Baby Names

Since ancient times, the practice of naming babies based on religious traditions has been highly popular. Within religious contexts, great importance is placed on selecting a name that carries significant meaning. This process of choosing the best name is determined by gender and guided by religious principles. A person's name plays a pivotal role in shaping their identity throughout their life. The religious tradition of naming began with the intention of bestowing a unique identity upon individuals, as their entire future is believed to hinge on it. Not only in India but also in other countries, people of various faiths have attached great significance to the naming process. Within these religious frameworks, there is a common belief that names should be meaningful and convey positive qualities, contributing to the individual's reputation within society. In religion, it is believed that a person's characteristics are influenced by their gender-specific name. All the qualities of Baby's behavior are thought to be reflected in their name. After birth, Baby is given their first name, and this naming process holds great significance in Hindu. Relatives, including parents, are deeply mindful of choosing a name for Baby. In fact, in Hindu, a name is believed to have a significant impact on Baby's future and present. Success and failure in life are believed to be influenced by Baby's name in Hindu. The success of Baby in their religious journey carries great importance. Therefore, finding an appropriate name that enhances their personality is a meticulous process. The meaning of the name cannot be underestimated. People within the Hindu community, in particular, prioritize names that inspire and evoke enthusiasm.

Hindu baby names with meanings

Name Meaning
Samrat Emperor, Universal, Ruler
Sampurna Complete everything, Full
Sampriya Completely pleased, Satisfied
Sampriti Real Love and attachment, Attachment, Joyful
Sampritha Satisfied, Contented
Sampreety Real Love and attachment, Attachment, Joyful
Sampreeti Real Love and attachment, Attachment, Joyful
Sampreethi Real Love and attachment, Attachment, Joyful
Sampreeta Satisfied, Contented
Sampreet Joy, Satisfaction, Delight
Samprathy To trust in, Believe firmly
Samprathiksha Expectation, Hope
Samprasad Favour, Grace
Samprada Heard of God, Name of God
Sampoorna Complete everything, Full
Sampoorn Complete everything, Full
Sampavi Goddess of war
Sampatti Wealth
Sampati Fortune, Success, Welfare (Brother of Jatayu)
Sampath Prosperous, Wealth, Fortune, Success, Welfare
Sampat Prosperous, Wealth, Fortune, Success, Welfare
Sampar Fulfilled, Accomplished
Sampada Wealthy, Perfection, Achievement, Destiny, Blessing
Sampad Prosperous, Perfection, Achievement, Destiny, Blessing
Sammyak Conscious
Sammud Joy, Delight
Sammod Fragrance, Perfume
Sammita Balanced
Sammathi Agreement
Sammath Agreed, Consented, Respected
Sammat Agreed, Consented, Respected
Sammad Joy, Happiness, Excitement
Samiya Elevated, Lofty, Incomparable, Exalted, Praised
Samithra Good friend
Samita Collected
Samit Collected
Samish Javelin
Samiran Breeze
Samira Early morning fragrance or entertaining companion or wind, Enchanting
Samir Early morning fragrance, Entertaining companion, Wind, Breeze, Air, Creator, Another name for Shiva, Era
Samin Precious, Invaluable, Happy, Self disciplined
Samiksha Analysis
Samiksh Near to Sun
Samikksa Review
Samik Ancient sage, Peaceful, Restrained
Samiha Generous
Samidha An offering for a sacred fire
Samich Ocean
Samhitha Put together, Joined, Union, Who wants good for every one, A vedic composition
Samhith A vedic composition, Secret text
Samhita Put together, Joined, Union, Who wants good for every one, A vedic composition
Samhit A vedic composition, Secret text
Samgram Host
Samesh Lord of equality, God-like
Samendu Lord Vishnu, Like the Moon (Sama + Indu)
Samendra Winner of war
Samen Precious, Invaluable, Happy, Self disciplined
Sameksha Analysis
Sameeran Breeze
Sameera Early morning fragrance or entertaining companion or wind, Enchanting
Sameepta Close to hearts
Sameep Close
Sameeksha Analysis
Samedh Full of strength, Strong
Samdarshi Lord Krishna, Unbiased who can see all
Sambuddha Wise
Sambodh Complete knowledge, Consciousness
Sambita Consciousness
Sambit Consciousness
Sambhwi Goddess Durga, Derived from shambhav, Shambhav - peacefully born
Sambhurish Lord Shiva, Shambhu or swyambhu is one that is self-created + Ish = God
Sambhu Abode of Joy, Lord Shiva, Sa + Amba - with Amba
Sambhddha Wise
Sambhavna Esteem, Possibility, Togetherness, Honour, Esteem
Sambhavan Respect, Honour, Possibility, Fitness, Affection
Sambhav Born, Manifested, Possible, Practicable, Meeting, Creation
Sambhaji Brave
Sambha Rising, Shining
Sambh Son of Lord Krishna and jambavati
Sambath Prosperous
Sambaran Restraint, Name of An ancient king
Samba Rising, Shining
Samay Time, Rule, Oath, Code, Direction, Season code
Samavart Lord Vishnu, One who effectively whirls the wheel of samsara
Samatha Equality, Justice, Peace, Kindness
Samata Equality, Justice, Peace, Kindness
Samat Justice, Peace, Kindness
Samasti Achieving, The universe
Samashray Name of a sage
Samarvir Hero of battle, Trust, Companion
Samarthi Symbol of peace
Samartha Powerful, Smooth, Multi-talented
Samarth Powerful, Another name for Krishna, Smooth, Multi -tasked
Samarpit Tribute
Samarpana Dedication

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Hindu girl names starting with