Baby Names

Hindu baby names with meanings

Name Meaning
Meenu Fish which moves with ease everywhere bestowing Love and peace over her surroundings getting pride to all, Paradise, A gem, Precious stone
Meenal Precious gem, Stone
Meenakshi A women with a beautiful eyes, Fish eyed
Meena Precious blue stone, Fish, Jewel
Meeli Bitter, A meeting, To find
Meelan Union
Meehika Mist, Fog
Medini The earth
Medhya Mighty, Clean, Fresh
Medhinee The earth
Medhavi Wise, Very intelligent
Medhasvi Goddess Saraswati, Vitality, Strength, Vigour, Ability, Power, Intellect, Knowledge, Prudence, Wisdom, Memory, A form of Sarasvati, Understanding, Name of a sister of Agni
Medhansh Who born with intelligence
Medhani Of intelligence
Medhaj Chief
Medhaavi Wise, Very intelligent
Medha Intellect, Goddess Saraswati
Medh Intellect, Goddess Saraswati
Medant Danav ka ant karne vala
Mazhilan Give Happy to life
Mayurika With peacock feathers
Mayuri Pea-hen
Mayuresh Karthikeya - son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. he travels on a peacock (Mayur), Lord of peacock
Mayuran Lord Murugan, The one who has a peacock as his vehicle
Mayurakhsi Eye of the peacock
Mayura Peacock, Illusion
Mayur Peacock
Mayukhi Pea-hen
Mayukha Ray of light, Brightness
Mayukh Brilliance, Brilliant, Splendor
Mayuka Pea-hen
Mayuk Brilliance, Brilliant, Splendor
Mayra Beloved, Favorable, Admirable, Marvellous
Mayoora Peacock, Illusion
Mayoor Peacock
Mayon The black God
Mayil Full of grace, Like a peacock
Mayas Refreshment, Pleasure, Joy, -lodern baby names
Mayanshi Related o Goddess Laxmi
Mayanka The Moon
Mayank The Moon, Distinguished
Mayandi The name of a supreme God who is well caring and loving
Mayan Water source, Indifferent to wealth
Mayamareechahantre Slayer of demon tatakas son mariachi
Mayamanushyacharitra Incarnation of the human form to establish Dharma
Maya Goddess Lakshmi, Wealth, Unreality, Compassion, Sympathy, An unreal or illusory image, Name of mother of Buddha, Prakriti, Affection, An epithet of Lakshmi, Art, Wisdom, One of the nine shaktis of Vishnu
Mawlik The precious
Mavji Lord Krishna
Mausumi Beauty, Monsoon wind
Mausum Season
Mausluni Monsoon wind
Maushmi Beauty, Monsoon wind
Mausami Seasonal
Mausam Season
Maurya King, Leader
Maurima Dark skinned, Moor
Maulika The original, Love
Maulik Precious, Valuable, Dear, Ultimate, Original, Essential ultimate
Mauli Name of Lord Shiva, Crown of hair
Maulesh Chndra mauleshawar (Lord Shiva)
Mauktik Pearl
Maukshi Spirited, Energy, Nerve
Matsyendra Lord of the fish
Matsendra King of the fishes
Matru Native, Motherly
Matrika Mother, Name of Goddess
Matra Mother, Name of Goddess
Matisha Bitter
Matil Intelligent
Mati The Moon, Thought, Prayer, Mind, Decision, Respect, Will decision, Intelligence, Memory
Mathura An ancient religious city
Mathrudev One who worships his mother, For one whom mother is the deity
Mathisha Bitter
Mathi The Moon, Thought, Prayer, Mind, Decision, Respect, Will decision, Intelligence, Memory
Matheysh Lord Shiva
Mathan Cupid, God of Love
Math Bear, Jewel, Magnet
Mateah Honored, Desired, Liked
Matangi Goddess of Matanga, Goddess Durga
Matangamunipujita Worshipped by sage Matanga
Matangakamini Name of a Raga
Matanga Sage, Advisor to Devi Lalita
Mat Undorstood, Thought, Opinion, Honoured, Wanted
Masumi Innocence
Masum Innocent, Sinless
Mastikh Naughty
Masma Fair
Masilmani Pure, Without any blemishes

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