Baby Names

The first letter of the name of Girl has a profound impact on his life. The first letter of the name of Girl is also related to his nature. In fact, the first letter of the name has a positive effect on the life of Girl as well as a positive effect. The features and flaws are also affected by the first letter of the name. The first letter of a name has both positive and negative effects on all aspects of a female's life. This is why, when choosing a name for a baby, special consideration is given to the initial letter of their name. While all letters in a name hold significance, the first letter is regarded as the most influential. It is believed that the letter with which your name begins carries the highest energy, encapsulating the essence of your personality. The letter K reveals the efficiency and capabilities of females, indicating the successes they are likely to achieve in life. The first letter of a name, i.e., K, also provides insights into the challenges and opportunities that Girl may encounter. To predict a female's future, futurists often inquire about the first letter of her name. If the first letter of your name is K, then the letter K is analyzed to uncover future possibilities, as it holds significant importance. The initial letter of one's name sheds light on a female's personality, including her nature and the qualities, both positive and negative, that K represents. Girl The first letter of the name of the name i.e. K shows how she treats others, how her behavior is at the social level, she gets more angry or less, she speaks more or not, Kasheda kadi kadi kadi kadida or believes in praising others with honesty. All these information can be obtained from the first letter of the name of Girl. Every person has to face success and failure at every stage of life. It is revealed by the first letter of the name of Girl. K will know from the letter how successful or unsuccessful someone is in their life. Along with this, the first letter of the name K can also be detected about love affair, married life and family relationships.

Girl names starting with K with meanings

Name Meaning Religion
Khevna Wish Hindu
Khiaa Boat Hindu
Khidrah Green Muslim
Khilti Bloom Hindu
Khitam Conclusion Muslim
Khitfa Erroneous, Forgetful Muslim
Khojassteh Royal Muslim
Khristy Mean Hindu
Khudamah Service, Name of a sahabiyah Muslim
Khudra Greenery, Greenness, Vagrancy Muslim
Khudrah Greenery Muslim
Khujara Hindu
Khulat Love, Friend Muslim
Khulaybah This was the name of An Arab poetess Muslim
Khuld Paradise, Heaven, Eternal Muslim
Khulood Immortality, Eternity, Infinity Muslim
Khurmi Happiness, Leisure Muslim
Khusbakht Lucky Muslim
Khusbu Perfume, Fragrance Hindu
Khushali Spreading happiness Hindu
Khushboo Perfume, Fragrance Hindu
Khushbu Perfume, Fragrance Hindu
Khushee Happiness, Smile, Delight Hindu
Khushi Happiness, Smile, Delight (Celebrity Name: Sridevi) Hindu
Khushika Happiness Hindu
Khushmita Happy mood Hindu
Khushnood Happy, Pleased Muslim
Khushnuda Delighted, Agreed, Happy Muslim
Khusi Happiness, Smile, Delight Hindu
Khuwailah A little or young female gazelle Muslim
Khuwaylah A little or young female gazelle Muslim
Khuzama Lavender Muslim
Khuzamah Lavender Muslim
Khwaish Desire Hindu
Khyath Famous Hindu
Khyathi Fame Hindu
Khyati Fame Hindu
Kiah A new beginning Muslim
Kiana Moon Goddess, Divine, Heavenly Hindu
Kiara Little black one, Dusky, Dark haired Hindu
Kijal Hindu
Kilimoli Pleasing voice Hindu
Kimatra Seduce Hindu
Kimaya Miracle, Divine Hindu
Kimi Noble, Secret, Righteous Hindu
Kina Intelligence Hindu
Kinaari Shore, Musical instrument, Goddess of wealth Hindu
Kinari Shore, Musical instrument, Goddess of wealth Hindu
Kinchana Hindu
Kinjal River bank Hindu
Kinju Hindu
kinkini Ghunguroo Hindu
Kinnari Shore, Musical instrument, Goddess of wealth Hindu
Kinnary Shore, Musical instrument, Goddess of wealth Hindu
Kinnera Ray Hindu
Kira The Sun Hindu
Kirali Hindu
Kiranila The meaning of Kiranila means the Love stands forever in the world Hindu
Kiranmala A garland of light Hindu
Kiranmayi Full of rays Hindu
Kiranprabha Hindu
Kiranroop Embodiment of rays Sikh
Kiransukh Happy rays Sikh
Kiranya Money Hindu
Kirati Goddess Durga, One who dwells in mountains, An epithet of Goddess Durga, An epithet of river Ganga, A woman of the Kirat tribe Hindu
Kirishika Have Love and kindness Hindu
Kirity Crown given by Lord Indra to Arjuna, Another name of Arjun Hindu
Kirmi Golden image Hindu
Kirtan Name of Lord Murugan, Goddess Saraswati (Goddess of education, Purifying, Fire Hindu
Kirtana Hymn, A song in praise of God Hindu
Kirthana Devotional song Hindu
Kirthika Famous action Hindu
Kirtika Famous person, One who is having fame Hindu
Kirtmalini Garlanded with fame Hindu
Kiruba Grace of God Hindu
Kiruthika Light Hindu
Kishanganga Name of a river Hindu
Kishika Hindu
Kishmish Sweet as grapes Hindu
Kishoree Young damsel, A young girl Hindu
Kishori Young damsel, A young girl Hindu
Kismet Destiny, Fate Muslim
Kiswa Cover of kaba Muslim
Kiswar Country, Region, Territory Muslim
Kitu Kokila, Singer Hindu
Kiva Fair, Beautiful, Gentle, Lotus, Shelter Hindu
Kivyaa Bird of queen Hindu
Kiya The cooing of a bird, Melodious, Pure, Happy, Beloved pure Hindu
Kiyara Hindu
Knyashia Princess Hindu
Kobra Major Muslim
Kochai Nomad Muslim
Kodeswari Beauty, Rich Hindu
Koel The cuckoo bird Hindu
Koesha Origin, Name of river Hindu
Kohana Swift sioux Hindu
Koila Charcoal Muslim
Kokab Star, Celestial body Muslim
Kokila Cuckoo, Nightingale Hindu
Kokilapriya Name of a Raga Hindu
Komaari The beautiful adolescent Hindu
Komal Tender, Beautiful, Delicate, Gentle, Soft, Sweet Hindu
Komala Tender, Beautiful, Delicate, Gentle, Soft, Sweet Hindu
Komali Tender Hindu
Komaljot Soft and peaceful light Sikh
Komalroop Embodiment of peace and beauty Sikh
Komila Complete Muslim
Komilla Hindu
Konika Hindu
Kontara Dove Muslim
Kopal A rose bud (Gulab ki Kali) Hindu
Korenia Hindu
Korina Exalted, Sublime, Nice Muslim
Kornai Gentle, Soft, Sweet, Beautiful, Handsome Hindu
Kosha Origin, Name of river Hindu
Koshika Name of a river Hindu
Koshitha Hindu
Kosi Name of a river starts in Bihar Hindu
Kosika Silk, Cup Hindu
Koteshwari Hindu
Kottari Hindu
Koumudi Moonlight, Full Moon Hindu
Kour Princess Sikh
Kouser A river in paradise Muslim
Koushiki Goddess Durga, Enveloped with silk, Silken, Hidden Hindu
Kousika Silk Hindu
Kousumi Goddess Durga, Like a flower Hindu
Kouther River in Jannat paradise Muslim
Kowaisah Handsome, Pretty, Name of a Muslim
Kowmari Name of a Raga Hindu
Kowshikaa The unique Hindu
Kowsika The unique Hindu
Koyal A bird, The cuckoo Hindu
Koyel A bird, The cuckoo Hindu
Koyesha Hindu
Krajena Hindu
Krandasi The Sky and the earth Hindu
Krati Hindu
Kratika Hindu
Kreema Hindu
Kreena Beautiful Hindu
Kreesha Divine, Thin Hindu
Krianshree Hindu
Krima Hindu
Krina Beautiful Hindu
Krinal Hindu
Kripa Mercy, Compassion, Grace, Gentleness (The two children were found and brought to King Shantanu. Kripa was taught Dhanurveda, the martial arts, by his father, and he became one of the Kurus' martial teachers.) Hindu
Kripi Beautiful Hindu
Krisha Divine, Thin Hindu
Krishanya Hindu
Krishi Agriculture, Farming Hindu
Krishika Grower, Prosperity Hindu
Krishitha Symbolizing prosperity and nature Hindu
Krishnakali A flower Hindu
Krishnan Lord Krishna, Black, Dark-skinned Hindu
Krishnapati Masterful deity Lord Krishna Sikh
Krishnaveni River Hindu
Krishti Culture, Mostly referring to the rich Indian culture, Sanstriki Hindu
Krishya Hindu
Krisla Sister of Lord krishna, Subhadra Hindu
Krisshia Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva Hindu
Krisshika Hindu
Krisshiya Hindu
Kristy Follower of christ Hindu
Krithi Action, A work of art Hindu
Krithiga Is a star Hindu
Krithika Name of a star, Well starred, From the Nakshatra Kritika Hindu
Krithinidhi Fame and wealth Hindu
Krithya Action Hindu
Kriti Action, A work of art Hindu
Kritika Name of a star, Well starred, From the Nakshatra Kritika Hindu
Krittika The plaids Hindu
Kritu Grace, Favor Hindu
Kriva Hindu
Kriya Performance Hindu
Kriyesha Hindu
Krrooraa Brutal on demons Hindu
Krshnavi The thing which is sweetest to Lord Krishna Hindu
Krupa Grace, Favor Hindu
Krupal Ruler of the world Hindu
Krupali Who always forgives Hindu
Krupasankari Hindu
Krupavathi Grace, Peace Hindu
Krusha Delicate Hindu
Krushalini Hindu
Krushi Hard work Hindu
Krushika Hard worker to reach goal Hindu
Krushngi Hindu
Kruthan Hindu
Kruthi Novel, Creation Hindu
Kruthika Star, Nakshatra Hindu
Kruti Novel, Creation Hindu
Krutika Star, Nakshatra Hindu
Kruttika Peacock Hindu
Ksema Safety, Security, Welfare, Tranquility, Goddess Durga Hindu
Kshama Forgiveness Hindu
Kshamya Earth Hindu
Kshanaprabha Lightening Hindu
Kshanika Momentary, Ephemeral Hindu
Kshema Safety, Security, Welfare, Tranquility, Goddess Durga Hindu
Kshetra Place Hindu
Kshetragna Hindu
Kshipa Night Hindu
Kshipraa One who is easy to appease, Name of a river in India, Fast, Stream Hindu
Kshipva Elasticized Hindu
Kshiraja Goddess Lakshmi, Born of milk Hindu
Kshirin Flower, Milky Hindu
Kshirja Goddess Lakshmi, Born of milk Hindu
Kshirsa Goddess Laxmi, Kshir - milk Hindu
Kshithi Earth, Home, Soil, Races of men Hindu
Kshiti Earth, Home, Soil, Races of men Hindu
Kshitija Point where the Sky & sea appears to Meet, Horizon, Daughter of the earth, Another name for Sita Hindu
Kshona Firm, Immovable, The earth Hindu
Kshoni Firm, Immovable, The earth Hindu
Kshyama Forgiveness Hindu
Kshyanika Momentary Hindu
Kuaybah A distinguished woman of her Muslim
Kubra Great, Senior Muslim
Kudajaadri The name of the mountain where shankaracharya did Tapas Hindu
Kudrat Power, Might, Strength, Nature, Pure, Clean, Queen Sikh
Kuhan Hindu
Kuhaylah Name of a pious woman Muslim
Kuhu Cuckoo bird sings Kuhu Hindu
Kuja Goddess Durga, The daughter of the earth, An epithet of Goddess Durga, An epithet of Seeta, Horizon Hindu
Kujitha Hindu
Kukur Flower Hindu
Kul Family, Total, Entire Sikh
Kulika From a good family Hindu
Kulina Well born, Of a good family Hindu
Kuljot Light of the family Sikh
Kulminder King of the family Sikh
Kulpreet Love of the family Sikh
Kulroop Embodiment of family Sikh
Kulsum Muslim
Kulthoom Daughter of the prophet Mohammed, Name of a companion (Daughter of the prophet mohammed) Muslim
Kulthum Daughter of the prophet Mohammed, Name of a companion Muslim
Kulus Clearness, Purity Muslim
Kulwinder Hero of the family, The great warrior Sikh
Kumari Youthful, Unmarried, Daughter, Young girl, Jasmine, Gold, Another name for Durga and Sita Hindu
Kumarika Young girl, Jasmine Hindu
Kumbha Hindu
Kumkum Vermilion Hindu
Kumud A lotus, Joy of the earth, Water Lily, Another name for Vishnu Hindu
Kumuda Pleasure of the earth, Flower, Joy of the earth, Water Lily, Lotus Hindu
Kumudavathi Another name of the city ujjain Hindu
Kumudha Pleasure of the earth, Flower, Joy of the earth, Water Lily, Lotus Hindu
Kumudini A lotus Hindu
Kumudni White lotus Hindu
Kumutha Hindu
Kunalika The cuckoo bird Hindu
Kunaranjini Hindu
Kunda Musk, Jasmine Hindu
Kundana Hindu
Kundanika Golden girl, Jasmine a flower Hindu
Kundhan Pure, Gold, Brilliant, Jasmine Hindu
Kundhavai Hindu
Kundini An assemblage of jasmines Hindu
Kunika Flower Hindu
Kunisha Cuckoo, Nightingale Hindu
Kunj Trees and creppers over grown, Arbour, Living in greenery Hindu
Kunjal Cuckoo, Nightingale, Living in greenery Hindu
Kunjalata Forest creeper, Wild climber plant Hindu
Kunjalatha Forest creeper, Wild climber plant Hindu
Kunjan Forest girl, Living in greenery Hindu
Kunjana Forest girl, Living in greenery Hindu
Kunjatta Hindu
Kunjika Of the forest Hindu
Kunshi Shining Hindu
Kunshita Reference to the immaculate conception Hindu
Kunshitha Reference to the immaculate conception Hindu
Kuntal Hair Hindu
Kuntala A woman with luxurious hair Hindu
Kunthi Consort of Pandu and mother of Pandavas Hindu
Kunti Consort of Pandu and mother of Pandavas (The Pandavas' mother. She was the sister of Vasudeva, Krishna's father. Her own father, Surasena, had given her as a baby to his close friend King Kuntibhoja) Hindu
Kunza Hidden treasure Muslim
Kurangi Deer Hindu
Kurinji Special, Flower which blooms once in twelve years Hindu
Kuruvilla Unconquerable, Invincible Hindu
Kusha Talented Hindu
Kushagri Intelligent Hindu
Kushala Safe, Happy, Expert Hindu
Kushali Clever Hindu
Kushani Hindu
Kushi Happiness, Joy, Cheerful Hindu
Kushpitha Hindu
Kusmitha Blossomed, Flowers in bloom Hindu
Kusum A flower, Blossom, Fire Hindu
Kusuma Flower Hindu
Kusumanjali Flower offering Hindu
Kusumaprabha Goddess Durga Hindu
Kusumavati Flowering Hindu
Kusumina Flowered Hindu
Kusumita Blossomed, Flowers in bloom Hindu
Kusumitha Blossomed, Flowers in bloom Hindu
Kusumlata Flowering creeper Hindu
kuthuhala Name of a Raga Hindu
Kuvalai Flower Hindu
Kuvin Hindu
Kuvira Courageous woman Hindu
Kuwaysah Pretty Muslim
Kuyil Sweet voice like a cuckoo bird Hindu
Kuyilsai Sweet voice like a cuckoo bird Hindu
Kwairah The prettiest Muslim
Kwaish Wish Hindu
Kwina Queen Hindu
Kyathi Fame Hindu
Kyda Preserved, Strong Muslim
Kyna Intelligence Hindu
Kyvalya God name, Heaven Hindu