Since ancient times, the practice of naming babies based on religious traditions has been highly popular. Within religious contexts, great importance is placed on selecting a name that carries significant meaning. This process of choosing the best name is determined by gender and guided by religious principles. A person's name plays a pivotal role in shaping their identity throughout their life. The religious tradition of naming began with the intention of bestowing a unique identity upon individuals, as their entire future is believed to hinge on it. Not only in India but also in other countries, people of various faiths have attached great significance to the naming process. Within these religious frameworks, there is a common belief that names should be meaningful and convey positive qualities, contributing to the individual's reputation within society. In religion, it is believed that a person's characteristics are influenced by their gender-specific name. All the qualities of Baby's behavior are thought to be reflected in their name. After birth, Baby is given their first name, and this naming process holds great significance in Hindu. Relatives, including parents, are deeply mindful of choosing a name for Baby. In fact, in Hindu, a name is believed to have a significant impact on Baby's future and present. Success and failure in life are believed to be influenced by Baby's name in Hindu. The success of Baby in their religious journey carries great importance. Therefore, finding an appropriate name that enhances their personality is a meticulous process. The meaning of the name cannot be underestimated. People within the Hindu community, in particular, prioritize names that inspire and evoke enthusiasm.

Name Meaning
Mant Thought, Devotion, Another name of the Sun, Lord Shiva
Mansukh Pleasure of mind
Mansi Woman
Manshvee Intelligent
Manshree Wish
Manshi Intellectual or spiritual endeavour, Another name for Goddess Saraswati
Mansha Wish
Mansh Salvation
Manprasad Mentally calm and cool person
Manoti Originating in the mind, Promise to God
Manoth Originating in the mind, Born of the mind
Manot Originating in the mind, Born of the mind
Manoritha Desire, Of the mind
Manorita Desire, Of the mind
Manorit Desire, Of the mind
Manorath Desire
Manoranjani Name of a Raga
Manoranjana Entertaining, Pleasing
Manoranjan One who pleases the mind
Manorama Attractive, Beautiful, Pleasant
Manonith Carried by the mind
Manomay Conqueror of ones heart, Winner of hearts
Manojna Beautiful, Pleasant, Princess
Manojavaya Lord Hanuman, Speed like wind
Manojavam Lord Hanuman, Speed like wind
Manoj Love, Originating in the mind, Born of mind
Manohari Beauty, Loveble, Jasmine, An Apsara
Manoharan Lord Murugan, Pleasing to mind, Name of a Raaga, Heart ravishing, Captivating, Attractive, Charming, A kind of Jasmine, Name of Krishna or Vishnu
Manohara One who wins over mind, Loveble, Charming, Another name for Lord Krishna, An Apsara or celestial nymph
Manohar One who wins over mind, Loveble, Charming, Another name for Lord Krishna
Manogna Beauty
Manobhaav Attitude
Mannith Honored, Chosen
Mannath A vow to a deity, Wish
Mannan Meditate, Thinking, Thought
Mann Lecturer, Respect, Supernatural power, Lord of mind, Opinion, Devotion, Home, Pride, Respect home
Manmohan Pleasing, Lord Krishna
Manmayi Sri Radha
Manmathan Kamadeva
Manmatha Cupid
Manmada Any time young
Mankur That which reflect the mind, Amirror
Manksh Longing, Desire
Mankan A part of the mind
Manjyot Light of the mind
Manjusri Sweet luster, Goddess Saraswati
Manjusree Goddess Lakshmi, Divine beauty, Name for Lakshmi
Manjushri Sweet luster, Goddess Saraswati
Manjushree Goddess Lakshmi, Divine beauty, Name for Lakshmi
Manjusha A box
Manjunatha Lord Shiva, Name of Shiva, Lord of beauty, Charm, Pleasantness
Manjunath Snow, Dewdrops, Beautiful
Manjulika A sweet girl, Beautiful, Likeable
Manjula Melodious, Beautiful, Likeable, A Spring
Manjul Handsome
Manjughosh Sweet sounding recitation
Manjubala A sweet girl
Manju Snow, Pleasant, Beautiful
Manjistha Extremely
Manjiri Small flower of common Basil, Holy Basil in india Indian Goddess of romance i.e.. Consort of Madan God of romance
Manjira Musical instrument, Ankle bells, Anklet
Manjima Beauty
Manjeet Conqueror of the mind, Conqueror of knowledge
Manjeera Musical instrument, Ankle bells, Anklet
Manjav Swift as thought
Manjari A bunch
Maniya A glass bead
Maniv Anvi
Manitha Together, Conversation with God, Honored
Manith Honored, Chosen
Manita Together, Conversation with God, Honored
Manit One who wins heart, Highly respected, Highly regarded, Celebrated, Understood
Manisitha Desired, A wish, Wisdom
Manisila A jewelled stone
Manisi Wise, A learned person, Knowledgeable person, Desired
Manishka Wisdom, Intellect
Manishitha Desired, A wish, Wisdom
Manishith Wished, Desired
Manishita Desired, A wish, Wisdom
Manishit Wished, Desired
Manishin Thoughtfull
Manishika Intelligence, Consideration, Intelligence
Manishi Wise, A learned person, Knowledgeable person, Desired
Manishankar Lord Shiva, Mani - jewel + Shankar - causing happiness, Conferring good fortune, Auspicious
Manisha Intellect, Desire, Wish, Goddess of mind, Wisdom, Thoughtfulness, Hymn
Manish Lord of the mind, Joyful temperament, Soul, Pride, Heart, Deep thinker
Maniratna Diamond
Maniram Jewel of a person
Maninth Carried by the mind
Manini Lady, Nobel, Women, Self respected
Maninga Treasure, A river
Maninee Lady, Nobel, Women, Self respected
Manindra Diamond, Lord of gems
Manimozhi Good girl
Manimekhala A girdle of gems
Manimay Full of jewel

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