Baby Names

Since ancient times, the practice of naming babies based on religious traditions has been highly popular. Within religious contexts, great importance is placed on selecting a name that carries significant meaning. This process of choosing the best name is determined by gender and guided by religious principles. A person's name plays a pivotal role in shaping their identity throughout their life. The religious tradition of naming began with the intention of bestowing a unique identity upon individuals, as their entire future is believed to hinge on it. Not only in India but also in other countries, people of various faiths have attached great significance to the naming process. Within these religious frameworks, there is a common belief that names should be meaningful and convey positive qualities, contributing to the individual's reputation within society. In religion, it is believed that a person's characteristics are influenced by their gender-specific name. All the qualities of Baby's behavior are thought to be reflected in their name. After birth, Baby is given their first name, and this naming process holds great significance in Hindu. Relatives, including parents, are deeply mindful of choosing a name for Baby. In fact, in Hindu, a name is believed to have a significant impact on Baby's future and present. Success and failure in life are believed to be influenced by Baby's name in Hindu. The success of Baby in their religious journey carries great importance. Therefore, finding an appropriate name that enhances their personality is a meticulous process. The meaning of the name cannot be underestimated. People within the Hindu community, in particular, prioritize names that inspire and evoke enthusiasm.

Hindu baby names with meanings

Name Meaning
Vidyalakshmi Vidya - knowledge, Lakshmi - Goddess Lakshmi
Vidyadhari Highly qualified, Most brilliant
Vidyadhar Full of knowledge
Vidyadevi Goddess of knowledge
Vidyacharan Learned
Vidya Knowledge, Learning
Vidwath Highly qualified, Most brilliant
Vidvathi Scholar
Vidvatam Lord Shiva, He who has got the unsurpassable and all-inclusive knowledge of everything
Vidvan Scholar
Vidushi Learned
Vidurya The cats-eye gem
Vidura (Son of Vyasa and a palace maidservant; Brother to Dhritarstra and Pandu; counsel to the King of Hatinapur. Vidura was said to be an expansion of Yamaraja, the lord of justice.)
Vidur Wise, A friend of Lord Krishna
Vidun Beautiful
Vidula The Moon
Vidul The Moon
Vidu Lord Vishnu, Intelligent
Vidojas Lord Indra, With well known power, Another name for Indra
Vidith Lord Indra, A learned Man, Sage, Known, Agreed
Vidita Goddess of mexico, A Goddess
Vidit Lord Indra, A learned Man, Sage, Known, Agreed
Vidisha Name of a river
Vidish Name of a river
Vidip Bright
Vidika Shepherdess
Vidhyuth A flash of lightening, Brilliant
Vidhyavathi Wisdom, Knowledge, Learning, Goddess Durga
Vidhyadhar Full of knowledge
Vidhya Knowledge, Learning
Vidhut Electricity
Vidhula The Moon
Vidhul The Moon
Vidhu Lord Vishnu, Intelligent
Vidhta Creator, Dispenser, Supporter
Vidhita Goddess of mexico, A Goddess
Vidhisha Name of a river
Vidhi Goddess of destiny
Vidhesh Foreign land or Lord Shiva
Vidhatru Lord Shiva, Maker, Creator, Another name for Brahma
Vidhathri Goddess Saraswati, Supporter of the universe, Mother of the universe, Consort of Brahma, Creator of the universe
Vidhant Honors
Vidhan Rules & regulation
Vidhaath Creator
Videsh Foreign land or Lord Shiva
Videha Bodiless
Videh Without form
Videep Bright
Vidaysagar Learning ocean
Vidarbh Ancient name of a state
Vidanth Honor
Victoria Derived from Victoria triumphant
Vicky Conqueror, Victorious
Vicknesh Brilliant
Vibuthim Derived from Sanskrit - powerful & sacred ash with healing powers created by Sathya Sai baba
Vibusha Bright
Vibodh Wise
Vibhuti Great personality
Vibhut Strong
Vibhusnu Lord Shiva, Omnipresent, Another name for Shiva
Vibhusha Lord Vishnu, One who loves Tulsi (Basil)
Vibhush To decorate
Vibhumat Lord Krishna, Omnipresent, Appearing in many forms, An epithet of Krishna
Vibhum The greatest
Vibhu All pervading
Vibhor Ecstatic
Vibhoothi The divine power
Vibhooshita Adorned with beautiful garlands
Vibhishana One of the chirajivins. he is one of the seven persons who r considered to be deathless (Ravana's brother who leaves Lanka to join Rama and later become king of Lanka)
Vibhishan Brother of lankeshwar rawan & kumbhakarna
Vibhi Fearless
Vibheeshanaparitrate Befriended vibbeeshana
Vibhavasu The Sun
Vibhavari Starry night
Vibhava Friend, Dignity
Vibhav Friend, One who look after and take care of whole universe, Another name of Lord Vishnu, Glorious, Power, Riches, Property, Omnipresence, Magnanimity
Vibhatsu Fought all the battle by fair means
Vibhat Dawn, Ascending, Brilliant
Vibhas Shinning, Decoration, Light
Vibhanshu Embellishment
Vibhakar The Moon, Creator of light, Sun, Fire, Brilliance
Vibhaas Shinning, Decoration, Light
Vibhaa Night, The Moon, Beauty, Ray of light, Brilliance
Vibha Night, The Moon, Beauty, Ray of light, Brilliance
Vibali Young
Vian Full of life and energy, Alive or lively
Viaan Full of life and energy, Alive or lively (Celebrity Name: Shilpa Shetty)
Veydant Sum of the Vedas

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