Name Priyangshu
Gender Boy
Religion Hindu
Numerology 3
Length 4.5
Zodiac Sign Virgo
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Priyangshu's Lucky Number

The ruling planet of the name Priyangshu is Mercury and the lucky number of this name is 5. People named Priyangshu do not need any plan to be successful, they are a little undisciplined. People with the number 5 make their own goals and implement them. They do not like to listen to others. People with this number have a very good nature and are mentally very sharp. People with this number always have an eagerness to acquire knowledge. You do every work with full enthusiasm. You don't hesitate in any new beginning.

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Priyangshu Personality

The zodiac sign of a person named Priyangshu is Virgo. Virgo people always keep things in the right place because they are very organized. People with the Virgo zodiac sign have dual personalities and can behave in different ways. People named Priyangshu can be successful in fields like communication, media, blogging, and music. Whatever people named Priyangshu desire, they get it gradually. People of this zodiac sign like to wear new types and bright-colored clothes.

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Priyangshu's zodiac Virgo Names, Rashi & Horoscope

Name Meaning Religion
Purnayan Who has born with full of his mother and father Hindu
Purnendu Full Moon Hindu
Purnima Full Moon Hindu
Purnita Complete, Fulfilled Hindu
Purohit A brahmin priest Hindu
Purohith A brahmin priest Hindu
Purshottam Lord Vishnu, Best among men Hindu
Puru Abundant, Name of a king, Mountain, Heaven Hindu
Purujit Conqueror of city Hindu
Purumitra Friend of city Hindu
Pururava The founder of Chandra dynasty Hindu
Purush The omnipotent personality Hindu
Purushaakriti One who takes the form of a Man Hindu
Purushothama Supreme person Hindu
Purushottam Lord Vishnu, Best among men Hindu
Puruva Eastern, Elder Hindu
Purva Earlier, One, Elder, East Hindu
Purvabhashine One who knows future and speaks of events to come Hindu
Purvaj Elder, Ancestors Hindu
Purvaja Elder sister, Complete Hindu
Purvang Prakashit Hindu
Purvankar Hindu
Purvanshu Hindu
Purvesh Earth Hindu
Purvi A classical melody, From the east Hindu
Purvika Orient, Formerly Hindu
Purvil Hindu
Purvith Hindu
Pusan A sage, God of fertility, Provider, Protector Hindu
Pusha Nourishing Hindu
Pushaan A sage, God of fertility, Provider, Protector Hindu
Pushan A sage, God of fertility, Provider, Protector Hindu
Pushana Provider, Protector Hindu
Pushkal Lord Shiva, Rich, Excellent, Magnificient, Full, Complete, Powerful, Purified, Abundant, Splendid, Name of a son of Varun, Epithet of Shiva, Name of a Buddha, Son of Bharat Hindu
Pushkar Lotus, A lake, Sky, Heaven, Sun Hindu
Pushkara One who gives nourishment, Blue lotus, Fountain, Like a lotus Hindu
Pushkin Hindu
Pushp Flower, Fragrance, Topaz Hindu
Pushpa Flower Hindu
Pushpad Who gives flowers Hindu
Pushpagandha Juhi flower Hindu
Pushpahas Name from Vishnusahstranaam Hindu
Pushpaj Born from a flower, Nectar Hindu
Pushpaja Nectar Hindu
Pushpak Mythical vehicle of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Pushpakar The Spring season (Vasant), Flower season Hindu
Pushpakethu Kamdev, Cupid Hindu
Pushpaketu Kamdev, Cupid Hindu
Pushpaki Mythical vehicle of Lord Vishnu Hindu
Pushpalata Flower creeper, Flower Hindu