Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan

Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan

Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan

ओर्थोपेडिक्स MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics, DNB - Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery, MRCS (UK), Fellowship in Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery (Singapore), MNAMS - Orthopaedics, MBBS, MBBS, MD - Pediatrics, Fellowship in Pediatrics 6 वर्षों का अनुभव
यह डॉक्टर हमारे साथ पंजीकृत नहीं हैं - myUpchar के पंजीकृत डॉक्टरों से सलाह लेने के लिए नीचे दिए गए बटन पर क्लिक करें प्रोफाइल क्लेम करें
Report Issue

About Me Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan के बारे में जानकारी

Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan पुणे के एक प्रसिद्ध डॉक्टर हैं और वह ओर्थोपेडिक्स के विशेषज्ञ हैं। Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan को विभिन्‍न अस्‍पतालों और क्‍लीनिक में काम करने का 6 साल से ज्‍यादा का अनुभव है। अभी Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation, Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation, Bharti Vidyapeeth Hospital, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Seth G.S.Medical College & K.E.M. Hospital. में अपनी सेवाएं प्रदान कर रहे हैं। Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation, Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation, Bharti Vidyapeeth Hospital, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Seth G.S.Medical College & K.E.M. Hospital. में अपनी सेवाएं प्रदान कर चुके हैं। Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan Pediatric Fracture Treatment, Growth Plate injuries in Children, Elastic nailing for Pediatric Fractures, Limb lengthening procedures, Ponseti Casting Clinic For CTEV, Deformity Correction using Growth Modulation में विशेषज्ञ हैं। वर्तमान में Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan कई हॉस्पिटल से जुड़े हुए हैं और साथ ही वह अनेक मेडिकल संस्थानों के साथ भी मिलकर काम कर रहे हैं। Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India. और Bombay Orthopaedic Society. के मेम्बर भी हैं Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan। King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College से Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan ने अपनी MBBS डिग्री पूरी की है। Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan के पास Fellowship in Pediatrics डिग्री है जो उन्होंने Bharti VidhyaPith Pune से की है।

myUpchar Clinic Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan के क्लिनिक

  • Sancheti Hospital16, Narveer Tanaji Wadi, Landmark: Near Bank of Maharashtra Shivajinagar Pune

  • दिन और समय

    06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

    06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

    06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

    06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

  • परामर्श का शुल्क:₹750

services सेवाएं

Pediatric Fracture Treatment Growth Plate injuries in Children Elastic nailing for Pediatric Fractures Limb lengthening procedures Ponseti Casting Clinic For CTEV Deformity Correction using Growth Modulation Reconstruction of Hip for Perthes disease, Post septic Sequalae, Dysplasia, FAI Tretment of Congenital Anomalies, Hemimelias, Radial Club Hand Flatfoot Reconstruction Cerebral Palsy Clinic ...Botox , SEMLS, Rehabilitation ,Braces Paediatric Tumors treatment Specialised treatment for Osteogenesis Imperfecta Osteotomies for correction of Knock Knees, Bow Legs Reconstruction of Paralytic conditions ..Polio,Spina Bifida, Meningomyelocoele Treatment of Pediatric Bone and Joint Infections Reconstruction for Obstetric Palsy DDH Treatment Complex reconstructions for developmental problems of Bones

education शिक्षा

  • MBBSKing Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College - 1992
  • MS - OrthopaedicsUniversity of Mumbai, Mumbai - 1995
  • DNB - Orthopedics/Orthopedic SurgeryDNB board, New Delhi - 2005
  • MRCS (UK)Royal College Of Surgeon Of Edinburgh, Uk - 2008
  • Fellowship in Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery (Singapore)Singapore General Hospital - 2009
  • MNAMS - OrthopaedicsNational Academy of Medical Science - 2005
  • MBBSBharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune - 2002
  • MBBSshivaji university , kolhapur - 1994
  • MD - Pediatricsshivaji university , kolhapur - 1998
  • Fellowship in PediatricsBharti VidhyaPith Pune - 2010

experience अनुभव

  • Paediatric Orthopaedic SpecialistSancheti Institute for Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation
    1999 - 2015
  • P G Teacher & Professor, Orthopaedics and Paediatric Orthopaedic Specialist1Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation
    1999 - 2015
  • Visiting Paediatric Orthopaedic SpecialistBharti Vidyapeeth Hospital
    2003 - 2015
  • Post Graduate Teacher for M.S.OrthopaedicsMaharashtra University of Health Sciences
    - Present
  • InternshipSeth G.S.Medical College & K.E.M. Hospital.
    - Present
  • Residency in OrthopaedicsLokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College & Hospital
    - Present
  • Lecturer in OrthopedicsRajawadi Municipal Hospital
    - Present
  • Lecturer in OrthopaedicsBharti Vidyapeeth Medical College & Hospital
    - Present
  • Clinical Observer in Paediatric OrthopaedicsNational University of Health with Prof. E.H. Lee, in Singapore
    - Present
  • Clinical Observer in Traumatology and Joint Replacement SurgeryKatharinen Hospital, with Prof. U.Holz, in Stuttgart, Germany, 2001
    - Present
  • Clinical Observer in Paediatric OrthopaedicsOlga Children’s Hospital, with Prof. K.Parsch, in Stuttgart, Germany
    - Present
  • Clinical ObserverArkansas Childrens Hospital USA with Prof. Richard Mc Carthy , President, Scoliosis Research Society
    - Present
  • POSNACOUR International Scholar 2013 visits to Boston Childrens Hospital , and Rady Childrens Hospital ,San Deigo USA
    - Present
  • P G Teacher & ProfessorOrthopaedics and Paediatric Orthopaedic Specialist in Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation, 1999 onwards
    - Present
  • Hon. Visiting Paediatric Orthopaedic SpecialistBharti Vidyapeeth Hospital, 2003 onwards.
    - Present
  • Post Graduate Teacher for M.S.OrthopaedicsMaharashtra University of Health Sciences.
    - Present
  • Indian Orthopaedic Association Conference 1995(IOACON)
    - Present
  • Western Indian Regional Orthopaedic Conference(WIROC)
    - Present
  • Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association Conference(MOACON)
    - Present
  • Poona Orthopaedic Society Conference(POSAC)
    - Present
  • Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India Conference(POSICON)
    - Present
  • Bharti Vidyapeeth Medical Medical College Research Society Conference1998
    - Present
  • CME on External FixatorsAFMC, Pune 1996
    - Present
  • CME on PLIF PLATES SCREWSSion Hospital Mumbai 1998
    - Present
  • CME on Computer aided surgerySancheti Institute, Pune.1998
    - Present
  • CME on Joint Replacement SurgerySancheti Institute, Ranawat Foundation 1999.
    - Present
  • CME on Bone BankingSancheti Institute, Pune 1999.
    - Present
  • Indo Israel Spine MeetingSancheti Institute, Pune 1999.
    - Present
  • Indian Orthopaedic Association –Instructional Course Lectures –Arthritis1999.
    - Present
  • Indian Arthroplasty Association 1st Midterm Meet.Pune 2002
    - Present
  • Table instructorA.O. Basic Course, Sion Hospital Mumbai 1994
    - Present
  • Table instructorAnnual Fracture Fixation Course Sion Hospital Mumbai 1995-98
    - Present
  • Arthroscopy workshopBombay Orthopaedic Society 1997
    - Present
  • THR workshopBombay Orthopaedic Society 1997
    - Present
  • Orthofix workshopPOSICON 2001.
    - Present
  • Cerebral Palsy WorkshopPOSICON 2002 New Delhi
    - Present
  • Clubfoot WorkshopPOSICON 2003 Mumbai.
    - Present
  • Course Instructor -Annual Fracture Fixation CourseSion Hospital Mumbai 2000 onwards
    - Present
  • FacultyPaediatric Fracture Course Bombay Orthopaedic Society ,2004.
    - Present
  • FacultyCME on Paediatric Orthopaedics , Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association Conference ,Kolhapur 2004
    - Present
  • FacultyClubfoot symposium ,IOACON 2005,Mumbai
    - Present
  • FacultyMinimally invasive paediatric trauma workshop,IOACON 2005
    - Present
  • FacultyPaediatric TENS , Pitfalls and remedies in DDH –IOACON 2010
    - Present
  • FacultyPaediatric Fracture Course ,Ahmedabad 2006
    - Present
  • FacultyTraumacon 2007, 2008, ,2009,2010,2011,2012,2014
    - Present
  • FacultyMoacon 2007 ,2008, 2009,2010
    - Present
  • FacultyMOACON 2011, Kolhapur ,Moacon 2012
    - Present
  • FacultyWIROC 2007,2008,2009,2010, 2011,2012,2013.2014
    - Present
  • FacultyPosicon 2009
    - Present
  • FacultyPosicon 2011
    - Present
  • FacultyISPOT ,Nepal 2011
    - Present
  • FacultyPaediatric Orthopaedic Update Madurai 2011
    - Present
  • FacultyPosicon 2012 Posi-Posna workshops
    - Present
  • FacultyMOARCON 2013
    - Present
  • FacultySri Lanka Orthopaedic Association Meeting 2012
    - Present
  • FacultyPaediatric Trauma Workshop” Posicon 2013
    - Present
  • FacultyThe Pune Hip Course ,2013.
    - Present
  • FacultyCME on Day to Day Paediatric Orthopaedics at KIMSDU Karad 2013
    - Present
  • Faculty Guest lecturerJharkhand Orthopaedic Association Annual Conference Ranchi 2013
    - Present
  • Faculty Guest SpeakerKolhapur Orthopaedic Association meeting 2014
    - Present
  • FacultyPosicon 2014 Chennai
    - Present
  • FacultyMOACON 2014 Akola
    - Present
  • FacultyGanga Paediatric Operative Hip Course 2014, Coimbatore
    - Present
  • FacultyNailscon 2014 Varanasi
    - Present
  • FacultyIFASCON 2014 Pune
    - Present
  • FacultyRegional Traumacon 2014 Coimbatore
    - Present
  • FacultyPosicon 2015 Delhi
    - Present
  • Invited Visiting ProfessorOrthopaedic Hospital , Lagos , Nigeria
    - Present
  • Guest FacultyDubai Orthopaedic Association Meeting 2014
    - Present
  • LecturerJehangir Apollo Hospital
    2005 - 2008
  • SHO/ RegistrarSligo General hospital, ireland
    2008 - 2009
  • FellowSingapore General Hospital
    2009 - 2010
  • ConsultantJehangir Hospital
    2010 - 2015
  • ConsultantKEM Hospital
    2010 - 2015
  • ConsultantDeccan Multispeciality Hardikar Hospital
    2010 - 2015
  • ConsultantColumbia Asia Hospital
    2013 - 2015
  • ConsultantSancheti Hospital
    2013 - 2015
  • consultantsancheti hospital
    2016 - 2018

experience सदस्यताएँ

  • Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India.
  • Bombay Orthopaedic Society.
  • Poona Orthopaedic Society.
  • Childrens Orthopaedic Research & Education Group.
  • Indian Orthopaedic Association
  • Executive Member,Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association 2010-2014
  • Special Executive Member MOA 2014-2016
  • Editor:Online JMOA(Journal Of Maharashtra Orthopaedic Association) 2010-2013
  • Executive Member West Zone : Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India 2014

Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan से जुड़े सवाल और जवाब

Q: Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan की शैक्षिक योग्यता क्या है?

A: Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan के पास दो डिग्री MBBS और Fellowship in Pediatrics हैं। Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan की शैक्षिक योग्यता की जानकारी ऊपर दी गई है।

Q: Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan कितने सालों का एक्सपीरियंस रखते हैं?

A: ओर्थोपेडिक्स में Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan 6 सालों से काम कर रहे हैं।

Q: Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan किन-किन बीमारियों के मरीजों को देखते हैं?

A: मरीज Pediatric Fracture Treatment, Growth Plate injuries in Children, Elastic nailing for Pediatric Fractures के लिए Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan के पास जाते हैं। Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan द्वारा दी जाने वाली सारी सेवाओं की पूरी सूची ऊपर दी गई है।

Q: Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan से परामर्श के लिए अपॉइंटमेंट कैसे ले सकते हैं?

A: क्लिनिक में मिलना हो या ऑनलाइन परामर्श लेना हो, दोनों के लिए आप myUpchar के माध्यम से Dr. Sandeep Patwardhan के साथ अपॉइंटमेंट ले सकते हैं। आपको बस ऊपर दिए गए बटन "अपॉइंटमेंट बुक करें" पर क्लिक करना होगा!

यह प्रोफाइल सार्वजनिक जानकारी को लेकर बनाई गयी है| अगर यह आपकी प्रोफाइल है या इसमें कोई जानकारी गलत है तो कृपया हमसे संपर्क करें - संपर्क करें

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10,000 अस्पताल हमारे साथ जुड़े हुए हैं

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