Since ancient times, the practice of naming babies based on religious traditions has been highly popular. Within religious contexts, great importance is placed on selecting a name that carries significant meaning. This process of choosing the best name is determined by gender and guided by religious principles. A person's name plays a pivotal role in shaping their identity throughout their life. The religious tradition of naming began with the intention of bestowing a unique identity upon individuals, as their entire future is believed to hinge on it. Not only in India but also in other countries, people of various faiths have attached great significance to the naming process. Within these religious frameworks, there is a common belief that names should be meaningful and convey positive qualities, contributing to the individual's reputation within society. In religion, it is believed that a person's characteristics are influenced by their gender-specific name. All the qualities of Boy's behavior are thought to be reflected in their name. After birth, Boy is given their first name, and this naming process holds great significance in Hindu. Relatives, including parents, are deeply mindful of choosing a name for Boy. In fact, in Hindu, a name is believed to have a significant impact on Boy's future and present. Success and failure in life are believed to be influenced by Boy's name in Hindu. The success of Boy in their religious journey carries great importance. Therefore, finding an appropriate name that enhances their personality is a meticulous process. The meaning of the name cannot be underestimated. People within the Hindu community, in particular, prioritize names that inspire and evoke enthusiasm.

Name Meaning
Vireshvar Lord Shiva, Chief of heroes, Name of Shiva or Veerabhadra
Viresh Brave Lord, The king of all warriors, King of all heroes
Virendra Lord of courageous men, Brave Lord
Virender Name of Lord Indra
Viren Lord of warriors
Virbhanu Very strong
Virbhadra The ashwamedha horse
Virat Massive, Very big, Giant proportioned, Majestic
Virasana Supreme being
Viransh Just like strong, (Mahavir Swami Ansh)
Viranchi Name of Lord Brahma
Viranch Heavenly, Divine, Another name for Brahma
Viranath Lord of the brave
Viral Priceless, Precious
Virajin Splendid, Brilliant
Virajass One of the kauravas
Viraj Biggest in universe, The Sun or the king, Resplendent, Splendor, Ruler, Beauty, Brilliant, Excellence, Majesty, Another name for Agni and Buddha, Pure (Celebrity Names: Celina Jaitly and Peter Haag)
Virag Not any affection, Jealousy to other
Viradhavadha Slayer of the demon viGoddess Radha
Virabhadra Supreme Lord of the nether world, Lord Shiva
Viraavy One of the kauravas
Viraat Massive, Very big, Giant proportioned, Majestic
Vir Courageous, Warrior, Strong, Lightning, Thunder
Vipul Plenty, Abundance, Powerful
Vipreet Different
Vipratham Wise
Vipra A priest, Inspired, Wise, Sage, The Moon, A brahmin
Viplov Drifting about, Revolution
Viplav Drifting about, Revolution
Viplab Drifting about, Revolution
Vipinbehari Forest wanderer
Vipin Forest (Vipin), Glorious, Providing refuge
Vipat Shooting arrows, Melting, Killing
Vipaschit Lord Buddha, A learned Man, Scholar
Vipan Sail, Petty trade
Vinyas Arrangement, Design
Vinushi Name of Lord Vishnu
Vinu To spread in different directions
Vinsh Twentieth, The number twenty
Vinoth Ali
Vinoo To spread in different directions
Vinodh Happy, Full of Joy, Play, Fun, Joke, Humour
Vinod Happy, Full of Joy, Play, Fun, Joke, Humour
Vinochan Lord Shiva
Vinith Unassuming, Knowledgeable, Modest, Venus, Requester
Vinit Unassuming, Knowledgeable, Modest, Venus, Requester
Vinish Polite, Humble
Vinil Blue
Vinesh Godly, Pious
Vineeth Unassuming, Knowledgeable, Modest, Venus, Requester
Vineet Knowledge, Venus, Unassuming
Vineel Blue
Vindhan One of the kauravas
Vindeshwar One of the names of Lord Shiva
Vind Auspicious mahurat, Moment especially for performing rituals, Time when things are recovered
Vinayaka Lord Ganesh, Remover of obstacles
Vinayak Lord Ganesh, Leader, Guide, A remover of obstacles, A Buddha or buddhist deified teacher, Name of the God Ganesha, A Guru or spiritual preceptor, Name of Garud, The bird and vehicle of Vishnu
Vinay Good manners, Decency, Restraint
Vinamr Humble
Vinahast Lord Shiva, The one who has Veena in his hands
Vimuch Liberated, Sage, Freed
Vimridh Lord Indra, Averter of enemies, Another name for Indra
Vimlesh Vimal meaning pure and Ish meaning God . - the pure Lord
Vimb A Ray of the Sun, Brilliant, Shining
Vimarsh Lord Shiva, Deliberation, Test, Examination, Knowledge, Intelligence, Name of Shiva
Vimalmani Pure jewel crystal
Vimalanathan Lord Vishnu, Lord of the pure ones, Name of 13th Jain Teerthankar
Vimaladitya Clean Sun
Vimal Pure, White, Bright
Vimad Sober
Viloman Hairless, Opposite, Reverse
Vilokan Gaze
Vilok To see, View
Vilohit Deep red, Another name of Lord Shiva, Another name of Agni fire
Vilochan The eye
Vilasin Shining, Beaming, Radiant, Active, Playful, The Moon, Another name for Krishna, Shiva and the Love God Kaama
Vilash Entertainment, Faithful, Brilliant, Active, Liveliness, Enjoyment, Playful, Grace, Attractive
Vilas Entertainment, Faithful, Brilliant, Active, Liveliness, Enjoyment, Playful, Grace, Attractive
Vikunth Lord Vishnu, The one who resides in vaikunt
Vikshar Anthor name for Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna, To flow out
Viksar Anthor name for Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna, To flow out
Vikranth Powerful, Warrior, Brave, Victorious
Vikranta Brave
Vikrant Powerful, Warrior, Brave, Victorious
Vikranath Warrior, Powerful
Vikramin Lord Vishnu, Valour
Vikramendra King of prowess
Vikramajit A famous king
Vikramaditya A famous king
Vikram Bravery, Prowess, Valour, Power, Mettle, Best, Intensity, Another name for Vishnu

Hindu boy names starting with