Baby Names

Hindu The practice of naming in religion has been prevalent since ancient times. The Girl born in the Hindu religion is given a name which has some meaning. To name the Girl, a process has to be done in the religion. Has been ensured. In the present life, we can see that the name of Girl itself gives it a different identity. In reality, the purpose of naming Hindu is to give Girl a distinct identity from other people. Not only in India but also people of Hindu religion living in other countries have been following the process of naming for the last four decades. According to Hindu the name of Girl should be beautiful and meaningful so that it gets respect in the society and has a good influence on others. Hindu Within religion, it is believed that the behavior of Girl largely depends on its name. Now, how you behave and what your nature is, whether you are good or bad, whether you speak sweetly or is there bitterness in your speech – all this can be known from the first letter of your name. According to Hindu religion, people with S letter Girl achieve success in their lives. They are not afraid to face challenges. After the birth of the child, she is named according to her religion. However, these days some parents decide on the name of their daughter based on guess before birth or study on it. Their motive behind doing this is to have a good name. Anyway, the name has a deep impact on life. The first letter of the name Girl ensures the future, career, personality, etc.

Hindu girl names starting with S with meanings

Name Meaning
Sukama Ambitious, Desired, Beautiful
Sujitha Auspicious victory, Victorious
Sujeetha Talent, Great conquer
Sujaya Victory
Sujatha Of good caste, Well-born, Beautiful
Sujata Of good caste, Well-born, Beautiful
Sujapriya Suja means the noble birth and Priya is Love
Sujana Brave, Strong, Virtuous person
Sujala Affectionate
SuIdia Happiness, Piety, Virtue, Prosperity, Welfare
Suhrita Well disposed
Suhitha Appropriate, Good, Suitable
Suhita Appropriate, Good, Suitable
Suhina Beautiful
Suhela Easley accessible
Suhayla Smooth, Soft ground, Fluent, Flowing style
Suhavi Beautiful
Suhasini Ever smiling, Smiling beautifully
Suhasi Laughter
Suhashini Ever smiling, Smiling beautifully
Suhanya Holy girl
Suhani Pleasant
Suhan Beautiful & pleasant
Suhaila Smooth, Soft ground, Fluent, Flowing style
Suhagi Lucky
Suhag Love
Suha Name of a star, Celebration, A musical Raag
Suguna Good character
Sugouri Goddess Parvati, Divine Gauri
Sugitha Beautifully sung
Sugita Beautifully sung
Sugirtha Lucky
Suggi Harvest
Sugeshna Good singer
Sugauri Goddess Parvati, Divine Gauri
Sugati Good or Happy condition, Solution, Fortune
Sugathri Beautiful woman, Goddess Parvati
Sugathi Good or Happy condition, Solution, Fortune
Suganya Goddess Parvati
Suganthi Sowgandhika pushpam, A flower belonging to Deva lokam
Sugandhi One that has nice fragrance
Sugandha Fragrant
Sugaathri Beautiful woman, Goddess Parvati
Sudnya One who has achieved her goal, Wise, Blessed, Celebrated
Suditi Bright, Shining
Sudipti Brightness
Sudipta Bright
Sudipa Bright, Brilliant
Sudimna The divine power initiated by a rare combination of constellations and stars. last known happening was around the month of Magh february
Sudiksha Another name for Goddess Laxmi, Good start, Beautiful, Offering
Sudhithi Bright flame
Sudhira Courageous, Calm
Sudhiksha Another name for Goddess Laxmi, Good start
Sudheshna Well-born (Wife of Virata maharaja)
Sudheera Courageous, Calm
Sudheeksha Another name for Goddess Laxmi, Good start
Sudharmini Name of a Raga
Sudharma Good law
Sudharani Nectar, Amrit, Earth, Daughter
Sudhanya One who has achieved her goal, Wise, Blessed, Celebrated
Sudhamayi Full of nectar
Sudhaa Pure, Nectar, Welfare, Lightning, Water, Another name for the river Ganges
Sudha Pure, Nectar, Welfare, Lightning, Water, Another name for the river Ganges
Sudevi (Wife of Krishna)
Sudeshna Well-born (Wife of king Virata)
Sudena Goddess Lakshmi, A real Goddess
Sudeepthi Dazzling bright
Sudeepta Bright
Sudeepa Bright, Brilliant
Sudeeksha Another name for Goddess Laxmi, Good start, Beautiful, Offering
Suddha Pure, Nectar, Welfare, Lightning, Water, Another name for the river Ganges
Sudathi Woman
Sudarshini Beautiful lady Sundari, Beautiful
Sudarshana Handsome
Sudakshina Consort of the noblest king, Dilip
Sudakshima (Wife of king Dilip)
Suchitra Good picture, Beautiful, Holy, Auspicious, Informed, Sensible
Suchithra Good picture, Beautiful, Holy, Auspicious, Informed, Sensible
Suchita Good picture, Beautiful, Holy, Auspicious, Informed, Sensible
Suchismita One who has a pure smile
Suchishma Goddess Saraswati
Suchira Tasteful
Suchika Pure, Sacred, Virtuous, An Apsara
Suchi Pure, Bright, Holy, Worthy
Suchhaya Shining
Suchetha Active, Alert and intellectual, With a beautiful mind, Intelligent, Sharp
Sucheta Active, Alert and intellectual, With a beautiful mind, Intelligent, Sharp
Sucharithra Name of a Raga
Sucharitha Of good character
Sucharita Of good character
Suchara Talented, Performer
Suchandra Beautiful woman

Hindu girl names starting with