Baby Names

The practice of keeping names in Hindu has been going on since ancient times. In Hindu religion, attention is given to keeping a name for Boy which has a good meaning. In Hindu religion, such a method is given. is created, in which a good name of Boy is selected. It is through the name of Boy that a person gets a special identity in life. In Hindu the process of naming was carried out so that a person could have a special identity beyond all others. Not only in India but also in other countries, people of various religions have been following the practice of naming for the last four decades. According to their respective religions, the name of an individual, regardless of gender, should be beautiful and meaningful. This ensures that the person is respected in society and has a positive impact on others. Hindu According to the religion, the name of Boy tells about his personality. The first letter of your name, which is V, tells about whether you are good or bad, whether you speak sweet or bitter and what is your nature. Success is certain for people whose name starts with V, associated with religion. Not only this, this Boy is not afraid of any difficulty that comes in life but fights it with courage. Hindu In religion, naming ceremony takes place after the birth of the child. Parents mostly want Boy to have a name that has some meaning because it will have a direct impact on the child's personality and future.

Hindu boy names starting with V with meanings

Name Meaning
Vinu To spread in different directions
Vinsh Twentieth, The number twenty
Vinoth Ali
Vinoo To spread in different directions
Vinodh Happy, Full of Joy, Play, Fun, Joke, Humour
Vinod Happy, Full of Joy, Play, Fun, Joke, Humour
Vinochan Lord Shiva
Vinith Unassuming, Knowledgeable, Modest, Venus, Requester
Vinit Unassuming, Knowledgeable, Modest, Venus, Requester
Vinish Polite, Humble
Vinil Blue
Vinesh Godly, Pious
Vineeth Unassuming, Knowledgeable, Modest, Venus, Requester
Vineet Knowledge, Venus, Unassuming
Vineel Blue
Vindhan One of the kauravas
Vindeshwar One of the names of Lord Shiva
Vind Auspicious mahurat, Moment especially for performing rituals, Time when things are recovered
Vinayaka Lord Ganesh, Remover of obstacles
Vinayak Lord Ganesh, Leader, Guide, A remover of obstacles, A Buddha or buddhist deified teacher, Name of the God Ganesha, A Guru or spiritual preceptor, Name of Garud, The bird and vehicle of Vishnu
Vinay Good manners, Decency, Restraint
Vinamr Humble
Vinahast Lord Shiva, The one who has Veena in his hands
Vimuch Liberated, Sage, Freed
Vimridh Lord Indra, Averter of enemies, Another name for Indra
Vimlesh Vimal meaning pure and Ish meaning God . - the pure Lord
Vimb A Ray of the Sun, Brilliant, Shining
Vimarsh Lord Shiva, Deliberation, Test, Examination, Knowledge, Intelligence, Name of Shiva
Vimalmani Pure jewel crystal
Vimalanathan Lord Vishnu, Lord of the pure ones, Name of 13th Jain Teerthankar
Vimaladitya Clean Sun
Vimal Pure, White, Bright
Vimad Sober
Viloman Hairless, Opposite, Reverse
Vilokan Gaze
Vilok To see, View
Vilohit Deep red, Another name of Lord Shiva, Another name of Agni fire
Vilochan The eye
Vilasin Shining, Beaming, Radiant, Active, Playful, The Moon, Another name for Krishna, Shiva and the Love God Kaama
Vilash Entertainment, Faithful, Brilliant, Active, Liveliness, Enjoyment, Playful, Grace, Attractive
Vilas Entertainment, Faithful, Brilliant, Active, Liveliness, Enjoyment, Playful, Grace, Attractive
Vikunth Lord Vishnu, The one who resides in vaikunt
Vikshar Anthor name for Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna, To flow out
Viksar Anthor name for Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna, To flow out
Vikranth Powerful, Warrior, Brave, Victorious
Vikranta Brave
Vikrant Powerful, Warrior, Brave, Victorious
Vikranath Warrior, Powerful
Vikramin Lord Vishnu, Valour
Vikramendra King of prowess
Vikramajit A famous king
Vikramaditya A famous king
Vikram Bravery, Prowess, Valour, Power, Mettle, Best, Intensity, Another name for Vishnu
Vikhyath Popular or famous, Fame
Vikhyat Popular or famous, Fame
Vikesh The Moon
Vikern Errorless
Viken To conquer, Victory
Vikatinanda One of the kauravas
Vikat Huge and gigantic, Of the monstrous figure, Lord Ganesh
Vikash Development, Expanding, Light, Brilliance, To appear, Progress, Cheer
Vikas Development, Expanding, Light, Brilliance, To appear, Progress, Cheer
Vikarnan (Son of dhritrashtra)
Vikarna One of the kauravas
Vikarm Lord Vishnu, Negative action
Vikam Free from attachment and desire
Vikal Twilight, Evening, Close of the day
Vikach Brilliant, Hairless, Shaven, Open
Vijval Intelligent
Viju Winner
Vijith Winner, Invincible
Vijitendriya Controller of the senses, Lord Hanuman
Vijit Winner, Invincible
Vijigeesh Desire of victory
Vijesh Victory
Vijendra Victorious
Vijeesh Lord Shiva, Lord of victory
Vijayram Vijayram
Vijayketu Flag of victory
Vijayesh Lord Shiva, Lord of victory
Vijayendra God of victory
Vijayen Victory, One who always win
Vijayarathna Significant among victorious
Vijayaraj Victory
Vijayanth Victor, Name of Lord Indra
Vijayant Victor, Name of Lord Indra
Vijayanand Who delights in victory
Vijayan Victory, One who always win
Vijay Victory
Vijansh A part who is always winning
Vijai Victory

Hindu boy names starting with