Here is a list of names for boys and girls. Along with the names of the children, the meanings of the names are also given in this list. We hope that here you will definitely find a good name for your baby. Apart from these names, there are many other names given on this website, please check them also. So choose a lovely name for your lovely baby from here!
Name | Meaning | Religion |
Varshal | Rain | Hindu |
Varshan | Hindu | |
Varshana | Birth place of Goddess Radha | Hindu |
Varshani | Hindu | |
Varsheet | Rain, Strong, Potent | Hindu |
Varsheni | Goddess of rain | Hindu |
Varshesh | Lord of rain, Lord Indra - King of the Gods | Hindu |
Varshid | Hindu | |
Varshika | A Goddess name | Hindu |
Varshil | Good boy | Hindu |
Varshini | Goddess of rain | Hindu |
Varshiny | Goddess of rain | Hindu |
Varshit | Rain, Strong, Potent | Hindu |
Varshita | Rain, Beautiful, Strong | Hindu |
Varshitaa | Rain, Beautiful, Strong | Hindu |
Varshith | Rain | Hindu |
Varshitha | Rain, Beautiful, Strong | Hindu |
Varshneya | One who born in vrushni family of Lord Krishna | Hindu |
Vartanu | Beautiful | Hindu |
Vartik | Prose | Hindu |
Vartika | Lamp | Hindu |
Varuan | Lord of the waters, Neptune | Hindu |
Varun | Lord of the waters, Neptune, All enveloping Sky, A vedic God regarded as the supreme deity, He is seen as upholding heaven and earth and guarding immortality | Hindu |
Varuna | Name of a river, Wife of Vann (NWife of the Lord of the sea) | Hindu |
Varunaguru | Hindu | |
Varunapriya | Name of a Raga | Hindu |
Varunavi | Goddess Laxmi, Water born, Name of Lakshmi | Hindu |
Varundeep | Lamp of God | Sikh |
Varunesh | Lord of water | Hindu |
Varuni | The Goddess who is the power of Varuna, A Goddess | Hindu |
Varunika | Goddess of rain | Hindu |
Varunjeet | Victory of God | Sikh |
Varunpal | Protected by God | Sikh |
Varunsai | Lord of water | Hindu |
Varuntej | Hindu | |
Varunya | Goddess Durga, Derived from Varun, Varun - God of water | Hindu |
Varusha | Hindu | |
Varya | Treasure, Valuable, Illustrious, Excellent, Another name for the Love God Kaama | Hindu |
Vasa | Independent, Submissive, Willing, Dependent | Hindu |
Vasan | One who lives in erumeli | Hindu |
Vasana | Goddess Durga, Knowledge derived from past perception, Fancy, Imagination, Idea, Desire, Inclination | Hindu |
Vasant | Spring season, Happy, Rich, Generous, Spring | Hindu |
Vasanta | Spring | Hindu |
Vasantamalika | Garland of Spring | Hindu |
Vasantaprabha | Spring blossom | Hindu |
Vasantbir | Spring of brave | Sikh |
Vasantdeep | Spring lamp | Sikh |
Vasanth | Spring season, Happy, Rich, Generous, Spring | Hindu |
Vasantha | Spring | Hindu |
Vasanthaja | Kind of Jasmine | Hindu |
vasanthamalli | Name of a Raga | Hindu |
Vasanthi | Of Spring, Name of a musical Raagini | Hindu |
Vasanti | Of Spring, Name of a musical Raagini | Hindu |
Vasantika | Goddess of Spring | Hindu |
Vasantpreet | Love for Spring | Sikh |
Vasati | Queen | Hindu |
Vasatika | Morning light | Hindu |
Vasav | An epithet of Lord Indra | Hindu |
Vasava | Lord Indra, Belonging to Indra, Name of Indra, Accompanied by the vasus, Related to vasus, Name of Shiva | Hindu |
Vasavaj | (Son of Indra) | Hindu |
Vasavi | The divine night (Wife of Indra) | Hindu |
Vasdev | Hindu | |
Vaseekaran | Attractive | Hindu |
Vash | Beautiful, Authority, Will, Wish, Power, Divine | Hindu |
Vasha | Independent, Submissive, Willing, Dependent | Hindu |
Vashatkar | Hindu | |
Vashin | Authoritative, Lord, Independent, In control of own passions, Resident of the vindhyas | Hindu |
Vashishka | Hindu | |
Vashisht | Famous Rishi, Best, Most prosperous, Distinguished, Dearest, Master of all creation and desire | Hindu |
Vashishth | Famous Rishi, Best, Most prosperous, Distinguished, Dearest, Master of all creation and desire | Hindu |
Vashista | Name of a sage | Hindu |
Vashita | One who hypnotizes by her virtues | Hindu |
Vashnav | Hindu | |
Vashnie | Beloved blessing | Hindu |
Vashti | The eternal cleansing, Kindness | Muslim |
Vashu | Brilliance, Wealth, Light, Brilliance, Prosperous, Best, Precious | Hindu |
Vasi | Power of attraction | Hindu |
Vasim | Graceful, Good looking | Muslim |
Vasin | Authoritative, Lord, Independent, In control of own passions, Resident of the vindhyas | Hindu |
Vasista | Name of a sage | Hindu |
Vasistha | Famous Rishi, Best, Most prosperous, Distinguished, Dearest, Master of all creation and desire (Head priest (kul Guru) of Ayodhya) | Hindu |
Vasmiha | Hindu | |
Vastav | Actual, Reality | Hindu |
Vasthavi | True | Hindu |
Vasti | The eternal cleansing, Kindness | Muslim |
Vastin | Lord Vishnu | Hindu |
Vasu | Brilliance, Wealth, Light, Brilliance, Prosperous, Best, Precious | Hindu |
Vasulakshmi | Goddess of wealth | Hindu |
Vasubhadra | Name of Lord Krishna | Hindu |
Vasuda | The earth | Hindu |
Vasudev | Father of Lord Krishna, God of wealth | Hindu |
Vasudeva | Goddess of wealth (Krishna's father, husband of Devaki.) | Hindu |
Vasudevan | Hindu | |
Vasudha | The earth | Hindu |
Vasudhara | Earth | Hindu |
Vasudharini | Bearer of the earth | Hindu |
Vasugi | King of snakes | Hindu |
Vasukannan | Hindu | |
Vasuki | A famous snake in Hindu mythology | Hindu |
Vasul | A God, Deity | Hindu |
Vasulakshmi | Goddess of wealth | Hindu |
Vasuman | Born of fire | Hindu |
Vasumat | Lord Krishna, Wealthy | Hindu |
Vasumatha | Wealth | Hindu |
Vasumathi | Golden Moon, Apsara of unequalled splendor | Hindu |
Vasumati | Golden Moon, Apsara of unequalled splendor | Hindu |
Vasumitha | Brightest friend | Hindu |
Vasumitr | An ancient name | Hindu |
Vasun | The eight vasus | Hindu |
Vasundara | The earth | Hindu |
Vasundhara | The earth | Hindu |
Vasupal | King | Hindu |
Vasupati | Rich Man | Hindu |
Vasuprada | Bestowed of wealth | Hindu |
Vasur | Precious, Prosperous | Hindu |
Vasuradha | Lord Krishna and Goddess Radha | Hindu |
Vasuroop | Lord Shiva, Of a divine form, Another name for Shiva | Hindu |
Vasusen | Original name of Karna | Hindu |
Vasush | Original name of Karna | Hindu |
Vasushri | Divine grace | Hindu |
Vasuta | Prosperous | Hindu |
Vasvi | The divine night (Wife of Indra) | Hindu |
Vatatmaj | Lord Hanuman, Son of wind | Hindu |
Vati | Nature | Hindu |
Vatradhara | Practicing penance, Lord Rama | Hindu |
Vatsa | Son, Calf, Daughter, Breast, Girl, Child, Beloved | Hindu |
Vatsak | Term of endearment, Young calf | Hindu |
Vatsal | Affectionate, Gentle | Hindu |
Vatsala | Affectionate, Gentle | Hindu |
Vatsalraj | Affectionate | Hindu |
Vatsalya | Love that a mother feels for a child | Hindu |
Vatsapal | Lord Krishna, Protector of children, A keeper of calves, Name of Krishna, Name of baladeva | Hindu |
Vatsar | A year | Hindu |
Vatsha | Son, Calf, Daughter, Breast, Girl, Child, Beloved | Hindu |
Vatsi | Lord Vishnu, Affectionately, Name of Vishnu | Hindu |
Vatsin | Another name of Lord Vishnu, Fertile, One with many children | Hindu |
Vatsla | Daughter, Loving | Hindu |
Vatsyayan | An author of old times | Hindu |
Vatya | Storm, Hurricane | Hindu |
Vavan | Conqueror | |
Vaya | Child, Branch, Energy, Power | Hindu |
Vaydeesh | God of the Vedas | Hindu |
Vayla | Time | Sikh |
Vayshali | An ancient city of India, Great, Princess | Hindu |
Vayshini | Hindu | |
Vayu | Breeze, Wind, Divine | Hindu |
Vayujat | Lord Hanuman, Wind-born | Hindu |
Vayun | God, Lively, Moving, Active, Alive, Clear | Hindu |
Vayuna | Agile, Living, Knowledge, Aim | Hindu |
Vayunand | Lord Hanuman, Son of wind | Hindu |
Vayya | Friend | Hindu |
Ved | Sacred knowledge, Riches, Precious, Four philosophical scriptures underlying hinduism | Hindu |
Vedviyan | Sacred knowledge | Hindu |
Veda | Pious, Writing of the aryans, Devout, Celebrated, Worthy | Hindu |
Vedasree | Knowledge, Wisdom | Hindu |
Vedaant | The scriptures, Vedic method of self realization, Knower of the Vedas, Theology, Absolute truth, Hindu philosophy or ultimate wisdom, King of all | Hindu |
Vedaanth | The scriptures, Vedic method of self realization, Knower of the Vedas, Theology, Absolute truth, Hindu philosophy or ultimate wisdom, King of all | Hindu |
Vedakarta | Originator of the Vedas | Hindu |
Vedakarthik | Hindu | |
Vedamohan | Lord Krishna, Knower of Vedas | Hindu |
Vedan | Part of the sacred knowledge | Hindu |
Vedang | From the Vedas, One of six sciences chanting, Ritual, Grammar, Vocabulary, Speech interpretation grammar | Hindu |
Vedanga | Meaning of Vedas | Hindu |
Vedangi | A part of Vedas | Hindu |
Vedanjana | Hindu | |
Vedank | Hindu | |
Vedansh | Part of Veda | Hindu |
Vedanshi | A part of Veda | Hindu |
Vedant | The scriptures, Vedic method of self realization, Knower of the Vedas, theology, Absolute truth, Hindu philosophy or ultimate wisdom, King of all | Hindu |
Vedanta | The term Veda means knowledge and anta means end, And originally referred to the upanishads | Hindu |
Vedantasarea | Embodiment of philosophy of life | Hindu |
Vedanth | The scriptures, Vedic method of self realization, Knower of the Vedas, Theology, Absolute truth, Hindu philosophy or ultimate wisdom, King of all | Hindu |
Vedanti | Knower of the Vedas, Knowledgeable about the Vedas, Theologian | Hindu |
Vedantika | Knowing Vedas | Hindu |
Vedaprakash | Light of the knowledge | Hindu |
Vedarth | Essence of the Vedas | Hindu |
Vedarya | Hindu | |
Vedas | Related to Veda ancient original books of Hindu, Brahma Lord Vishnu Mahesh, Worthy, Courageous, Wise, Learned, Religious, Creator, Disposer, Brahma | Hindu |
Vedashri | Goddess Saraswati or one who knows all Vedas, Pious | Hindu |
Vedasree | Knowledge, Wisdom | Hindu |
Vedaswaroopi | Name of a Raga | Hindu |
Vedatman | Lord Vishnu, Soul of the Veda, Another name for Vishnu | Hindu |
Vedatmane | Spirit of the Vedas | Hindu |
Vedavathi | Knowledge, Wisdom | Hindu |
Vedavedya | Goddess Durga, She who can be understood by Vedas | Hindu |
vedavit | The knower of Vedas | Hindu |
Vedavrata | Vow of the Vedas | Hindu |
Vedavyas | It is the name of great sage who wrote Mahabharata epic | Hindu |
Vedbhushan | One adorned with knowledge of the Vedas | Hindu |
Vedesh | Lord of Vedas | Hindu |
Vedha | Pious, Writing of the aryans, Devout, Celebrated, Worthy | Hindu |
Vedhant | The scriptures, Vedic method of self realization, Knower of the Vedas, Theology, Absolute truth, Hindu philosophy or ultimate wisdom, King of all | Hindu |
Vedhanth | The scriptures, Vedic method of self realization, Knower of the Vedas, Theology, Absolute truth, Hindu philosophy or ultimate wisdom, King of all | Hindu |
Vedhas | Related to Veda ancient original books of Hindu, Brahma Lord Vishnu Mahesh, Worthy, Courageous, Wise, Learned, Religious, Creator, Disposer, Brahma | Hindu |
Vedhashri | Goddess Saraswati or one who knows all Vedas, Pious | Hindu |
Vedhavalli | Name of a God | Hindu |
Vedhika | Full of knowledge, Altar, A river in India, Consciousness, An Apsara or celestial | Hindu |
Vedhya | Celebrated, Knowledge, What is to be known, Famous | Hindu |
Vedi | Science, Knowledge, Another name of sarasvatee, Learned, Teacher | Hindu |
Vedik | Consciousness, Altar, Name of a river in india | Hindu |
Vedika | Full of knowledge, Altar, A river in India, Consciousness, An Apsara or celestial | Hindu |
Vedima | Hindu | |
Vedin | Anthor name for Brahma, Knowledgeable, Sensitive | Hindu |
Vedini | Sensitive, Knowledgeable | Hindu |
Vedish | Lord of Vedas a Hindu mythologys detail knowledge, Lord of the wise, Another name for Brahma | Hindu |
Veditha | Dedicated to service, Surrendered, Offered to God | Hindu |
Vedmohan | Lord Krishna, Knower of Vedas | Hindu |
Vednath | Hindu | |
Vednee | Hindu | |
Vedprakash | Light of the knowledge | Hindu |
Vedswarup | Form of knowledge | Hindu |
Veduk | To acquire knowledge, Seeking knowledge | Hindu |
Vedvalli | Joy of the Vedas | Hindu |
Vedviyan | Sacred knowledge | Hindu |
Vedya | Celebrated, Knowledge, What is to be known, Famous | Hindu |
Veechika | Hindu | |
Veedhasree | Hindu | |
Veeha | Heaven, Peace | Hindu |
Veeksha | Vision, Knowledge, Intelligence | Hindu |
Veekshit | Brave | Hindu |
Veekshith | Brave | Hindu |
Veena | Musical instrument, Lightning, Lute | Hindu |
Veenadhari | Goddess Saraswati, The one who bears the Veena | Hindu |
Veenand | Hindu | |
Veenapani | Goddess Saraswati, The one who bears the Veena | Hindu |
Veenavadini | Name of a Raga | Hindu |
Veenavani | Goddess Saraswati, Refers to the Veena or musical instrument Goddess Saraswati is depicted playing while being seated on the swan | Hindu |
Veens | Hindu | |
Veenu | Flute | Hindu |
Veer | Courageous, Warrior, Strong, Lightning, Thunder | Hindu |
Veera | Brave, Heroic, Wise, Pahlavi | Hindu |
Veerabaahu | One of the kauravas | Hindu |
Veerababu | Veerabadra | Hindu |
Veerabhadra | Supreme Lord of the nether world, Lord Shiva | Hindu |
Veerabhadran | Lord Shiva, Veera - brave + Bhadra - auspicious, Fortunate, Wealthy, An epithet of Shiva, Name of one of the 12 sons of Vishnu, Name of the son of Vasudev and Devaki, Gracious, Handsome, Excellent | Hindu |
Veerabhadrappa | Hindu | |
Veeraganapati | Heroic Lord | Hindu |
Veeraiah | Hindu | |
Veeraj | Biggest in universe, The Sun or the king, Resplendent, Splendor, Ruler, Beauty, Brilliant, Excellence, Majesty, Another name for Agni and Buddha, Pure | Hindu |
Veeraju | Hindu | |
Veeramani | Brave one with a bell around his neck | Hindu |
Veeramanikanta | Brave one with a bell around his neck | Hindu |
veeraprathap | Name of a Raga | Hindu |
Veerash | Hindu | |
Veerasundari | Goddess of bravery | Hindu |
Veeraswamy | Lord subramanya Swamy | Hindu |
Veerbhadra | The ashwamedha horse | Hindu |
Veerendra | King of warriors | Hindu |
Veeresh | Brave Lord, The king of all warriors, King of all heroes | Hindu |
Veerindar | A brave godly person | Sikh |
Veerottam | Supreme amongst braves | Hindu |
Veerpal | Heroic protector, Protector of the brave | Sikh |
Veeru | Stern | Hindu |
Veeryavan | Very powerful | Hindu |
Veesta | Finder | Muslim |
Vega | Brightest star | Hindu |
Vegan | Hindu | |
Vegavahini | Name of a Raga | Hindu |
Vegi | Hindu | |
Vegin | Swift, Wind, Rapid, Hawk, Falcon, Another name for Vaayu | Hindu |
Vegini | Rapid, A river | Hindu |
Vehant | Intelligent | Hindu |
Vekranth | Hindu | |
Vekshana | Hindu | |
Vel | Lord Murugan, A divine javelin spear associated with Hindu war God Karthikeya | Hindu |
Vela | Time, Season, Shore | Hindu |
Velan | Another name of Lord Murugan | Hindu |
Velav | Hindu | |
Velcy | Delight | Hindu |
Velini | Love | Hindu |
Velli | Silver in Kannada and Tamil, Silver, A companion | Hindu |
Velmurugan | God | Hindu |
Velraj | Lord Murugan, Lord of the Vel | Hindu |
Velu | Shaggy, Hairy | Hindu |
Vembarasi | Queen of neem | Hindu |
Ven | Good fortune, Desirous, Affectionate | Hindu |
Vena | Desire, To move, Discern, To play on An instrument | Hindu |
Venah | Pining | Hindu |
Venavir | Son of Lord Shiva | Hindu |
Venaya | Hindu | |
Venba | Poem | Hindu |
Vency | Hindu | |
Vendan | King | Hindu |
Vengai | Brave | Hindu |
Veni | Braided hair, Name of a river, Stream, Bridge, The confluence of rivers | Hindu |
Venidhar | Lord Krishna, One who has braided hair | Hindu |
Venika | Holy river, Stream | Hindu |
Venimadhav | Lord Krishna, Madhav with braided hair | Hindu |
Venisha | Dedicated, Flashing | Hindu |
Venkanna | God of venkateshwarulu | Hindu |
Venkat | Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna, Existing, Natural, Divine | Hindu |
Venkatagiri | Hindu | |
Venkataraman | Lord venkateswara | Hindu |
Venkatesan | Venkatesh comes from the Indian word which means, Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna | Hindu |
Venkatesh | Name of Lord Vishnu | Hindu |
Venkatesha | God venkateswara | Hindu |
Venkateshwara | Lord venkateswara | Hindu |
Venkatraman | Lord venkateswara | Hindu |
Venkatshiva | Hindu | |
Venkatswamy | Venkataravanaswamy | Hindu |
Venmathi | Hindu | |
Venmathy | Hindu | |
Venmati | Hindu | |
Vennela | Moon light, Black Sky | Hindu |
Venthan | Hindu | |
Venu | Flute | Hindu |
Venugopal | One of the names of krishna, The bearer of venu flute | Hindu |
Venugopal | One of the names of krishna, The bearer of venu flute | Hindu |
Venuka | Flute | Hindu |
Venumadhav | Sum of the Vedas | Hindu |
Arthit | The Sun | Hindu |
Arthrve | Hindu | |
Arthur | Arthur was a great king lives in 6th century | Hindu |
Arti | Form of worship, Singing of hymns in praise of God | Hindu |
Artika | Elder sister | Hindu |
Artisha | Small | Hindu |
Aru | The Sun | Hindu |
Arub | Loving to her husband woman | Muslim |
Aruba | Mother, Worthy woman | Muslim |
Arudhra | Lord Shiva, Gentle | Hindu |
Arudra | Lord Shiva, Gentle | Hindu |
Aruj | Rising Sun, Born of the Sun | Hindu |
Aruja | Born of the Sun, Healthy | Hindu |
Arujas | Free from disease, Healthy, Active, Happy | Hindu |
Arukshita | Young, Gentle | Hindu |
Arul | Grace of God, Blessing of God | Hindu |
Arulappan | Hindu | |
Arulchelvan | Blessed | Hindu |
Arumoy | Hindu | |
Arumugam | Lord Murugan, Six-faced | Hindu |
Arumugan | Lord Murugan, Six-faced | Hindu |
Arumugathamudhu | Lord Murugan, Arumugam - six-faced, Amudhu - food | Hindu |
Arumughan | Lord Subramanyan | Hindu |
Arumukhan | Lord Murugan, Six-faced | Hindu |
Arun | The red glow of the rising Sun, Mythical charioteer of the Sun, Dawn, Passionate | Hindu |
Aruna | Dawn, Red, Passionate, Fertile | Hindu |
Arunabh | Light of The Sun | Hindu |
Arunabha | The suns glow, Passionate, Fertile | Hindu |
Arunachalam | Hindu | |
Arunachaleshwara | Lord of the hills, The Sun | Hindu |
Arunan | Hindu | |
Arunangi | Name of a Raga | Hindu |
Arunava | Hindu | |
Arundathi | Consort of great sage vashishtha, One who is not restrained, Fidelity, A star | Hindu |
Arundati | Consort of great sage vashishtha, One who is not restrained, Fidelity, A star, Devoted, Faithful | Hindu |
Arundeep | Red lamp | Hindu |
Arundh | Hindu | |
Arundhathi | Consort of great sage vashishtha, One who is not restrained, Fidelity, A star | Hindu |
Arundhati | Consort of great sage vashishtha, One who is not restrained, Fidelity, A star, Devoted, Faithful (Celebrity Name: Shobhaa De) | Hindu |
Arundhoti | Hindu | |
Arunesh | Lord of mercy | Hindu |
Aruni | Dawn | Hindu |
Arunika | Early morning the sunlight, Passionate, Fertile, Illuminating, Red | Hindu |
Arunima | Glow of dawn | Hindu |
Arunita | Bright like rays of the Sun | Hindu |
Arunith | Hindu | |
Arunjeet | Sikh | |
Arunjot | Morning flame | Sikh |
Arunoday | Sunrise | Hindu |
Arunpal | Protector of the morning | Sikh |
Arunthiran | Hindu | |
Arunvir | Sikh | |
Arunya | Merciful, Compassionate | Hindu |
Arup | Extremely beautiful, Full of Joy or blissful | Hindu |
Arupa | Without the limitations of form, Divine, Moon faced, Goddess Lakshmi | Hindu |
Arush | First Ray of the Sun, Calm, Red, Brilliant, Another name for the Sun | Hindu |
Arushan | First rays of morning The Sun | Hindu |
Arushi | Dawn, Red Sky in the early morning, First rays of the Sun, Flame, Bright, Life giving | Hindu |
Aruth | Wind | Hindu |
Aruvi | Seafall | Hindu |
Arva | Arva means fastest motion wind | Hindu |
Arvaditya | Hindu | |
Arvi | Fresh water, Green water | Hindu |
Arvika | Universal | Hindu |
Arvin | Friend of people | Hindu |
Arvind | Lotus | Hindu |
Arvinda | Lotus | Hindu |
Arvinder | Of the God of heavens | Sikh |
Arvinderjit | Lord of wheels | Sikh |
Arvita | Pride | Hindu |
Arwa | Female mountain goat | Muslim |
Arwarh | More delicate, More gracious | Muslim |
Arya | Honored, Noble, Goddess Parvati | Hindu |
Aryaa | Honored, Noble, Goddess Parvati | Hindu |
Aryaan | Of the Aryan race, Ancient, Warrior, Speedy, Another name for Indra, Kind, Benevolent | Hindu |
Aryadit | The Sun | Hindu |
Aryadita | Aryadita combines the 2 names Arya meaning noble and adita the Sun or conqueror. therefore, It means the noble conqueror | Hindu |
Aryahi | Goddess Durga | Hindu |
Aryaki | Respected, Honored, Goddess Durga | Hindu |
Aryama | The Sun | Hindu |
Aryamaan | Noble-minded, Aristocratic, Noble, Belonging to the Sun, The Sun, Friend | Hindu |
Aryaman | Noble-minded, Aristocratic, Noble, Belonging to the Sun, The Sun, Friend | Hindu |
Aryamba | Mother of Sankara Bhagavath padar | Hindu |
Aryan | Of the Aryan race, Ancient, Warrior, Speedy, Another name for Indra, Kind, Benevolent | Hindu |
Aryana | Joyous, Cheerful, Happy | Hindu |
Aryaraj | Another name of Lord Ram by Goddess Sita | Hindu |
Aryash | Brilliant | Hindu |
Aryav | Noble person | Hindu |
Aryavan | Noble | Hindu |
Aryaveer | Brave Man | Hindu |
Aryisha | Under tree, Umbrella | Muslim |
Venya | Stream, Beloved, Desirable | Hindu |
Veraaj | Sikh | |
Verdaan | Ver | Hindu |
Vernica | Colorful | Hindu |
Vernik | Hindu | |
Vernika | Colorful | Hindu |
Veronika | True image, Truth | Hindu |
Vertika | Lamp | Hindu |
Vetali | Goddess Durga | Hindu |
Vetravati | A river in india | Hindu |
Vetri | Victory | Hindu |
Vetrival | Successful | Hindu |
Vetrivel | (Son of Parvati) | Hindu |
Vettri | Victory | Hindu |
Vevesha | Hindu | |
Veydant | Sum of the Vedas | Hindu |
Viaan | Full of life and energy, Alive or lively (Celebrity Name: Shilpa Shetty) | Hindu |
Vialashini | Hindu | |
Viamrsh | Hindu | |
Vian | Full of life and energy, Alive or lively | Hindu |
Viara | Hindu | |
Vibali | Young | Hindu |
Vibha | Night, The Moon, Beauty, Ray of light, Brilliance | Hindu |
Vibhaa | Night, The Moon, Beauty, Ray of light, Brilliance | Hindu |
Vibhaas | Shinning, Decoration, Light | Hindu |
Vibhakar | The Moon, Creator of light, Sun, Fire, Brilliance | Hindu |
Vibhanshu | Embellishment | Hindu |
Vibhas | Shinning, Decoration, Light | Hindu |
Vibhat | Dawn, Ascending, Brilliant | Hindu |
Vibhatsu | Fought all the battle by fair means | Hindu |
Vibhav | Friend, One who look after and take care of whole universe, Another name of Lord Vishnu, Glorious, Power, Riches, Property, Omnipresence, Magnanimity | Hindu |
Vibhava | Friend, Dignity | Hindu |
Vibhavari | Starry night | Hindu |
Vibhavasu | The Sun | Hindu |
Vibhay | Hindu | |
Vibheeshanaparitrate | Befriended vibbeeshana | Hindu |
Vibhi | Fearless | Hindu |
Vibhishan | Brother of lankeshwar rawan & kumbhakarna | Hindu |
Vibhishana | One of the chirajivins. he is one of the seven persons who r considered to be deathless (Ravana's brother who leaves Lanka to join Rama and later become king of Lanka) | Hindu |
Vibhnil | Hindu | |
Vibhooshita | Adorned with beautiful garlands | Hindu |
Vibhoothi | The divine power | Hindu |
Vibhor | Ecstatic | Hindu |
Vibhu | All pervading | Hindu |
Vibhum | The greatest | Hindu |
Vibhumat | Lord Krishna, Omnipresent, Appearing in many forms, An epithet of Krishna | Hindu |
Vibhush | To decorate | Hindu |
Vibhusha | Lord Vishnu, One who loves Tulsi (Basil) | Hindu |
Vibhusnu | Lord Shiva, Omnipresent, Another name for Shiva | Hindu |
Vibhut | Strong | Hindu |
Vibhuti | Great personality | Hindu |
Vibodh | Wise | Hindu |
Vibusha | Bright | Hindu |
Vibuthim | Derived from Sanskrit - powerful & sacred ash with healing powers created by Sathya Sai baba | Hindu |
Vichaarchetan | One who is aware and reflective | Sikh |
Vichaardeep | Lamp of reflection | Sikh |
Vichar | Philosophy, Extensive reflection, Contemplation | Sikh |
Vicharleen | Absorbed in reflection, Strong | Sikh |
Vicitra | Hindu | |
Vicknesh | Brilliant | Hindu |
Vicky | Conqueror, Victorious | Hindu |
Victoria | Derived from Victoria triumphant | Hindu |
Vida | Found, Evident, Few | Muslim |
Vidanth | Honor | Hindu |
Vidarbh | Ancient name of a state | Hindu |
Vidaysagar | Learning ocean | Hindu |
Viddesh | Hindu | |
Videep | Bright | Hindu |
Videh | Without form | Hindu |
Videha | Bodiless | Hindu |
Videsh | Foreign land or Lord Shiva | Hindu |
Vidhaath | Creator | Hindu |
Vidham | Hindu | |
Vidhan | Rules & regulation | Hindu |
Vidhant | Honors | Hindu |
Vidhathri | Goddess Saraswati, Supporter of the universe, Mother of the universe, Consort of Brahma, Creator of the universe | Hindu |
Vidhatru | Lord Shiva, Maker, Creator, Another name for Brahma | Hindu |
Vidheer | Hindu | |
Vidhesh | Foreign land or Lord Shiva | Hindu |
Vidhi | Goddess of destiny | Hindu |
Vidhisha | Name of a river | Hindu |
Vidhita | Goddess of mexico, A Goddess | Hindu |
Vidhta | Creator, Dispenser, Supporter | Hindu |
Vidhu | Lord Vishnu, Intelligent | Hindu |
Vidhul | The Moon | Hindu |
Vidhula | The Moon | Hindu |
Vidhut | Electricity | Hindu |
Vidhya | Knowledge, Learning | Hindu |
Vidhyadhar | Full of knowledge | Hindu |
Vidhyavathi | Wisdom, Knowledge, Learning, Goddess Durga | Hindu |
Vidhyuth | A flash of lightening, Brilliant | Hindu |
Vidhyuthsagar | Hindu | |
Vidika | Shepherdess | Hindu |
Vidip | Bright | Hindu |
Vidish | Name of a river | Hindu |
Vidisha | Name of a river | Hindu |
Vidit | Lord Indra, A learned Man, Sage, Known, Agreed | Hindu |
Vidita | Goddess of mexico, A Goddess | Hindu |
Vidith | Lord Indra, A learned Man, Sage, Known, Agreed | Hindu |