Baby Names

Hindu The practice of naming in religion has been prevalent since ancient times. The Girl born in the Hindu religion is given a name which has some meaning. To name the Girl, a process has to be done in the religion. Has been ensured. In the present life, we can see that the name of Girl itself gives it a different identity. In reality, the purpose of naming Hindu is to give Girl a distinct identity from other people. Not only in India but also people of Hindu religion living in other countries have been following the process of naming for the last four decades. According to Hindu the name of Girl should be beautiful and meaningful so that it gets respect in the society and has a good influence on others. Hindu Within religion, it is believed that the behavior of Girl largely depends on its name. Now, how you behave and what your nature is, whether you are good or bad, whether you speak sweetly or is there bitterness in your speech – all this can be known from the first letter of your name. According to Hindu religion, people with S letter Girl achieve success in their lives. They are not afraid to face challenges. After the birth of the child, she is named according to her religion. However, these days some parents decide on the name of their daughter based on guess before birth or study on it. Their motive behind doing this is to have a good name. Anyway, the name has a deep impact on life. The first letter of the name Girl ensures the future, career, personality, etc.

Hindu girl names starting with S with meanings

Name Meaning
Srijana Creation
Srija Daughter of Goddess Lakshmi
Sriida Bestowing wealth and prosperity
Srihitha Someone who is concerned about the welfare (Hita) of others, Indian
Srihita Someone who is concerned about the welfare (Hita) of others, Indian
Sriharshini Padmanabhans wife, Goddess Lakshmi, A girl who is always Happy
Sriharinii Padmanabhans wife, Goddess Lakshmi, A girl who is always Happy
Sriharini Padmanabhans wife, Goddess Lakshmi, A girl who is always Happy
Sridevi Goddess Lakshmi, Divine Goddess
Sridatri Goddess Lakshmi, Shri - divine, Another name for Lakshmi datri - mother
Srichaitra First month in Indian calendar, Beginning
Srilakshmi Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess that gave money, Money wealth
Sri Light, Beauty, Prosperity, Rank, Power, Steel construction company
Sreyashi One who always holds the 1st position among all the girls
Sreya Goddess Laxmi, Best, Beautiful, Excellent, Prosperity
Srestha The best in number & quality, Most Happy or prosperous
Sreshtha The best in number & quality, Most Happy or prosperous
Sreshta The best in number & quality, Most Happy or prosperous
Sreeya Goddess Laxmi, Best, Beautiful, Excellent, Prosperity
Sreevidya Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati
Sreevalli Lord subramanyas wife, Goddess Lakshmi, A kind of plant
Sreeparna Happiness, Prosperity
Sreenika Goddess Lakshmi or lotus which is in the heart of Lord Vishnu
Sreenidhi Treasure of prosperity, Goddess Lakshmi
Sreemonti Lucky
Sreelatha Loves, Wealth creeper
Sreelakshmi Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess that gave money, Money wealth
sreekari Goddess Durga, She who gives all forms of wealth and happiness
Sreekanya Daughter of Goddess Lakshmi
Sreekala Goddess Laxmi, Beauty of Moon, Name of Lakshmi
Sreejita The one who wins over beauty
Sreejata Best, Beautiful, Excellent
Sreeja Daughter of Goddess Lakshmi (Daughter of Goddess Lakshmi)
SreeHaripriya Another name of Goddess Lakshmi
Sreedevi Goddess Lakshmi, Divine Goddess
Sreeda Giver of beauty, Lord Kuber, Bestowed by Lakshmi, Auspicious, Bringing fortune
Sravya Anything that sounds good to ur ear
Sravanti Flowing river
Sravanthi Flowing river
Sravani The day of the full Moon in the month of Shraavan, Aspirant, Flow, Born in the month of Shravan
Sravana Name of a Hindu month, Name of a star, A character in Ramayana, A devoted son, Listening or hearing, Monsoon season
Sragvi Tulsi sacred Basil plant
Sraddha Veneration, Goddess chamundi, Worship, Confidence, Fidelity, Respect, Faith
Sraboni Rain
Sraavya Musical tone, Worthy of being heard
Spruha Desire
Sprihi Aspirant
Spriha Wish
Spoorti Inspiration, Enthusiasm
Spoorthy Inspiration, Enthusiasm
Spoorthi Inspiration, Enthusiasm
Sphurti Full of energy
Sphuritha Shining
Sphoorthy Inspiration
Sphatika Crystal
Spatika Crystal clear
Sparsha Love, Care, Sparkling eyes
Spandana Motivation, Responsible
Sowri Star
Sowrasena Name of a Raga
Sowrabha Sweet fragrance, The celestial cow, Wish yielding cow
Sowndarya Beautiful, Angel
Sowmya Peace, Handsome
Sowmiya Beautiful, Gentle, Soft
Sowmitha Studious
Sowmea The Moon
Sowjanya Tender, Good, Kind, Polite
Sowgandhi Sowgandhika pushpam, A flower belonging to Deva lokam
Sowbhagya Lucky girl
Souvira One of the Indian Raaga taal
Souravi Sunray
Sourabhi Sweet fragrance, The celestial cow, Wish yielding cow, Pleasant, Brilliant, Beautiful, Famous, Beloved, Virtuous, Jasmine the earth
Soundhiya Flower
Soundarya Beautiful, Angel (Celebrity Name:  Tamil superstar Rajnikanth)
Soumyata Serene
Soumya Peace, Handsome
Soumiya Beautiful, Gentle, Soft
Soumika Kumbh
Soumi Mild, Pearl, Goddess Durga, Beautiful
Soukhya Well being, Harmonious, Healing and spiritual frame of mind, Comfortable, Happy

Hindu girl names starting with