Name Mithlesh
Meaning The king of Mithila, Janak, Father of Goddess Sita (King of Mithila, Father of Goddess Sita)
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 4
Length 4
Zodiac Sign Leo

Mithlesh Meaning

Mithlesh The name is considered very beautiful. Not only this, its meaning is also very good. Let us tell you that the meaning of the name Mithlesh is The king of Mithila, Janak, Father of Goddess Sita (King of Mithila, Father of Goddess Sita). Due to The king of Mithila, Janak, Father of Goddess Sita (King of Mithila, Father of Goddess Sita) the name Mithlesh becomes very beautiful. Let us tell you that by naming your baby Mithlesh, you can increase the positive possibilities in her life. It is also said in the Vedas that before giving Mithlesh to the child, the parents should get complete information about it. It is believed that a person with the name Mithlesh can have a glimpse of The king of Mithila, Janak, Father of Goddess Sita (King of Mithila, Father of Goddess Sita) in his nature. Below, the zodiac sign, lucky number, nature, and The king of Mithila, Janak, Father of Goddess Sita (King of Mithila, Father of Goddess Sita) of the name Mithlesh are explained in detail.

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Mithlesh's zodiac Leo Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Mittoo Sweet, One who speaks sweetly, Parrot, Measured Hindu
Mittu Sweet, One who speaks sweetly, Parrot, Measured Hindu
Mitul True friend, Balanced, Moderate Hindu
Mitun Couple or union Hindu
Mitushi One of limited desires Hindu
Mitwa Companion, Beloved Hindu
Mivaan Sunrays of God Hindu
Mod Modesty, Happiness, Fragrance Hindu
Modak Pleasing, Delightful Hindu
Modaki Delightful Hindu
Modini Happy, Cheerful Hindu
Moh Love, Worldly attaclunent, Infatuation Hindu
Mohajit Attractive Hindu
Mohak Attractive, Infatuating, Handsome Hindu
Mohal Attractive Hindu
Mohan Charming, Fascinating, Infatuating, Another name for Shiva and Krishna, Handsome Hindu
Mohana Attractive, Charming, Infatuating, Beautiful Hindu
Mohanapriya Loving, Attractive & charming Hindu
Mohanadhvani Name of a Raga Hindu
Mohanakalyani Name of a Raga Hindu
Mohanam Beautiful, Good looking Hindu
Mohanan Hindu
Mohanapriya Loving, Attractive & charming Hindu
Mohanasri Attractive, Charming Hindu
Mohani Charming, Infatuating, Beautiful, An Apsara or celestial nymph Hindu
Mohanish Lord Krishna, Attractive God Hindu
Mohanraj Charming, Fascinating, Lord Krishna Hindu
Mohasha Hindu
Mohen Hindu
Mohil Attractive Hindu
Mohin Attractive, Fascinating, Bewildering Hindu
Mohini Enchantress, Charming, Fascinating, Jasmine, An Apsara or celestial Hindu
Mohisha Intellect Hindu
Mohit Ensnarled by beauty, Attracted, Infatuated, Bewildered Hindu
Mohita Attracted, Infatuated, Bewildered Hindu
Mohith Ensnarled by beauty, Attracted, Infatuated, Bewildered Hindu
Mohitha Attracted, Infatuated, Bewildered Hindu
Mohitra Hindu
Mohnish Lord Krishna, Attractive God Hindu
Mohona Attractive Hindu
Mohul Attractive Hindu
Mojith Hindu
Moksh Mukti, Emancipation, Liberation, Salvation, Another name for mount Meru Hindu
Moksha Salvation Hindu
Mokshad Last of Moksha Hindu
Mokshagna Hindu
Mokshajna Hindu
Mokshal Hindu
Mokshgna Hindu
Mokshi Spirited, Energy, Nerve Hindu