Name Dakshana
Gender Girl
Religion Hindu
Numerology 5
Length 3
Zodiac Sign Pisces
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Dakshana's Lucky Number

Dakshana The lord of the name is Jupiter and your lucky number is 3. Girls named Dakshana associated with this number easily become the center of attraction for others, hence they also get a lot of popularity. Girls named Dakshana perform their responsibilities well. The special thing about women named Dakshana with the number 8 is that they live a disciplined life with some rules and principles. Girls named Dakshana, whose lucky number is 3, are often stubborn about something, which is why they have fewer friends and more enemies. If your name is Dakshana then you need to be cautious about your health. You remain at risk of diabetes.

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Dakshana Personality

Pisces is the zodiac sign of people named Dakshana. Girls named Dakshana are interested in spirituality. Girls named Dakshana associated with Pisces keep trying to keep themselves satisfied. Women named Dakshana like to remain calm even in difficulties, because they are peace-loving by nature. Girls named Dakshana stay away from fights. Girls named Dakshana think that other people should respect their opinions.

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