Baby Names

The first letter of one's name has a profound impact on their life. It is also associated with their nature. The initial letter of a name has both positive and negative effects on an individual's life. Features and flaws are also influenced by the first letter of the name. The letter has both positive and negative effects on the lives of individuals whose names start with that letter. This is why the first letter is given the utmost importance when naming a baby. While the significance of the remaining letters in the name is comparatively lower, the impact of the first letter is associated with various aspects of the child's life. It is believed that the initial letter of your name carries significant influence over your life. This implies that the letter 'Letter' holds immense power in shaping your life. The letter V shows the level of skill and functionality possessed by Boy and predicts the level of success they are likely to achieve in life. The first letter of their name, i.e., V, also reveals the potential challenges and opportunities they may encounter in life. To gain insights into the future of Boy, futurists often begin by examining the first letter of their name. If the first letter of your name is V, then the letter V is carefully analyzed to uncover future possibilities because the initial letter of a name holds significant importance. It provides insights into the personality of Boy, revealing their nature and indicating the presence of both strengths and weaknesses. The first letter of a person's name, referred to as the 'Letter,' can provide insights into various aspects of their personality. It indicates how they present themselves to others, their social behavior, their propensity for anger, their communication style, and their tendency to praise themselves or genuinely appreciate others. All this information can be derived from the initial letter of their name.

Boy names starting with V with meanings

Name Meaning Religion
Vihanga A bird Hindu
Vihar Temple, Monastery Hindu
Vihari Lord Krishna, Supreme enjoyer Hindu
Viharsh Hindu
Vihas Lord Krishna, Smile, Gentle laugh Hindu
Vihayas Sky Hindu
Viheer Hindu
Vihing Hindu
Vihlas Hindu
Vijai Victory Hindu
Vijansh A part who is always winning Hindu
Vijay Victory Hindu
Vijayan Victory, One who always win Hindu
Vijayanand Who delights in victory Hindu
Vijayant Victor, Name of Lord Indra Hindu
Vijayanth Victor, Name of Lord Indra Hindu
Vijayaraj Victory Hindu
Vijayarathna Significant among victorious Hindu
Vijaybir Victory of brave Sikh
Vijaydeep Victory lamp Sikh
Vijayen Victory, One who always win Hindu
Vijayendra God of victory Hindu
Vijayesh Lord Shiva, Lord of victory Hindu
Vijayketu Flag of victory Hindu
Vijaymeet Friendly victory Sikh
Vijaypratap Glory of victory Sikh
Vijaypreet Love for victory Sikh
Vijayram Vijayram Hindu
Vijeesh Lord Shiva, Lord of victory Hindu
Vijender God of bravery Sikh
Vijendra Victorious Hindu
Vijesh Victory Hindu
Vijigeesh Desire of victory Hindu
Vijit Winner, Invincible Hindu
Vijitendriya Controller of the senses, Lord Hanuman Hindu
Vijith Winner, Invincible Hindu
Viju Winner Hindu
Vijval Intelligent Hindu
Vikach Brilliant, Hairless, Shaven, Open Hindu
Vikal Twilight, Evening, Close of the day Hindu
Vikam Free from attachment and desire Hindu
Vikarm Lord Vishnu, Negative action Hindu
Vikarna One of the kauravas Hindu
Vikarnan (Son of dhritrashtra) Hindu
Vikas Development, Expanding, Light, Brilliance, To appear, Progress, Cheer Hindu
Vikash Development, Expanding, Light, Brilliance, To appear, Progress, Cheer Hindu
Vikat Huge and gigantic, Of the monstrous figure, Lord Ganesh Hindu
Vikatinanda One of the kauravas Hindu
Viken To conquer, Victory Hindu
Vikern Errorless Hindu
Vikesh The Moon Hindu
Vikhyat Popular or famous, Fame Hindu
Vikhyath Popular or famous, Fame Hindu
Vikil Hindu
Vikram Bravery, Prowess, Valour, Power, Mettle, Best, Intensity, Another name for Vishnu Hindu
Vikramaditya A famous king Hindu
Vikramajit A famous king Hindu
Vikramdev God of valorous Sikh
Vikramendra King of prowess Hindu
Vikramin Lord Vishnu, Valour Hindu
Vikramjit Victorious brave Sikh
Vikramjot Light of bravery Sikh
Vikrampal Preserver of bravery Sikh
Vikrampreet Sikh
Vikranath Warrior, Powerful Hindu
Vikrant Powerful, Warrior, Brave, Victorious Hindu
Vikranta Brave Hindu
Vikranth Powerful, Warrior, Brave, Victorious Hindu
Viksar Anthor name for Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna, To flow out Hindu
Vikshar Anthor name for Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna, To flow out Hindu
Vikunth Lord Vishnu, The one who resides in vaikunt Hindu
Vilas Entertainment, Faithful, Brilliant, Active, Liveliness, Enjoyment, Playful, Grace, Attractive Hindu
Vilasa Hindu
Vilash Entertainment, Faithful, Brilliant, Active, Liveliness, Enjoyment, Playful, Grace, Attractive Hindu
Vilasin Shining, Beaming, Radiant, Active, Playful, The Moon, Another name for Krishna, Shiva and the Love God Kaama Hindu
Vilochan The eye Hindu
Vilohit Deep red, Another name of Lord Shiva, Another name of Agni fire Hindu
Vilok To see, View Hindu
Vilokan Gaze Hindu
Viloman Hairless, Opposite, Reverse Hindu
Vimad Sober Hindu
Vimal Pure, White, Bright Hindu
Vimaladitya Clean Sun Hindu
Vimalanathan Lord Vishnu, Lord of the pure ones, Name of 13th Jain Teerthankar Hindu
Vimaldeep Pure lamp Sikh
Vimalesh Hindu
Vimaleshvar Hindu
Vimaljeet Victorious of the pure Sikh
Vimaljot Pure light Sikh
Vimalmani Pure jewel crystal Hindu
Vimalpreet Pure Love Sikh
Vimalprem Pure Love Sikh
Vimarsh Lord Shiva, Deliberation, Test, Examination, Knowledge, Intelligence, Name of Shiva Hindu
Vimb A Ray of the Sun, Brilliant, Shining Hindu
Vimesh Hindu
Vimlesh Vimal meaning pure and Ish meaning God . - the pure Lord Hindu
Vimoksha Hindu
Vimol Hindu
Vimridh Lord Indra, Averter of enemies, Another name for Indra Hindu
Vimuch Liberated, Sage, Freed Hindu
Vinahast Lord Shiva, The one who has Veena in his hands Hindu
Vinamr Humble Hindu
Vinay Good manners, Decency, Restraint Hindu
Vinayak Lord Ganesh, Leader, Guide, A remover of obstacles, A Buddha or buddhist deified teacher, Name of the God Ganesha, A Guru or spiritual preceptor, Name of Garud, The bird and vehicle of Vishnu Hindu
Vinayaka Lord Ganesh, Remover of obstacles Hindu
Vinaybeer Brave and modest Sikh
Vinaybir Brave and modest Sikh
Vinaydeep Lamp of modesty Sikh
Vinaypaul Preserver of modesty Sikh
Vinaypreet Love for modesty Sikh
Vind Auspicious mahurat, Moment especially for performing rituals, Time when things are recovered Hindu
Vindeshwar One of the names of Lord Shiva Hindu
Vindhan One of the kauravas Hindu
Vineel Blue Hindu
Vineet Knowledge, Venus, Unassuming Hindu
Vineeth Unassuming, Knowledgeable, Modest, Venus, Requester Hindu
Vinek Hindu
Vinesh Godly, Pious Hindu
Vinil Blue Hindu
Vinish Polite, Humble Hindu
Vinit Unassuming, Knowledgeable, Modest, Venus, Requester Hindu
Vinith Unassuming, Knowledgeable, Modest, Venus, Requester Hindu
Vinitpaul Protector of modesty Sikh
Vinochan Lord Shiva Hindu
Vinod Happy, Full of Joy, Play, Fun, Joke, Humour Hindu
Vinodh Happy, Full of Joy, Play, Fun, Joke, Humour Hindu
Vinoo To spread in different directions Hindu
Vinoth Ali Hindu
Vinsh Twentieth, The number twenty Hindu
Vinshal Hindu
Vinu To spread in different directions Hindu
Vinushi Name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vinyas Arrangement, Design Hindu
Vipan Sail, Petty trade Hindu
Vipaschit Lord Buddha, A learned Man, Scholar Hindu
Vipashith Hindu
Vipat Shooting arrows, Melting, Killing Hindu
Vipin Forest (Vipin), Glorious, Providing refuge Hindu
Vipinbehari Forest wanderer Hindu
Viplab Drifting about, Revolution Hindu
Viplav Drifting about, Revolution Hindu
Viplov Drifting about, Revolution Hindu
Vipra A priest, Inspired, Wise, Sage, The Moon, A brahmin Hindu
Vipratham Wise Hindu
Vipreet Different Hindu
Vipul Plenty, Abundance, Powerful Hindu
Vir Courageous, Warrior, Strong, Lightning, Thunder Hindu
Viraat Massive, Very big, Giant proportioned, Majestic Hindu
Viraavy One of the kauravas Hindu
Virabhadra Supreme Lord of the nether world, Lord Shiva Hindu
Viradhavadha Slayer of the demon viGoddess Radha Hindu
Virag Not any affection, Jealousy to other Hindu
Viraj Biggest in universe, The Sun or the king, Resplendent, Splendor, Ruler, Beauty, Brilliant, Excellence, Majesty, Another name for Agni and Buddha, Pure (Celebrity Names: Celina Jaitly and Peter Haag) Hindu
Virajass One of the kauravas Hindu
Virajin Splendid, Brilliant Hindu
Viral Priceless, Precious Hindu
Viranath Lord of the brave Hindu
Viranch Heavenly, Divine, Another name for Brahma Hindu
Viranchi Name of Lord Brahma Hindu
Viransh Just like strong, (Mahavir Swami Ansh) Hindu
Virasana Supreme being Hindu
Virat Massive, Very big, Giant proportioned, Majestic Hindu
Virbhadra The ashwamedha horse Hindu
Virbhadrasinh Hindu
Virbhanu Very strong Hindu
Viren Lord of warriors Hindu
Virender Name of Lord Indra Hindu
Virendra Lord of courageous men, Brave Lord Hindu
Viresh Brave Lord, The king of all warriors, King of all heroes Hindu
Vireshvar Lord Shiva, Chief of heroes, Name of Shiva or Veerabhadra Hindu
Virik Brave Hindu
Virikt Cleansed, Purified Hindu
Virikvas Lord Indra Hindu
Virinchi Lord Brahma, Illuminating, Name of Brahma, Name of Vishnu, Name of Shiva Hindu
Virinder King of warriors Sikh
Viritha Hindu
Virochan Moon, Fire, Brilliant, Illuminating, Another name for Surya and Vishnu Hindu
Viroh Growing out, Shooting forth, Healing Hindu
Virohan Budding Hindu
Virohin Sprouting, Budding Hindu
Virok A Ray of light, Shining Hindu
Virom Hindu
Viroop Shapely, Diverse, Changed, Variegated Hindu
Viroopaksh Lord Shiva, Virupa means no form, And Aksha means eyes, It means eyes without the form Hindu
Virpal Heroic protector, Protector of the brave Sikh
Virshahi Hindu
Virudh Opposition Hindu
Viruj In good health, Healthy Hindu
Virun Son of Lord krishna Hindu
Virup Shapely, Diverse, Changed, Variegated Hindu
Virupaksh Lord Shiva, Virupa means no form, And Aksha means eyes, It means eyes without the form Hindu
Virurch The holy Trinity Hindu
Visaalaaksha One of the kauravas Hindu
Visagan Lord Muruga and Lord Vishnu Hindu
Visamaksh Lord Shiva, Vish - poison, Aksh - eyes Hindu
Visarg Hindu
Visesh Particular Hindu
Vish Poison Hindu
Vishaakan Lord Murugan, Having spreading branches, Name of Kartikeya, A solicitor, Name of Shiva Hindu
vishaal Huge, Broad, Great, Substantial, Important, Powerful, Eminent Hindu
Vishad Vishtrata- enlarge, Apparent, Calm, Gentle, Happy, White, Brilliant Hindu
Vishagan Lord Muruga and Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vishak Lord Shiva, Having spreading branches, Name of Kartikeya, A solicitor, Name of Shiva Hindu
Vishakan Lord Murugan, Having spreading branches, Name of Kartikeya, A solicitor, Name of Shiva Hindu
Vishakh Lord Kartikeya, Having spreading branches, Name of Kartikeya, A solicitor, Name of Shiva Hindu
Vishal Huge, Broad, Great, Substantial, Important, Powerful, Eminent Hindu
Vishalaksh Large eyed Hindu
Vishalaksha Wide-eyed Lord Hindu
Vishalbir Immense brave Sikh
Vishaldeep Tremendous lamp Sikh
Vishaleaswar Hindu
Vishaljeet Great victory Sikh
Vishaljot Immense light Sikh
Vishalpreet Immense Love Sikh
Vishamp Guardian Hindu
Vishan Lord Shiva, Chief or best of a class or kind Hindu
Vishank Once who has not fear shank - fear Hindu
Vishant Another name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vishantak Lord Shiva, Poison destroying Hindu
Vishanth Another name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vishaq Lord Shiva, Having spreading branches, Name of Kartikeya, A solicitor, Name of Shiva Hindu
Visharad Lord Shiva, Learned, Wise, Skilful, Famous, Confident, Bold, Name of Shiva Hindu
Vishatan Lord Vishnu, Setting free, Delivering, Name of Vishnu Hindu
Vishavam Universal Hindu
Vishesh Special, Best Hindu
Vishikh Arrow Hindu
Vishit Free, Released Hindu
Vishlesh Another name of Lord Shiva Hindu
Vishnahpu Lord Vishnu, As pure as Vishnu Hindu
Vishnav Another name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vishnu Lord Vishnu, Root, To pervade, The preserver of the Hindu holy Trinity, Has ten incarnations including raam, Krishna and Buddha (Hindu Lord; Rama is considered as eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu) Hindu
Vishnudev God Hindu
Vishnudutt Gift of Lord Vishnu Hindu
VishnuNarayan The Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vishnupad Lotus Hindu
Vishodhan Lord Vishnu, The act of purifying, Freeing from defect, One who finds own soul and self, Name of Vishnu Hindu
Vishok Happy, Without grief, Free of sorrow Hindu
Vishraj King of the world Hindu
Vishram Rest, Calm Hindu
Vishrant Rested, Reposed, Calm, Camposed Hindu
Vishravan Another name of Kubera Hindu
Vishresh The holy Trinity Hindu
Vishrudh Hindu
Vishrut Celebrated or renowned, Much heard of, Famous, Pleased, Delighted, Happy, Son of Vasudeva (Brahma purana, Lord Vishnu) Hindu
Vishruth Celebrated or renowned, Much heard of, Famous, Pleased, Delighted, Happy, Son of Vasudeva (Brahma purana, Lord Vishnu) Hindu
Vishtap Lord Vishnu, Highest part Hindu
Vishtrit Hindu
Vishu Hindu
Vishuddh Pure, Worthy, Honest Hindu
Vishup Equinox Hindu
Vishv Universe Hindu
Vishvach Universally present, Omnipresent Hindu
Vishvadev Lord of the universe Hindu
Vishvadhar Lord Vishnu, The one who bears the universe Hindu
Vishvaditya Sun of Vishva Hindu
Vishvag Lord Brahma, Going everywhere, Name of Brahma Hindu
Vishvahetu Lord Vishnu, Cause of the universe Hindu
Vishvajit One who conquers the universe Hindu
Vishvak All prevading, A sage, Another name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vishvakarma Architect of the universe Hindu
Vishvakesh Hindu
Vishvaketu An epithet of Aniruddh Hindu
Vishvaksen Another name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vishvam Universal Hindu
Vishvamitra A sage Hindu
Vishvanabh Lord Vishnu, Lord of the universe Hindu
Vishvanath Lord of the universe Hindu
Vishvaraj God of world Hindu
Vishvaretas Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vishvas Faith, Confidence, Belief Hindu
Vishvatma Universal soul Hindu
Vishvayonih The womb of the universe Hindu
Vishvesh Lord of the world, Lord of the universe, Universally desired, Another name for Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Hindu
Vishveshwara Lord of the universe Hindu
Vishwadakshinah Skilfull and efficient Lord Hindu
Vishwahetu Lord Vishnu, Cause of the universe Hindu
Vishwajeet Conqueror of the world, Who has won the world Hindu
Vishwajit Conqueror of the world, Who has won the world Hindu
Vishwak All prevading, A sage, Another name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vishwakarma Architect of the universe Hindu
Vishwam Universal Hindu
Vishwambaran The Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vishwambhar The supreme spirit Hindu
Vishwamithra Sages name, Friend of the universe Hindu
Vishwamitra Sages name, Friend of the universe (Rishi, who took Rama for killing troubling demons) Hindu
Vishwamitrapriya Vishwamitras loved one Hindu
Vishwamukha Master of the universe Hindu
Vishwamurti Of the form of the entire universe Hindu
Vishwanath The Lord, King of the universe Hindu
Vishwankar Creator of the universe Hindu
Vishwanth The Lord, King of the universe Hindu
Vishwaraj King of the world Hindu
Vishwaraja King of the world Hindu
Vishwaroop Omnipresent Hindu
Vishwarpreet Love of the world Sikh
Vishwarupa One who displays the universal form Hindu
Vishwas Faith, Trust Hindu
Vishwasa Hindu
Vishwat Universal soul, Part of vishwathmane namaha:” from Lord Vishnu sahasranam Hindu
Vishwatam Soul of the world Sikh
Vishwath Universal soul, Part of vishwathmane namaha:” from Lord Vishnu sahasranam Hindu
Vishwatma Universal soul Hindu
Vishwdeep Big lighting Hindu
Vishwesh Lord of the world, Lord of the universe, Universally desired, Another name for Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Hindu
Vishweshwar Lord of the universe Hindu
Vishwpal Protector of the world Sikh
Visisht One who excels everything Hindu
Visistha Importance Hindu
Vismad Wondrous Sikh
Vismay Surprise Hindu
Visok Happy, Without grief, Free of sorrow Hindu
Visraman One who is carefree Sikh
Visravas Dependence Hindu
Visruth Celebrated or renowned, Much heard of, Famous, Pleased, Delighted, Happy, Son of Vasudeva (Brahma purana, Lord Vishnu) Hindu
Visu The ruler Hindu
Visvajit One who conquers the universe Hindu
Visvayu (Brother of amavasuand Satayu) Hindu
Visveshwaran Lord Shiva, Lord of the universe, Name of Shiva as worshipped at banaras where a celebrated temple is appropriated to him Hindu
Viswa World, A group of shells Hindu
Viswajeeth Conqueror of the world Hindu
Viswanath God of universe, Worlds owner or rich Hindu
Viswanatha God of universe, Worlds owner or rich Hindu
Viswanathan God of universe, Worlds owner or rich Hindu
Viswanth The Lord, King of the universe Hindu
Viswas Faith, Trust Hindu
Viswavardan Hindu
Viswavel Hindu
Visweseara Boss of universe, God of universe Hindu
Viswesh Lord of universe Hindu
Visweswara Another name Lord Shiva Hindu
Visweswaran The great Lord for viswakarma Hindu
Vit Wide, Wood, Forest, Life, Prosperity, Known Hindu
Vitabhay Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vitaharya Lord Krishna Hindu
Vitark Opinion, Imagination Hindu
Vitashokha One who does not mourn Hindu
Vitasta River jhelum in Sanskrit Hindu
Vitesh Lord Kubera, Lord of riches Hindu
Vithala Lord Vishnu, Fortune giver Hindu
Vithusan Hindu
Vithushan Hindu
Vitol Calm Hindu
Vitola Peaceful, Calm, River Hindu
Vittak Celebrated, Prosperous Hindu
Vittal Lord Vishnu, Fortune giver Hindu
Vittanath Owner of money (Kuber) Hindu
Vittap Guarding wealth Hindu
Vittesh Lord of wealth Hindu
Vitthal Lord Vishnu, Fortune giver Hindu
Vitul Lively, Substantial, Loud Hindu
Vivaan Lord Krishna, Full of life, Rays of the morning Sun Hindu
Vivan Lord Krishna, Full of life, Rays of the morning Sun Hindu
Vivang Hindu
Vivas Dawning, Exile, Bright, Motionless, Unrestrained, Independent Hindu
Vivash Dawning, Exile, Bright, Motionless, Unrestrained, Independent Hindu
Vivasvan Son of Aditi and kashyapa, The Sun Hindu
Vivaswan Son of Aditi and kashyapa, The Sun Hindu
Vivaswat The Sun, Sun God Hindu
Vivaswath The Sun, Sun God Hindu
Vivatma Universal soul Hindu
Vivek Judgment, Discernment, Knowledge, Reason, Conscience Hindu
Vivekananda Joy of discrimination Hindu
Vivekbir Wise and brave Sikh
Vivekdeep Light of wisdom Sikh
Vivekpaul Preserver of the wisdom Sikh
Vivekpreet Love for wisdom Sikh
Viven Hindu
Vivid Knowledgeable, Various Hindu
Vividh Knowledgeable, Various Hindu
Vivikshu One of the name of Lord Shiva Hindu
Vivikt Profound, Distinguished, Pure, Deep Hindu
Vivilsu One of the kauravas Hindu
Viyaan Artist, Special knowledge Hindu
Viyan Artist, Special knowledge Hindu
Viyank Hindu
Viyom Sky Hindu
Voransh Hindu
Vraj Place of Lord Krishna Hindu
Vrajakishore Lord Krishna, Child of Vraj Hindu
Vrajalal Lord Krishna, Beloved of vrindavan Hindu
Vrajamohan Lord Krishna, Vraj - vrindavan, Mohan - attractive Hindu
Vrajanadan Lord Krishna, Vraja - vrindavan, Nandan - delighting, A son, The rejoice, An epithet of Vishnu, An epithet of Shiva, Name of a Siddha, Name of a buddhist deity Hindu
Vrajesh Lord Krishna, Lord of Vraj Hindu
Vrajkishore Lord Krishna, Adolescent of vrindavan Hindu
Vrajmohan Lord Krishna, Vraj - vrindavan, Mohan - attractive Hindu
Vrajraj Lord Krishna, King of vrindavan Hindu
Vrandan Name of Goddess Radha Hindu
Vratesh Lord Shiva, Lord of pious austerity, Name of Shiva Hindu
Vrath Austerities Hindu
Vrij Place of Lord Krishna, Strength, To twist, To leave Hindu
Vrijesh God of the land of Brij Hindu
Vriksh Hindu
Vrind Troop or covery, Many, Numerous Hindu
Vrindaaraka One of the kauravas Hindu
Vrisa Lord Krishna, Cow Hindu
Vrisag Another name of Lord Shiva, Travelling on a bull Hindu
Vrisan Lord Shiva Hindu
Vrisangan Lord Shiva, Without any sin Hindu
Vrisapati Lord Shiva, Lord of a bull Hindu
Vrish A strong person, Bull of Lord Shiva, A zodiac sign, Male, Virile, Strong, Best, Taurus strong Hindu
Vrishab Excellent Hindu
Vrishabh Excellent, Manly, Bull, Virile, Strong, Best Hindu
Vrishabhanu (Father of Radha) Hindu
Vrishag Another name of Lord Shiva, Travelling on a bull Hindu
Vrishank Lord Shiva, Without any sin Hindu
Vrishaparvaa Lord of Dharma Hindu
Vrishavahana One who has bull as his vehicle Hindu
Vrishin Peacock Hindu
Vrisini Lord Shiva Hindu
Vrit Bliss Hindu
Vritant Description, Narration of An event Hindu
Vrujal Hindu
Vrundavan Hindu
Vrusath Prosperity Hindu
Vrushabh Excellent, Manly, Bull, Virile, Strong, Best Hindu
Vrushank Rushimuni Hindu
Vrushant Hindu
Vrushik Hindu
Vrushket (Son of Karna) Hindu
Vsadad Hindu
Vsatish Hindu
Vyaan Air circulating in the body, Life giving Hindu
Vyaas A great sage, Sage who wrote Mahabharata, Separation, Diffusion, Name of the compiler of the puranas Hindu
Vyakt Manifest, Wise, Handsome, Visible, Distinguished, Another Hindu
Vyan Air circulating in the body, Life giving Hindu
Vyankat Hindu
Vyankatesh Hindu
Vyankit Hindu
Vyans With wide shoulders, Broad shouldered Hindu
Vyansh With wide shoulders, Broad shouldered Hindu
Vyanshak Mountain Hindu
Vyas A great sage, Sage who wrote Mahabharata, Separation, Diffusion, Name of the compiler of the puranas Hindu
Vyasa The author of Mahabharata (The sage who authored the Mahabharata.) Hindu
Vyast Individual, Separated Hindu
Vygha Hindu
Vyhaan Morning, Dawn Hindu
Vyom Sky Hindu
Vyomakesh Sky like hair Hindu
Vyoman Sky Hindu
Vyomanatha Hindu
Vyomang Part of the Sky Hindu
Vyomdev Lord Shiva, Lord of the Sky, Name of Shiva Hindu
Vyomesh Lord of the Sky Hindu
Vyshakh Having many branches, Another name of Lord Shiva Hindu
Vyshnav Another name of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Vyush Daybreak, Dawn Hindu
Vyushtt Clear, Dawned, Dawn Hindu