Due to poor diet and lifestyle, the problem of high blood pressure has become common. Nowadays most people are struggling with high blood pressure. High blood pressure is when the pressure of the blood against the walls of the blood vessels in the body becomes high. In high blood pressure, blood pressure exceeds 120/80 mm Hg.

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When high blood pressure does not come under control for many years, many types of heart diseases start developing. It can also be fatal, hence it is called the silent killer. High blood pressure can cause heart attack, stroke, and heart failure. These diseases caused by high blood pressure are called Hypertensive heart disease.

Today in this article, you will learn in detail about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of Hypertensive heart disease -

(Read More - Rheumatic Heart Disease)

  1. What is Hypertensive Heart Disease?
  2. Hypertensive Heart Disease Symptoms
  3. Hypertensive Heart Disease Causes
  4. Hypertensive heart disease Treatment
  5. Takeaway
Doctors for Hypertensive Heart Disease Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Hypertensive heart disease is the condition when heart disease develops in people with high blood pressure. Heart disease can occur in people who have been struggling with high blood pressure for a long time and cannot control it. This condition is called Hypertensive heart disease.

Chronic high blood pressure (greater than 120/80 mmHg) causes Hypertensive heart disease. Let us tell you that high blood pressure can cause heart failure and extra pressure on the heart. This disease is seen more in people above 65 years of age.

Chronic high blood pressure puts a strain on the heart. In this condition, it becomes difficult for the heart to pump blood. Then the muscles of the heart become thick and weak. This can lead to cardiac arrest and heart failure. Along with this, due to high blood pressure, the walls of the blood vessels can also become thick. Cholesterol can accumulate in them. Because of this, the risk of heart attack and stroke can increase. When these problems occur due to high blood pressure, it is called Hypertensive heart disease.

(Read More - Home remedies for heart disease)

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There is no symptom of high blood pressure. That's why most people do not even know that they have a problem with high blood pressure. On the other hand, the symptoms of Hypertensive heart disease caused by high blood pressure are felt when the heart has been damaged or failed. This condition can be very serious. The following symptoms can be seen in Hypertensive heart disease -

Heart attack due to Hypertensive heart disease can lead to death. Therefore, if you feel faint or have severe chest pain, consult a doctor immediately.

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High blood pressure is the main cause of hypertensive heart disease. When a person has chronic high blood pressure, symptoms of hypertensive heart disease can be seen in him. At the same time, the risk of hypertensive heart disease may be higher in some people, due to which the following reasons may be behind -

(Read More - Rheumatic Heart Disease)

The treatment of heart disease caused by high blood pressure depends on the severity of the disease. Along with this, its treatment depends on the age and medical history of the person. Hypertensive heart disease can be treated in this way -

Taking Medicines

Hypertensive heart disease can be treated with medicines to improve blood flow, lower cholesterol and prevent blood clot formation. The following medicines can help in reducing the symptoms of hypertensive heart disease -

  • Nitrates may be beneficial in treating chest pain.
  • Statins can be useful for treating high cholesterol.
  • Aspirin can help prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Calcium channel blockers can help open up the blood vessels.
  • Heartbeat can be normalized with beta-blockers.

These medicines can prove to be effective in treating Hypertensive heart disease, but no medicine should be taken without a doctor's advice.

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The following types of procedures can be done under surgery -

  • By the way, the treatment of hypertensive heart disease can be possible only with medicines. But in some cases, surgery may also be required to treat it. Surgery may be needed to increase blood circulation in the heart.
  • Let us tell you that doctors can also use a device to normalize irregular heart rates. In this, doctors can implant a battery-operated device (pacemaker) in the chest with the help of surgery to normalize the heart rate.
  • If a person has blocked coronary arteries due to high blood pressure, then coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) may be advised to treat it.
  • Cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) can also be used to treat heart disease caused by high blood pressure. This device is used to treat life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias.

(Read More - Homeopathic treatment for Heart Attack)

Hypertensive heart disease is a problem caused by uncontrolled high blood pressure. It is seen more in older and overweight people. Although the treatment of Hypertensive heart disease is possible, if its treatment is delayed, it can also be fatal. Therefore, if you feel any symptoms of hypertensive heart disease, contact the doctor immediately. Do not ignore this situation at all.

(Read More - Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)

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