac sign can help identify the most suitable career path for you, as well as the potential hurdles you might encounter while pursuing a career in a particular field. Virgo Based on your zodiac sign, you can gain insights into many aspects of your life, such as the quality of your married life, family support, your approach to relationships, and whether you tend to be hardworking or inclined toward laziness. Many more questions related to your personality can find their answers within your Virgo zodiac sign. If you wish to understand your nature better, you should identify the ruling planet of your Virgo zodiac sign. By delving deep into the characteristics of this ruling planet, you can gain valuable self-knowledge. Essentially, each zodiac sign has its ruling planet. If the nature of the ruling planet of a zodiac sign is fierce, then the nature of individuals born under that sign will also tend to be fierce. Conversely, if the ruler of the Virgo zodiac sign is gentle, then the nature of individuals associated with that sign will be likewise – quiet and gentle-hearted.

Boy names starting with

Girl names starting with

Girl names of Virgo with meanings

Name Meaning Religion
Palashini Green, Covered in greenery, A river Hindu
Palaksi White Hindu
Palakshi White Hindu
Pal King, Guardian, Moment Hindu
Pakshi Bird Hindu
Pakshalika On the right path Hindu
Pakhi Bird Hindu
Pakhee Bird Hindu
Pahi Petal of a flower Hindu
Pahel To start Hindu
Paheal First Hindu
Padnuni Lotus Hindu
Padmodbhava One who emerged out of the lotus Hindu
Padmini Lotus, A collection of lotuses Hindu
Padmavati Goddess Lakshmi, Residing on lotus, An epithet of Lakshmi, An epithet of Goddess Manasa, Name of consort of Yudhishthir, Name of consort of Jaydev, Name of a river full of lotuses, Name of a city Hindu
Padmavathi Goddess Lakshmi, Residing on lotus, An epithet of Lakshmi, An epithet of Goddess Manasa, Name of consort of Yudhishthir, Name of consort of Jaydev, Name of a river full of lotuses, Name of a city Hindu
Padmavasa One who resided in lotus Hindu
Padmasundari Beautiful like the lotus Hindu
Padmasree Divine lotus Hindu
Padmashri Divine lotus Hindu
Padmashree Divine lotus Hindu
Padmaroopa Like a lotus Hindu
Padmarekha Lotus like lines on palm Hindu
Padmapriya Lover of lotus, Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Padmanethra Similar Hindu
Padmanabhapriya Beloved of Padmanabha Hindu
Padmanabhapriya Beloved of Padmanabha Hindu
Padmamukhi Lotus faces Hindu
Padmamalini Goddess Lakshmi, Wearing a garland of lotuses, An epithet of Lakshmi Hindu
Padmamaladhara Wearer of lotus garland Hindu
Padmalochana Lotus eyed Hindu
Padmalaya Lake of lotuses Hindu
Padmal Lotus Hindu
Padmakshya One with lotus like eyes Hindu
Padmakshi One with lotus like eyes Hindu
Padmakalyani Name of a Raga Hindu
Padmakali Lotus bud Hindu
Padmajai Born from lotus, Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Padmaja Born from lotus, Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Padmagriha Who resides in a lotus Hindu
Padmapriya Lover of lotus, Goddess Lakshmi Hindu
Padamavati Goddess Lakshmi, Residing on lotus, An epithet of Lakshmi, An epithet of Goddess Manasa, Name of consort of Yudhishthir, Name of consort of Jaydev, Name of a river full of lotuses, Name of a city Hindu
Paayal Anklet Hindu
Paawni Purifier, Whose touch make you pure, Sacred Hindu
Paawani Honey, Lord Hanuman, True, Holy Hindu
Paavni Purifier, Whose touch make you pure, Sacred Hindu
Paavani Purifier, Whose touch make you pure, Sacred Hindu
Paavana Holy, Sacred, Freshness, Purity Hindu
Paatalavati Wearing red-color attire Hindu
Paatala Goddess Durga, Red in color Hindu
Paarvati Goddess Durga, A patronymic of Daksha, Living in the mountain, Of the mountains Hindu
Paarul Beautiful, Practical, Kind, Name of a flower Hindu
Paarthivi Daughter of the earth, Another name for Sita and Lakshmi Hindu
Paanchali Consort of Pandavas, One from the kingdom of panchala, Draupadis name Hindu
Paajas Goddess Laxmi, Firmness, Vigor, Strength, Glitter, Sheen, Brightness, Heaven and earth Hindu