1 परिणाम मिलें: मनोविज्ञान in अडंबक्कम

Mr. R.Manoj
Mr. R.Manoj Satisfied
मनोविज्ञान Mphil- Clinical psychology, Postgraduate in Psychology, Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy, PGDPC (Post Graduation Diploma In Psychological Counselling) - Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai 19 वर्षों का अनुभव
  • Manoj's Psychotherapy and Counseling Clinic - 7, Plot No 20, Ganesh Nagar, 4th Street, Landmark: Near CSI Church Brindhavan Nagar CSI Chruch, Narumugai Apartments Adambakkam Chennai

  • क्लिनिक की फीस: ₹1000.0

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