Baby Names

Since ancient times, the practice of naming babies based on religious traditions has been highly popular. Within religious contexts, great importance is placed on selecting a name that carries significant meaning. This process of choosing the best name is determined by gender and guided by religious principles. A person's name plays a pivotal role in shaping their identity throughout their life. The religious tradition of naming began with the intention of bestowing a unique identity upon individuals, as their entire future is believed to hinge on it. Not only in India but also in other countries, people of various faiths have attached great significance to the naming process. Within these religious frameworks, there is a common belief that names should be meaningful and convey positive qualities, contributing to the individual's reputation within society. In religion, it is believed that a person's characteristics are influenced by their gender-specific name. All the qualities of Baby's behavior are thought to be reflected in their name. After birth, Baby is given their first name, and this naming process holds great significance in Hindu. Relatives, including parents, are deeply mindful of choosing a name for Baby. In fact, in Hindu, a name is believed to have a significant impact on Baby's future and present. Success and failure in life are believed to be influenced by Baby's name in Hindu. The success of Baby in their religious journey carries great importance. Therefore, finding an appropriate name that enhances their personality is a meticulous process. The meaning of the name cannot be underestimated. People within the Hindu community, in particular, prioritize names that inspire and evoke enthusiasm.

Hindu baby names with meanings

Name Meaning
Parthiv Son of the earth, Brave, Prince of earth, Earthly
Parthipan Arjun
Parthik Lovely
Parthiban Another name of king Arjun
Parthi Queen
Parthavi Daughter of the earth, Another name for Sita and Lakshmi
Parthav Greatness
Parthasarthi Charioteer of Partha - Arjuna
Parthasarathy Charioteer of Partha Lord Krishna, Arjunas charioteer Krishna
Parthasarathi Charioteer of Partha Lord Krishna, Arjunas charioteer Krishna
Parthapratim Like Arjun
Parthan Courageous, Charioteer of Lord Krishna (Arjun)
Parthadhwajagrasamvasine Having principal place on arjunas flag
Partha King, Arjun
Parth King, Arjun
Parteek Symbol
Partap Glory, Vigour, Strength
Parsva Weaponed soldier, Jain God, Short form of parshvanath, 23rd tirthankara in jainism
Parshva Weaponed soldier, Jain God, Short form of parshvanath, 23rd tirthankara in jainism
Parshv Weaponed soldier, Jain God, Short form of parshvanath, 23rd tirthankara in jainism
Parshav Warrior
Parshad Gracious gift, Sacrament, Purity, Offering
Parsha Pious, Pure or chaste or devout or holy or Persian
Paroo The Sun, Fire, Goddess Parvati, Graceful or flow of water
Paromita Name of a flower
Parokshi Mysterious, Invisible, Out of sight
Paroksh Beyond observaction, Mysterious, Unseen, Indirect, Beyond the horizon, Absence, Invisible
Parnitha Auspicious Apsara
Parnita Auspicious Apsara
Parnika Creeper, A small leaf, Goddess Parvati
Parnik Creeper, A small leaf, Goddess Parvati
Parni Leafy
Parnavi Bird
Parnav Bird
Parnashri Leafy beauty
Parnal Leafy
Parnad A brahmin in the epics
Parna Leaf
Parmita Wisdom
Parmila Wisdom
Parmeshwar Super God
Parmesh Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu
Parmeet Wisdom, Friend of the supreme
Parmarth Highest truth, Salvation
Parmanand Happiness
Parkash Light, Bright, Brilliance, Success, Fame, Appearance
Parjanya Hindu God of rain, A name of Lord Vishnu
Pariyat Flower
Parivita Extremely free
Parityaj To sacrifice
Paritushti Contentment
Paritosh Delight, Satisfaction or Contentment
Parithosh Delight, Satisfaction or contentment
Parita In each direction
Parisi Like a fairy, Beautiful, Like a An Angel
Parishudh Nirmal
Parishrut Popular, Renown
Parishkar Clean
Parishi Like a fairy, Beautiful, Like a An Angel
Parisha Like Paris, Fairy or like a fairy, Beautiful
Parish To seek, Search for, Searcher
Parisa Like Paris, Fairy or like a fairy, Beautiful
Paris To seek, Search for, Searcher
Parinut Famous, Praised
Pariniti Bird
Parinitha Expert, Complete, Knowledge, Married
Parinita Expert, Complete, Knowledge, Married
Parineeti Bird
parineetha Expert, Complete, Knowledge, Married
Parineeta Expert, Complete, Knowledge, Married
Parindra Lion
Parina Fairy
Parin Another name of Lord Ganesh
Parimitaa A moderate woman
Parimit Measured, Adjusted, Moderate
Pariman Quality, Abundant
Parimalam Pleasant smell
Parimala Fragrance
Parimal Fragrance
Parikshith Name of An ancient king, Tested one or proven (son of Abhimanyu)
Parikshit Name of An ancient king, Tested one or proven (Posthumous son of Abhimanyu, heir of the Pandavas. Pariksit means 'the examiner', as the brahmins said he would come to examine all men in his search for the Supreme Lord)
Pariksha Test, Exam
Pariket Against desire
Parijata Tarumoolastha dweller under the Parijata tree
Parijat Divine tree, A celestial flower
Parijaat Divine tree, A celestial flower
Parija Place of origin, Source
Parighosh Loud sound
Paridhi Realm
Parichay Introduction

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