Piles is a problem in which swelling is felt in the lower part of the rectum and the veins around it. This problem can happen to anyone, male or female. Symptoms of piles are the same in both men and women. Symptoms include bleeding from stool, pain during bowel movements, swelling around the anus, etc.In this article we will learn about the symptoms seen in women when they have piles -

(Read more - Home remedies for piles)

  1. Symptoms Of Piles In Women
  2. Types Of Piles In Female
  3. Summary
Doctors for Behind the Discomfort: Understanding Hemorrhoids Symptoms in Women

Women may suffer from piles during pregnancy and delivery. In fact, when there is a fetus in the womb, there is a lot of pressure in the pelvic area of women. In this situation there is additional pressure on the blood vessels. Therefore, women are more likely to suffer from piles during pregnancy.

(Read more - Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles)

Symptoms of piles also depend on its types. Women suffering from this problem may experience pain, itching and discomfort during bowel movements. Come, let us know about these symptoms -

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It is important to understand that hemorrhoids can occur both inside and outside the rectum or anus. The type of hemorrhoids is determined by the location of inflammation:

Symptoms Of External Piles In Female : These hemorrhoids develop outside the anus and affect the veins. This can cause swelling, bleeding, cracks and itching in the veins. Depending on the severity of hemorrhoids symptoms in women, blood clots may also form inside these external hemorrhoids. These external hemorrhoids can cause intense pain, discomfort, and swelling.

Symptoms Of Internal Hemorrhoids In Women : Internal hemorrhoids live within the rectum and are not visible. These are often painless, but can cause straining and irritation during bowel movements. Women may notice slight traces of blood in the toilet after defecation. It is important to recognize and address the symptoms of hemorrhoids in women for proper management and relief.

(Read more - Turmeric (Haldi) for piles)

External Hemorrhoids In Women

These piles occur under the skin around the anus. When suffering from external piles, women may experience the following symptoms -

  • Itching Or Burning In The Anus
  • Pain Or Discomfort In The Anus
  • Swelling Around The Anus
  • To Bleed

(Read more - Can we drink milk in piles)

Internal Hemorrhoids In Women

Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum. Usually this problem is not visible or felt by the patients. Patients suffering from these piles feel a lot of stress and burning sensation while passing stool. The following symptoms may appear in this -

  • Painless Bleeding During Bowel Movements
  • Pain And Burning Sensation On Exertion

Keep in mind that when blood accumulates in external hemorrhoids, it causes a thrombus to form. As a result, other symptoms may appear in the patients' body -

  • Severe Pain
  • Swelling
  • Formation Of Hard Lump Near The Anus 

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The symptoms of piles in women and men are almost the same. Women suffering from this problem may experience symptoms like pain during defecation, bleeding from stool, swelling around the anus, etc. Women are more likely to suffer from piles during pregnancy. In such a situation, women need to take special care of themselves. At the same time, if symptoms of piles are seen in the body, then immediately consult a doctor, so that piles can be prevented from becoming serious.

Dr. Paramjeet Singh

Dr. Paramjeet Singh

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Dr. Nikhil Bhangale

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Dr Jagdish Singh

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Dr. Deepak Sharma

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