Dr. Phanindra V V


About Me Dr. Phanindra V V के बारे में जानकारी

बैंगलोर के नामचीन डॉक्टर Dr. Phanindra V V सेक्सोलोजी में विशेषज्ञ हैं। कई क्‍लीनिक और अस्‍पतालों में Dr. Phanindra V V को काम करने का 11 साल से अधिक अनुभव है। वर्तमान में Dr. Phanindra V V SKAMCH&RC में काम कर रहे हैं। इसके अलावा Dr. Phanindra V V Narayana Ayurvedic Clinic, SJIIM, NIMHANS, KC General Hospital में भी अपनी सेवाएं प्रदान कर चुके हैं। Dr. Phanindra V V अस्पतालों और स्वास्थ्य संस्थानों के अलावा मेडिकल क्षेत्र में कई और तरह से भी सक्रिय हैं। Dr. Phanindra V V Ayurveda Academy और IMPCOPS के मेंबर रह चुके हैं। सेक्सोलोजी के विशेषज्ञ Dr. Phanindra V V Best Oral Presentation और Highest Marks in Graduation प्राप्त कर चुके हैं। Dr. Phanindra V V ने SVYASA से Yoga Teachers Training Course डिग्री हासिल की है। इसके बाद Dr. Phanindra V V ने BAMS डिग्री Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore, से और MD डिग्री SKAMCH&RC bangalore से पूरी की है।

myUpchar Clinic Dr. Phanindra V V के क्लिनिक

  • Narayana Ayurveda Kuteeram180, 9th Main Road, Srinagar, Landmark: Near Hanumantanagar PES College Banashankari Bangalore

  • दिन और समय

    03:30 PM - 07:00 PM
    09:50 PM - 01:45 AM

    03:30 PM - 07:00 PM
    09:50 PM - 01:45 AM

    03:30 PM - 07:00 PM
    09:50 PM - 01:45 AM

    03:30 PM - 07:00 PM
    09:50 PM - 01:45 AM

    03:30 PM - 07:00 PM
    09:50 PM - 01:45 AM

    03:30 PM - 07:00 PM
    09:50 PM - 01:45 AM

    03:30 PM - 07:00 PM
    09:50 PM - 01:45 AM

  • परामर्श का शुल्क:₹250

services सेवाएं

Pizhichil Panchakarma Njavarakizhi Sirodhara Vasthi Sirovasthi Udwarthanam Abhyangam Nasyam Kizhi Snehapanam Yoniprakshalanam Lepanam Nadi Pariksha Ayurvedic Massage Arthritis Management Kerala Massage Detoxification Dysmenorrhea Treatment Skin Treatment Hair Loss Treatment Psoriasis Treatment Disc Prolapse Spondylosis Frozen shoulder Physiotherapy Obesity Treatment Immunity Therapy Pre and Post Delivery Care Memory Improvement Beauty Enhancement Sinus / Sinusitis Treatment Kativasthi Podikizhi Takradhara Thalam Elakizhi Netra Tharpanam Thalapothichil Yoga during pregnancy Meditation Alternate Medicine Infertility Evaluation / Treatment Gynae Problems Maternal Care/ Checkup Uterine Bleeding Urinary Incontinence (Ui) Treatment Sexologist Migraine Treatment Headache Management Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Treatment Alcohol De-addiction Treatment Drug Abuse & DeAddiction Therapy Nicotine/Tobacco (Smoking) De-addiction Treatment De-Addiction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Treatment Depression Treatment Anxiety Disorders Treatment Stress Management Unexplained Physical Symptoms DeAddiction Counselling Autism Female Sexual Problems Peripheral Vascular Disease Pre-Marital Counselling Menstrual Disorders in Adolescent Girls Garbharaksha Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physiotherapy Insomnia Treatment Child Birth Education Post Pregnancy Classes PCOD/PCOS Treatment High-Risk Pregnancy Care Diseases in Pregnancy Well Woman Healthcheck menopause advice Reproduction Acne / Pimples Treatment Scar Treatment Leucoderma Treatment Skin Disease Treatment Medical Vitiligo Treatment Dandruff Treatment Atopic Dermatitis Treatment Dermatitis Treatment Skin Rash Treatment Hair Disease Chronic Skin Allergy Nail Diseases Treatment Hyper Pigmentation Treatment Hypertension Treatment Dyslipidemia Treatment of arrhythmia Piles Treatment (Non Surgical) Liver Disease Treatment Constipation Treatment LASIK Eye Surgery Gastritis Treatment Giddiness Parkinson's Disease Treatment Vascular Brain Diseases Anger Management Marriage/ Marital Counselling Loss of Interest Schizophrenia Treatment Behaviour & Thought Problems Mood Disorders Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Concentration Problems Pre and Post operative conditions Numbness and tingling Growth & Development Evaluation / Management Children's Health Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Blood in Urine (Hematuria) Treatment Myopia Control Program Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatment Reduced Vision Men's Health Treatment Of Erectile Dysfunction Allergy Treatment Eosinophilia Treatment Balance Exercises Gestational Diabetes Management Thyroid Disorder Treatment Geriatric Healthcare Rheumatism Treatment Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment Antenatal and Postnatal Exercise/ Physiotherapy Raja Yoga Type 1 Diabetes Treatment Diabetes in Children Insulin Resistance Treatment Diabetes Management Herniated Disc Lumbago Spinal Diseases Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Arthritis and Pain Management Chronic Pain Treatment Musculoskeletal Pain Management Articular Pain Treatment Hand Pain Treatment Knee care Skin Care Hair Care Lumbar Spondylitis Treatment Cervical Spondylitis Treatment Slip Disc Frozen Shoulder Treatment Preoperative treatment Pre and Post Natal Massage Nasal and Sinus Allergy Care Adolescent Medicine Uterine Fibroid Treatment Male Sexual Problems Vertigo Treatment Premature Ejaculation Treatment Neck Pain Treatment Eczema Treatment Azoospermia Treatment Diabetes Induced Erectile Dysfunction Male Infertility Treatment PCOD/ PCOS Diet Counselling Shirodhara Shirovasti Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS ) Treatment Kidney Stone Treatment Viral Fever Treatment Child Development Disease Treatment Adult Counselling Alopecia Areta Treatment Varicocele Treatment Hair Regrowth Osteoarthritis Treatment Tonsillitis Treatment IBS Obesity and other Lifestyle Disease Modifications Chronic Liver Disease Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Treatment Diabetic Ulcer Treatment Herpes Infection Treatment Non Healing Ulcer Treatment Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Anemia Treatment Nosebleed (Epistaxis) Treatment Foot infection Sciatica Treatment Jaundice Treatment Ayurvedic Detoxificatioin Testicular Pain Management Choronic Health Issues Management Syphilis Treatment Plantar Fascitis Facial Rejuvenation Treatment Foot Care Disorders of Puberty Rheumatic Complaints Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Counselling Healthy Heart Diet Bronchial Asthma Treatment Difficulty of Learning Cancer Treatment Cerebral Palsy Treatment Williams Syndrome Autism Treatment Indigestion treatment Gastric Ulcer Treatment Duodenal Ulcer Treatment Premature Ejaculation Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Treatment Weight Loss Treatment Colitis Treatment Articular Degenerative Disease Treatment Acidity Treatment Androgenetic Alopecia treatment Epilepsy Treatment Joints and Musculoskeletal Disorders Gout Treatment Emaciation Stress Management Abdominal Pain Treatment Acute Diarrhea Treatment Typhoid Fever Treatment Diet For Kids Diabetic Diet Counseling Acute Pancreatitis Treatment Rotator Cuff Injury Treatment Adenomyosis Treatment Dengue Fever Treatment Anal Fissure Treatment (Non-Surgical) Baldness Treatment Bleeding Gums Treatment Tinnitus Evaluation / Management Allergy Testing Skin Tag Treatment

education शिक्षा

  • MD - Ayurveda MedicineSKAMCH&RC bangalore - 2015
  • BAMSGovt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore, - 2008
  • Yoga Teachers Training CourseSVYASA - 2005
  • MDSKAMCH&RC bangalore - 2015

experience अनुभव

  • InternNIMHANS
    2008 - 2008
  • InternKC General Hospital
    2008 - 2008
  • InternSJIIM
    2008 - 2009
  • ConsultantNarayana Ayurvedic Clinic
    2009 - 2012
  • PG ScholarSKAMCH&RC
    2012 - 2015
  • Chief ConsultantNarayana Ayurveda Kuteeram
    2012 - Present
  • De-addiction SpecialistShree Ayur Ganga
    2014 - Present

experience सदस्यताएँ

  • Ayurveda Academy

Dr. Phanindra V V से जुड़े सवाल और जवाब

Q: Dr. Phanindra V V की शैक्षिक योग्यता क्या है?

A: Dr. Phanindra V V के पास MD - Ayurveda Medicine, M. D. IN KAYACHIKISTA डिग्री हैं। Dr. Phanindra V V की क्वालिफिकेशन की एक पूरी सूची के ऊपर दी गयी है।

Q: Dr. Phanindra V V को कितने वर्षों का अनुभव है?

A: आयुर्वेदा में Dr. Phanindra V V को कुल 11 सालों का एक्सपीरियंस है।

Q: किस प्रकार के रोगी Dr. Phanindra V V के पास जाते हैं?

A: Dr. Phanindra V V Pizhichil, Panchakarma, Njavarakizhi के मरीजों को देखते हैं। ऊपर सूची में Dr. Phanindra V V द्वारा दी जाने वाली सभी सेवाओं की जानकारी दी गई है।

Q: Dr. Phanindra V V का अपॉइंटमेंट कैसे मिल सकता है?

A: क्लिनिक में मिलना हो या ऑनलाइन परामर्श लेना हो, दोनों के लिए आप myUpchar के माध्यम से Dr. Phanindra V V के साथ अपॉइंटमेंट ले सकते हैं। आपको बस ऊपर दिए गए बटन "अपॉइंटमेंट बुक करें" पर क्लिक करना होगा!

Awards पुरस्कार

  • Best Oral Presentation - 2014
  • Highest Marks in Graduation - 2008
  • Ayurvedacharya - 2009

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